JoJofag 10/07/2017 (Sat) 04:21:18 No. 31 del
This was confusing when I read it and it's still confusing now.
The vague sexual tension between Versace and Pucci is odd. Pucci noting their similar builds and measuring his is just as strange.
Not to mention ordering a fishy dish when he's allergic to shellfish, the seemingly mistranslated ingredient of "crab meat" when clearly Versace meant "imitation crab meat", whatever those weird looking shrimp are as garnish, and the fact that no hospital serves gourmet food like that.

Riekel had good looks, he just had bizarre fashion sense, even for JoJo's. Versace's hair is a little odd to me, but he's got a good face and sick sideburns. Ungaro is the only abomination.