Anonymous 10/07/2017 (Sat) 05:19:06 No. 53 del
I think Versace's sudden turn is similar to Shigechi's. Once he got a bit of confidence he became a bit too big for his britches. That's why I find the sensual tension from earlier so odd. Or maybe he's just being tsundere? Either way it's nice to see one of the sons have a backbone and opt to not buy into Pucci hook, line, and sinker.

>I hope this gets further explained.

It's only going to become more nonsensical, even by JoJo standards, from here. Literal insanity with JHR was just the tip top of the iceberg.

I don't know if he could or not. His stand description will say he's limited to Orlando, Florida (Not that Sports Max died there, maybe he pulled from Herme's memories?), but I refuse to believe that's his hard limit. Perhaps that's just his range? Maybe if he wants to bring DIO back he needs to go to Cairo? His Sports Max didn't last very long, so maybe pulling people from a person's memories imprinted in Earth's memories and not directly from Earth's memories is very viable? Fuck I have a headache.