JoJofag 10/07/2017 (Sat) 07:00:21 No. 77 del

I went on /girltalk/ once out of curiosity since they were trending. They were talking about visibility and hoping to only be visible to the right boards and such. I chimed in and said that they're perfectly visible to everyone on the front page with their activity. I was immediately told to use a gender flag. Told them I have no interest in their community, just thought they ought to know and left.

I said he's alpha as fuck. Dunno how you guys will feel about his backstory, but I'm sure you'll get a few keks out of it.

>Those snail eggs coming out her arm like that was absolutely disgusting.
Hope snails don't make you squeamish because we've just dipped below the surface of the insanity-burg and we have a few miles of snails to swim through before we reach the dark depths.