Anonymous 04/03/2023 (Mon) 11:04 No.20770 del
Today's rant is about Emotional Maturity.
Over the years, I've noticed that women are very very often completely lacking in emotional maturity, leading to some symptoms like:
>refusing to take accountability
For anything, really.
>refusing to ever admit to being wrong, or making a mistake
For example, a teacher writes something wrong on the blackboard or incorrectly grades a test, but when asked about it, she absolutely refuses to make the correction, and adamantly insists that what she did is actually correct.
>refusing to apologize
I'm in my mid 20s and I still haven't seen a woman give a sincere apology.
>refusing to be thankful or appreciative
Or even acknowledge that they're being gifted or given something. They act like the special privileges they get are something that they should always get by default, that it's the baseline, that they're being wronged by not being given more.
>being actively hateful at the concept of kind and nice to their bf/husband
Their bf/husband is even someone who is supposedly "on their side", but they still refuse to treat them well. Its like they lack the maturity to show affection to others, it's a literal toddler "cooties" level behavior/mentality.
>absolute refusal to receive criticism of any kind
Anything NEUTRAL, ie not immediately openly complimentary to them, already yields a tepidly aggressive response. Being actually negative in any way results in outright hostility.
Some women wont even LISTEN to any criticism, they'll just tune it out or passive aggressively do something else to "block out" the criticism, or just keep repeating stuff like "Yeah, yeah, okay, whatever.". Again, it's like a child covering their ears and going "Lalalala, I can't hear you.", except it's a fucking adult doing it. And again, they're rationalizing, so that in their head they're not actually doing anything wrong. (Again dodging accountability, even in their heads.)
>refusal to accept advice
Often even doing the precise opposite of what was suggested, out of childish spite. Like when you tell a child to not make a mess so it just slathers dirt/food/etc everywhere. Or when you tell a child to put something down gently, and they immediately smash it full force.

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