Anonymous 04/14/2023 (Fri) 12:27 No.21209 del
>a woman got mad at you for liking pets
>men do it to is a bad response
vague, general arguments about an entire gender are hard to attack. you say "women do this" i say "no they dont" or "men do it as well" endless cycle
>no unattractive woman has been in a position where they had 0 men to date.
you'd be surprised. check the foreveralonewomen subreddit. also i know some girls irl that struggle to get anyones attention. but beyond that i wasnt even talking about dating options just general attitudes towards unattractive women in male spaces.
>if thats the made fun of i meant then women have it easier
fair enough wasnt the best point
>I genuinely want women to be good, but they just refuse to do it.
>the guy was a decade older and she still chose to be with him
again knowing her background i personally would give her a pass on this but since youre super ideologically possessed youll just say its the girls fault, cuz girls ruin everything right.
>rape is uncommon whereas women being narcisstic and retarded, is
SA/sexual harassment is common but its just what you decide to focus on i guess. women being bland/retarded/narcissistic is probably why im on this thread. so i can fawn over an idealized version i have in my head of some girl ill never meet in lieu of just trying to talk to the women around me who i struggle to relate to. but that doesnt mean all women are like this and i could probably find one irl that isnt if i spent time trying, but i wont cope about it on endchan like you
>My dude, if her classroom has 10 guys, that's 10 guys right there that aren't abusive. In her school there are dozens if not hundreds of guys who aren't abusive.
yeah like i said her abuse and the death of her cousin probably made her self isolate. at the very least cripple her ability to socialise with others irl at the time. why do you think these girls turn to 4chan and other sites to talk to people. its definitely not because they're succeeding socially irl.

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