Anonymous 01/15/2024 (Mon) 04:06 No.46797 del
Again, to really understand how retarded this is, imagine if men acted like women:
>Be man, need to take a fat piss in the middle of the night
>Stumble into bathroom in complete darkness
>Whip dick out, aim at toilet, start pissing
>Hmm, that's odd
>Turn on light, toilet lid is down
>I'm outraged. Triggered, even
>Barge out of the bathroom, pants around ankles and dick out, still dribbling piss
>Knock over 17 shelves on my way to the bedroom
>Shake my wife by her shoulders
>"Wake up right this minute."
>Grab her by the forearm and drag her to the bathroom
>Look at my wife with the angriest face imaginable, with the fury of 28 Vietnam napalm strikes
>Look at piss apocalypse toilet

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