Anonymous 01/31/2024 (Wed) 16:11 No.47791 del
And for the purpose of edification, other examples of crybully mentality include:
>Only wanting equality when it benefits them
>Manipulative women going from angry to fake crying
>When discussing how something negatively affects people and a man complains about it affecting him too, and they attack him for it. (Zero empathy for men)
>Leftists telling people to vote, then getting mad when you say you're voting Right
>Leftists when a nonwhite person says they lean Right
>Women's "kick down the ladder when you're up" mentality
>Leftists a few years ago praising AI thinking it would damage blue color workers, but it ended up damaging artists (same with the "learn to code" situation)
>Purposefully provoking a man and then playing the victim
And most commonly, when women are "winning" they're arrogant and aggressive, but when they're "losing", they're huge victims:
>Women on the Maury show screaming at the man, then running backstage when he's not the father (might be scripted)
>Women pushing for open relationships to attempt monkey branching, only for the man to find a better woman and leave her. Suddenly she'll claim it was never open and he cheated on her
>Women's achievements are empowerment but when they fuck up, they're oppressed and want Equality
>In arguments, when they're right, they argue the facts, but when they're wrong, they try to manipulate
>Women who turn 30 and SUDDENLY start criticizing hookups and "hookup culture"