Anonymous 02/02/2024 (Fri) 12:21 No.47869 del
>Only wanting equality when it benefits them
They're allowed to hit men, men aren't allowed to hit them back. Wanting to be able to decide when men have sex, don't want men being able to decide when (or if) women get married. Wanting full reproductive rights while men get none but also want to relinquish responsibility when they choose.
>Manipulative women going from angry to fake crying
Then from crying to laughing.
>When discussing how something negatively affects people and a man complains about it affecting him too, and they attack him for it.
When it's the other way around, you can't exclude women.
>Leftists telling people to vote, then getting mad when you say you're voting Right
Leftists think that part is implied. To vote only for who they approve of.
>Leftists when a nonwhite person says they lean Right
"But you're black" I remember watching a video of a dickhead harassing a black guy in a restaurant for wearing a maga hat. I wish people on the right, especially non-white right-leaning people, would stop letting people make a fool out of them. Fucking stand on your shit and defend yourself. The guy smacked his hat off. Before it gets to that point, make it clear that you're going to put your hands on him if he doesn't stop harassing you. If he wants to escalate the situation to something more...permanent, you can do that as well.
>Women's "kick down the ladder when you're up" mentality
Destroying empires. Simps let them do this, too. Female validation is a horrible drug.
>Leftists a few years ago praising AI thinking it would damage blue color workers, but it ended up damaging artists
These same people who hate me believe I should show them sympathy for this. lol
>Purposefully provoking a man and then playing the victim
Like the famous bus driver video when he smacked that girl.

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