Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 17:45:38 No.5433 del
Woman spotted again. Today's lesson is about projection. Women project all the time, Most of what women say is projection, especially when theyre trying to attack or defend other people. Here are a few examples.
Again with the "abusive". More proof her "personality detector" failed and she dated abusive guys. Shit attracts shit. She now uses "abusive" as her go-to insult to anyone she disagrees with.
>their image of some child-looking virginal goddess
Pure projection. I deduce that this woman is 30-35 and very bitter that her youthful days are over. That's why she's defending the woman younger than herself so adamantly.
But make no mistake, she's not defending her out of virtue, she's projecting HERSELF into ken's shoes. That's also why she takes so much offense to anyone criticizing Ken. She's a retarded woman so she thinks people are attacking her, herself.
By the "virginal" comment, you can also guess this woman is a whore with a HUGE N-count. Easily in the double digits. That's why she attacks virginity and uses it as a strawman.
And again an implied insult with the "child-looking" part.
You guys see how women type? It's just the same phenomena over and over again. Projection, weak insults, narcissism, strawmen, etc.
>She wears short skirts now, thigh highs, just a normal age 22 woman.
This woman is very insecure about how much of a slut she is, so she's trying to normalize sluts' clothing. That way, she can wear slutty clothing and not feel bad because she thinks it's "normal".
You see, women are weak and cant think for themselves, so instead of just wearing clothes and moving on, they have to go on with this retarded "normalize X" thing, to get the group's approval, to only THEN wear the clothes without guilt. Remember, women operate with HEAVY group mentality, groupthink, hivemind, etc.
>Lost the pure shy girl image, but for her own sake it's for the best
Implied insult. Something like "Heh, she's too good for all those guys who dont want her anymore". Again not only is this a weak insult, but it's also an insult via the lens of social status. Women hardcore obsess over social status, which is incredibly stupid, but since we're talking about women, mentioning that is redundant.
Oh almost forgot this one. This is a word that bitter women use all the time. The basic translation is that she's bitter that the chads around her are "unattainable" to her. This left a deep mark in her stupid mind, so now she projects the concept of "unattainable" as an insult towards others.

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