Anonymous 08/25/2022 (Thu) 05:23 No.5609 del
>Should I post my vagina?
If you have to ask, the answer can always be no.
>shit ton of pubes
>my slizz is proper hairy n slimey.
>I literally have more hair on my left pussy lip
Is this a glow op to kill my hard-on because I think it's only going to result in some blowback?
I'm actually fucking impressed with that. You, a gen z girl, knowing about the movie Powder. Not only that, but you called someone Powder as an insult. I haven't heard anyone call anyone Powder since elementary school.
>This was 100% written by a man. No woman is capable of writing full sentences.
How profound those two statements are with one another. Truly a paradox and the riddle of our age. As you allude to the author, you allude to yourself.
>men would fuck a dolphin pussy if given the chance
No, I'm not raising any flipper kids
Probably, I mean, they let men compete against women in sports now.

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