NEET 08/12/2024 (Mon) 09:43 No.885138 del
why ? because he far more sucesful and poplar than you will ever be even as a guy who is hated by the internet ?

is it because he said qld pigs killing is bad ?

because hes won in a system hes critical of while you suck off @BO even though it has constantly fucked you over or at the very least made your life mid as fuck at best ?

you sound liek a real phaggot
you should probably kill yourself before you drag all anyone in your real life down into the depth of depression from having to deal with such a pathetic ugly unfunny overall shitty chud that they have to pretend like they arnt constantly laughing at with their friends because of how hilriusly unfukable you

i hope that wftd is treating you well and i hope you die in a fire due to the neglect of the fire code by your downs syndrome caravan park managers