NEET 09/09/2024 (Mon) 00:48 No.895937 del
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From a trusted source.

The moon was created by humanity to end the "Satanic" rule of saturn (2nd sun).

13,500/34,000yrs ago
Humanity btfo'd saturn, when the earth was aligned to the constellation "Leo"
>(precession of equinoxes)
by creating the moon to stabilize earth climate, seasons and most importantly TIDE, setting the 440hz earth resonance necessary for "free energy" production,
>(which was moderated globally by the Giza pyramid installation)
the moon is a hollow creation using "base-10" mathematics, in direct (3,4,5 Right triangle) proportion to the earth (holy trinity).
>the holy trinity: "Father"= sun "Son"= earth (life, death, rebirth cycle) and "holy spirit"= moon
The "Earth-Moon-system" has "Eclipses" and "solstice/equinox"s, the only such system ever discovered in astronomy.
As the moon was put into place, Earth,
which at the time was glaciated or covered in dense fog in all places but an equitorial band, was experiencing devastating climatic events regulaly
>this is the 'flood mythology' all extant human cultures have collective memory of
The moon's creation enabled all of the conditions necessary for humanity to flourish on earth, and included with it was the Giza power-plant:
a (limeston-over-water aquifer) complex,

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