NEET 09/13/2024 (Fri) 11:14 No.897599 del
>Allred Hitchcock may at any time try to frighten to death, and welcome to him. But I draw the line at being bored to death. There were moments in 'Psycho' when I thought he had almost succeeded.
>Alfred Hitchcock, the 'master of suspense,' has sadly underestimated the intelligence of his audience in presenting this gory story about a homicidal maniac. For his publicity department's entreaties to cinemagoers not to reveal the ending is totally unnecessary.
>ignore those pleas to keep the ending secret. Anyone above the mental age of 10 will know, only too well, what's coming.
>for this director, a disappointing murder melodrama with more absurdities than thrills. It is out of the ordinary only in that it is a little unpleasant