NEET 09/13/2024 (Fri) 11:48 No.897625 del
Gein was actually far crazier than norman bates, ie:

A sheriff's deputy[23] discovered Worden's decapitated body in a shed on Gein's property, hung upside down by her legs with a crossbar at her ankles and ropes at her wrists. The torso was "dressed out like a deer".[26][27] She had been shot with a .22-caliber rifle, and the mutilations were made after her death. Searching the house, authorities found:[28]

Whole human bones and fragments[29]
A wastebasket made of human skin[30]
Human skin covering several chairs[31]
Skulls on his bedposts[32]
Female skulls, some with the tops sawn off[30][31][33]
Bowls made from human skulls[30]
A corset made from a female torso skinned from shoulders to waist[31]
Leggings made from human leg skin[30]
Masks made from the skin of female heads[31][32][33]
Mary Hogan's face mask in a paper bag[32]
Mary Hogan's skull in a box[34]
Bernice Worden's entire head in a burlap sack[35]

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