NEET 09/17/2024 (Tue) 11:43 No.899182 del
He woke up. To a bright, cold, day. The sun shining, but thoughts brewed in Kyle's head. Interesting thoughts, dark thoughts, light as well. Duality of man. . Wake up. Wake up now. It's burning, bright outside. He glanced out the window, saw a flicker of a man. The thoughts came back to his head. Too much, too soon. It was done, but who will come save him? No one, he had to save himself. All gone now...and who was that man? That ghost from his past, or was it an apparition? He remembered long ago. Something mysterious had happened. A haunting. His friends, betrayal. It all started that night.


Sitting around the campfire with his friends. A cool wind on his face, but the warm fire glowed. It was orange, contrasting with the darkness behind. It was beautiful. His friends were joking, talking, like normal. Teasing, banter, he accepted it, as he did not have many friends. He had been camping many times before,

"Kyle, how's the Missus?", Johnno joked.

"She's good", Kyle said.

"Yea, sure she is, fuckin loser", said Terry.

Kyle recoiled, awkward, giving his friends a look.

"Relax", Terry said.