NEET 09/21/2024 (Sat) 07:30 No.900910 del
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Hey hey people, Sseth here. Do you want to live in peace with the forest creatures? Well I got a method for you! First you locate the nearest rock, you flip said rock, under it what do you find? Worms. A lot of worms, and you know what to do right? No don't put em up your dickhole, use the worms to catch fish. "But Sseth that's just fishing, you taught me how to fish". Yes I did, but now here is the important part, you use the fish to lure bears, no not those kind of bears, those are for twinks only, you will lure big brown bears. Once you lure the biggest one around do a handshake, remember firm and confident grip. Congratulations you have established diplomacy, now you only have to fear the wendigos, but thats a subject for another day.