NEET 09/21/2024 (Sat) 09:19 No.900993 del
Just don't buy shit that is temporarily ridiculously expensive.
Cyclones wipes out banana plantations and make bananas $15/kg? Don't eat bananas until the price comes back down.
Floods wipe out iceberg lettuce farms and make iceberg lettuces $8 each? Don't buy the cunts.
Half the chickens in the country are being destroyed because of bird flu or whateverthefuck? Don't buy ridiculously expensive eggs. Hitch a ride out to a rich-cunt acreage suburb on the rural fringe of your city. Rich cunts will be selling free-range chicken, duck and quail eggs in little stands with honesty boxes at the bottom of the driveways of their multi-million-dollar estates. Just steal the eggs. Then hitch another ride home.