Anonymous 10/13/2022 (Thu) 00:29 No.3719 del
MOAR of SCETIC's (©®™ 2022) YAEL!

Let's be clear. Scetic brought the rights and trademark for the whole flufferian species. Poopcat no longer owns them. Scetic is their legal owner he even owns Mittens the most popular flufferian. Scetic is the much better owner, anyway. He actually cares and protects his OCs. This is Official©®™ Canon now.
➽ [●] Yonkers good friend Ren talking to Yonkers, about Scetic and Yonkers going to court for custody of Yael, 21 August 2022 [0:00:30]:
➽ [●] Yonkers Phone Call [01 edit], 21 August 2022 [0:01:52]:
➽ [●] Yonkers Phone Call [Full, 0:05:53], 21 August 2022:
➽ [●] Call with Yonkers - all three versions, 21 August 2022:
➽ [●] Poopcat: Why are you so Weird? [edit]:

23 August 2022
So... here's the Timeline of what's happened so far:

>someone posts an old drawing of our boy drew of a character named yael
>scetic decides to claim her as his own
>draws art of her
>yoinkass sees this

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