Anonymous 09/20/2024 (Fri) 08:43 No.37986 del
>Drawings are NOT part of them.
Know who makes that distinction? Pedos. Nobody else.
>The only way was to delete it
Exactly what I said. You probably shouldn't argue when you agree.
>do you want me to help you?
No thanks, I have no interest in grooming minors or making friends with pedos. Keep your help to yourself.
>You're only "shaming" me
Because you contact minors, get them in private Discord servers and either ERP with them or masturbate during voice calls with them as well as get in contact with people who are proud pedos. The disgusting pedo cartoons are just the tip of the iceberg.
>what's the point of shaming me just for
... making friends with pedos? You're so detatched from reality that you honestly can't see the issue? Tell you what, go do something for me. Find literally anyone you know in real life, show them Zoocat's profile and tell them you are following him. See what happens next.