Anonymous 09/24/2024 (Tue) 09:04 No.38074 del
>People" as in what, mentallu ill
No, healty people. Not you PDD associates.
Chris-Chan word, keep going down that path Jordan. You'll be Chris 2 eventually...
>And once again, the "pedo community" you're referring to is the ones that are into REAL children, and mere fictional crap does not count
Only pedos care about the subcategories of pedo content, to non pedos it is all just pedo. By trying to classify like this all you are doing is showing non-pedos your pedo expertise.
>When have I ever fucking talked about imagination
"My parents are cats, I live on Secret Starter Road, I have a company, I am white, I am not fat, I didn't lick poo, Jordan is dead, that's Mike not me..."
Just to name a few, the list is endless. Everything you say is part of your imaginary land.
>That you're
... right and the rest of this ramble is angry lashing out at the truth. Attacking me won't cure your pedophilia and grooming, I'm not the one causing it, just pointing it out.
>doesnt indicate PDD
Being unable to parse conversation does. You can't interpret anything beyond the literal, like a child. Since you are an adult, still being unable to think beyond a 5 year old's level is a clear sign of that pervasive developmental disorder you have.
>40 year old body
Nice try, but another failure. Wrong decade again.
>no one really agrees with you

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