Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 09:11 No.38121 del
Your role model popularised it with your people Chris 2.
>unlike him
Shitty retarded drawings is exactly what made him famous. He's even animated some of his work with technology less advanced than you have available to you.
>you're incorrect
>Delulu talk
In your view, which makes me correct in the views of everyone without a PDD.
You're a joke. Those retarded old posts are exactly what your new retarded posts look like to people with adult minds, you just can't see it yet. They weren't "jokes" to you then. Give it a few more years and you'll see how dumb your current posts are like you do with the ones from before.
>There is no list
>in reply to the part of the post with a list
Unemployed, isolated, living with your parents and grooming minors. What metric of success are you using?
>Showing people the difference?
A difference that only matters to pedos. To non pedos it is all the same shit.
>you proved my point

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