Anonymous 09/26/2024 (Thu) 09:19 No.38154 del
Bookmarked, we'll see what you say in two years.
>lmao rambler
I don't blame you, I wouldn't want to address it either in your incapacitated position.
>Literally not my nigga. I have just finished my videos for the
"... play-pretend I do for free."
5 years old.
>Never groomed any one.
".. except all those minors."
>Nigga how? This is antartica?
>You can't fix, dude. I still don't have a philia nor pervasive disorder.
>What exposal. I've said what i said.
You said what you said when you were trying to prove something else, but what you said has been disproved by the entire medical community and you have been told this repeatedly. You still use that argument, showing that you are incapable of learning. The irony of using the argument you used to try and prove you don't have a learning disorder is priceless.
What's with all the racism far-rightist?

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