Anonymous 01/15/2022 (Sat) 22:15:20 No.101 del
Different anon, but for my file organization needs, I plan to use a combination of:
- tmsu
- ranger + custom commands
- incrond
- date-based file storage

Goal #1 is to keep ~/Downloads clean.
For that, I'll be using ranger with some custom commands that I'll write to move and tag files to various directories based on date of download.
When I want to find the file later, I'll rely on tmsu tags to help me.
If I feel like I want to move files from ~/Downloads to their archival location automatically, I will use incrond for that.
The archival locations would look like:
- ~/Documents/YYYY/MM/
- ~/Music/YYYY/MM/
- ~/Pictures/YYYY/MM/
- ~/Videos/YYYY/MM/
Files would be stored there based on date of download.

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