Anonymous 10/09/2018 (Tue) 22:10:17 No.2704 del
You either have a low attention span or you just have zero noetic awareness like a nihilist.

By "failure to be able to think" is in context with everything else I've said about the via negativa methodology that is akin to dielectric acceleration towards metaphysical inertia; which that was an anagogical example, although I don't know for certain how much you understand about the dielectric field modality of the ether, let alone, even understand what the ether is so that had probably "went over your head". It's a burden for me to deal with someone as metaphysically nescient as you are (which is mostly everyone you might come in contact with physically). These eternal, timeless truths are not something to be remembered trivially as a statement since it can be as easily forgotten as fast as it was remembered, while it can only be known for one self. If you cannot get it, you won't get it. Just live on your lives of blissful ignorance if you don't even want to read and understand the nuances to these matters if you had already given up. If not, read the Upadesa Sahasri, just the first chapter. It won't even make any rational sense to you, for the truth is both intuitive and rational but not intuition and hard logic by themselves.