Anonymous 10/14/2018 (Sun) 01:40:31 No.2790 del
I agree there are some issues that man can not understand from certain vantage points but I have learned that there is a term "eyes to see and ears to hear". God is showing things to people randomly all across the earth in a great awakening and it is not mans job to stop it. That is what the media is doing showing literal news as if they are pretentiously assuming the official declaration of what is going on in the world. Its why there is dialectical barriers but god can show us truth. If god shows you something it is then up to the individual to employ discernment. And sure there is wickedness in high places but its a small world after all and its not our place to comment on such things making a mess of it but its better than what we see being done left and right just clumping things together in political statements that we have to then pay attention to like the kavanaugh manafort 70s coctail bar nonsense that just transpired with the npc storyline