Bernd 05/23/2019 (Thu) 20:45:12 No.26422 del
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Weed and alternative medicine. I'm disgusted.

I seriously hope you don't believe in homeopathy.

Glucosamine and chondroitin's effectiveness is controversial and there's not just empirical counterevidence but also theoretical arguments against their viability. See:

For comparison, see
Where some possible mechanisms are cited:
>It is an important precursor of the glycoprotein and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis.
>Glucosamine production is the rate-limiting step in GAG synthesis, and glucosamine supplementation may overcome this bottleneck.
Notice, firstly, that an actual biochemical mechanism has been described -something no homeopathic remedy ever provides, because it doesn't have any- and the word "supplementation". That's important.

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