Bernd 09/02/2019 (Mon) 19:57:30 No.28870 del
>its mostly retard posting
The average imageboard level.

>why some subjects are ok to debate while others are not.
Yeah, the whole atmosphere of political correctness and "prudish" hushing up of certain topics what makes people want a place with actual freedom of speech. I think the origin of pol usually traced back to /news/ but actually it's rooted more deeply in the relative anonymous nature of chans and certain, themeless boards liek /b/ where people could freely spam "nigger", "faggot" and "niggerfaggot" all day long without being labeled as racist or homophobe - and most of them weren't just wanted a little less control over what they say or think.
Ofc, this freedom gets abused, and people forget it too that saying these things aren't mandatory but optional.

>I don't have time to watch that video now
It's fine, he just repeats the same thing over and over, which also are on his twitter I believe.
>He also attacked Jim and that other guy in charge and it seemed very personal, maybe his attack at /pol/ is somewhat related to that fact.
I think he tries to cover his own ass. In the report he says he doesn't want negative or unwanted attention, his health isn't good he doesn't need the stress. So he wants to direct the shit away from himself. I don't know him, I can judge by what he says there, but I don't think he wants to harm them, he just cares for himself more.
>It's possible you might have seen me complaining
I dunno.
>I was worried that similar thing would happen again and turn endchan into 4chan the 3rd.

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