Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 22:51:35 No.37135 del
Oghey, I guess I had some kc tires inspiration when I made those posts. I guess I could make a rebuttal article

Was not expecting a kohlzine manager here though. :---DDD Please give me some time

>Ofc course they deserve compensation, but the point was of the article that the scheme - "selling" the games - is the wrong way to do it, because you don't pay for something that has no value, but you pay because otherwise you can be arrested or sued, or both... basically it's an extortion.


>Yes, but they could teach literal bullcrap (part of it sure was) or pure gold, no difference.


>But my question was what for? The info, the intellectual product he gave, or the work, the tutoring he did.

Really makes you think

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