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KOHLZINE #12 out Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 19:36:05 [Preview] No. 32375
There was no Kohlzine on October because Casey was hidden.
But now we are back, even more autistic than ever and featuring some illustrations by Russian bernd.

We are waiting for your OC and text (any content, really) submissions on our mail: [email protected]
If KC doesn't die by then, lucky #13 will be our ANNIVERSARY issue, so expect lots of quality content(well it depends on your input too, kinda), KC posters, copypastas and more.



Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 19:37:13 [Preview] No.32376 del
Nice, thanks.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 19:43:56 [Preview] No.32377 del
Hope some endchan bernds can contribute, when kohl got kill recently many of our contributors dispersed and now are actually staying on Endchan, Ernst and kctier.club.
We have ambition to become a pan-berndist zine.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 19:49:04 [Preview] No.32378 del
When we're writing substantial posts, we're generally busy writing for the board but maybe some threads (part of threads) could be published in the zine as well.
>We have ambition to become a pan-berndist zine.
Not a bad idea.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 19:55:49 [Preview] No.32379 del
>pan-berndist zine
I liek the idea too.
> maybe some threads (part of threads) could be published in the zine as well
Exactly my thought, but maybe some would have to be somewhat compressed to fit into a newspaper article size.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 20:07:40 [Preview] No.32382 del
Yeah, my contribution (the last article) is quite a hefty one. But I really don't think there's any meaningful way for it to be shortened, or split in half...

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 20:12:12 [Preview] No.32384 del
enjoying reading the pissbottle article rn. great stuff!

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 20:53:05 [Preview] No.32388 del
>We have ambition to become a pan-berndist zine
You'd better drop Kohl in your name beforehand then.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 20:56:10 [Preview] No.32389 del
Could be Berndzine (liek benzine).

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 21:02:15 [Preview] No.32390 del
reading about cities
but i already know the answer/solution: so called 'red lines' (which existed)

its simple: after you build a city or a new block of it you can't change anything there for n years (or if less strict anything within 'red lines', basically anything whats important)

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 21:02:49 [Preview] No.32391 del
fascinating read bernd, i'd not heard of sss before, thank you

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 21:18:14 [Preview] No.32393 del
Maybe the anniversary issue will be the good excuse to change it, we had been thinking about it for some time already

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 21:23:43 [Preview] No.32395 del
It is a new system – some posts have been written in it before, but that's about it.

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 21:27:03 [Preview] No.32396 del
btw didn't you use to be some board operator in the first months after the fall of KC?

Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 21:40:09 [Preview] No.32401 del
I was board operator on mewch.net, which was run by a friend of mine.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 18:15:44 [Preview] No.32483 del
(50.95 KB 1168x618 mewch cap 10-2018.PNG)
You were a very good and responsive admin. I remember talking to you a few times. I miss Mewch.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 18:35:26 [Preview] No.32485 del
He has a good point.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 18:41:00 [Preview] No.32486 del
Mega was always fair to me. I suppose some people had issues with him though.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 18:48:18 [Preview] No.32487 del
I dunno, I was just referring to the post which pointed out the difference between nepotism and cronyism.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 18:48:44 [Preview] No.32488 del
I mean pointed out that there's a difference.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 18:50:51 [Preview] No.32489 del
We don't know if they are actually family or not.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 18:53:29 [Preview] No.32490 del
It is less likely to run an IB with a family member then with unrelated people so it would had been better to suppose it's cronyism.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 19:04:28 [Preview] No.32491 del
Supposing leads to errors. Lots of people suppose all the other users on imageboards are men too but it's a fact that they are wasting potential gf material.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 19:40:09 [Preview] No.32492 del
Well that really depends on the circumstances.
Supposing one talks to a grills over the internet (especially on imageboards) could lead even greater err than supposing one talks to men.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 19:41:06 [Preview] No.32493 del
That'0s why you don't suppose at all except when you need to.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 19:58:34 [Preview] No.32495 del
Nod really. Many conversations are based on suppositions, it's like grease in the cogwheels.

Bernd 11/19/2019 (Tue) 20:10:52 [Preview] No.32497 del
He is the new impersonal article. I know many are but you don't really need to do said conversation either so there's that.

Kohlzine #13 OUT Bernd 12/22/2019 (Sun) 22:50:37 [Preview] No.33321 del
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Fellow Bernds, fresh publication straight from oven.

Merry Christmas to all of Endchan

Bernd 12/23/2019 (Mon) 06:20:58 [Preview] No.33335 del
Nice article by the recent wage slave. I too feel the pain of having the light on when it's a dark morning. What is this dark orange lamp he speaks of?

Bernd 12/23/2019 (Mon) 07:38:41 [Preview] No.33339 del
>straight into the oven

I was interested previously in that city genesis article. But there's always something else to read.
I see Slov wrote too. This time about his experience with the fly agaric. Could be useful.

Bernd 12/23/2019 (Mon) 09:59:04 [Preview] No.33343 del
Hmm, I could try writing for this. Don't know much but it seems like a good way to pass the time.

Bernd 12/23/2019 (Mon) 19:46:13 [Preview] No.33353 del
What would you write about?

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 00:49:49 [Preview] No.33367 del
Guitar Hero and how the autism needed to achieve victory in those games can be easily exportable to real life.

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 13:23:29 [Preview] No.33381 del
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Merry Crimbo to all Bernds. Yes, even you. Sadly our mother will never again grace this rotten world, but she lives on in our memory and our proud name.

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 15:17:42 [Preview] No.33400 del
Can it? Would read.

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 15:46:36 [Preview] No.33403 del

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 15:47:48 [Preview] No.33404 del
What ball did you expect?

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 18:51:48 [Preview] No.33412 del
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Technically, the main thing of Guitar Hero is that it's very basic and all the mistakes could be fixed by trial and error, which is also the third way of learning in real life. You can learn from
and GH easily replicates the third. It also teaches that perseverance is the key to breaking a wall, and that a lot of time can pass until you manage to score a milestone (ie: beating Raining Blood on expert). This is also married with the fact that by practising each day you get better at something, be it lifting wheights, learning a language, or trying to beat TtFatF. I started lifting going to the gym and being more consistent with me after starting with guitar hero then I dropped the gym since my headphones broke and the music they play is shit three out of five days

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 19:17:01 [Preview] No.33415 del
How Investigation differs from Observation and Experience?

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 19:41:46 [Preview] No.33416 del
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Investigation differs from experience in the sense that one voluntarily researches about a subject, the one who is learning goes out of his way to learn about something. Observation and experience are not necessarily something the subject wanted to go through voluntarily, many things can be learned from seeing people behave, but that knowledge isn't something that the user was actively searching for. Experience is the most basic one, you mess something up, you feel the consequences, so you need to see what you did wrong to avoid it. Can be related to observation but with more primal activities (ie: not touching hot stuff) it becomes something so basic a dog can recognize it.
Though the idea of these kinds of learning processes is something my mother told me and she's quite retarded in some areas, so I should probably take this with a pinch of salt.

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 20:13:42 [Preview] No.33417 del
>Though the idea of these kinds of learning processes is something my mother told me and she's quite retarded in some areas, so I should probably take this with a pinch of salt.
Sounds sound to me.
One thing I can't fit in. What we are doing now. Basically learn via getting taught. And in this I see two ways. One: just accepting the package given (like in schools), two: applying criticism and accepting when found solid.
Although this can be applied to the three you described, if only we observe only the student's side. Like a dog is taught to sit, there's a teacher ofc, but the dog learns from Experience, if he does good he gets praised/petted/treat, repeat over and over until it connects the command-sitting-feelinggood together. So it's just the pure learning process.

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 22:35:51 [Preview] No.33420 del
Would actually read it ngl

Jezz america wtf?

Bernd 12/24/2019 (Tue) 23:14:04 [Preview] No.33422 del
>One thing I can't fit in. What we are doing now. Basically learn via getting taught. And in this I see two ways. One: just accepting the package given (like in schools), two: applying criticism and accepting when found solid.
That's technically the idea of investigation, you research on a subject and try to comprehend what is happening around it. It can take talking to other people, which in this case both parties are helping each other in the investigation.
But this could be a part of observation as well, since the main difference between one and another is that one is strictly voluntary, while another one happens spontaneously from an event in life.

Bernd 12/30/2019 (Mon) 15:21:43 [Preview] No.33613 del
Basically observation and experience are passive while investigations are active, you actively test stuff and observe/experience it in ways you probably normally wouldn't.

Bernd 01/07/2020 (Tue) 18:03:03 [Preview] No.33862 del
Consider submitting something to this issue Bernds.

Bernd 01/07/2020 (Tue) 19:16:19 [Preview] No.33867 del
1) What subjects might interest the zine?
2) What's the word count?
3) What format do you want it in?

Bernd 01/07/2020 (Tue) 19:37:26 [Preview] No.33868 del
1. serfs
2. potato
3. binary

Bernd 01/09/2020 (Thu) 14:46:35 [Preview] No.33899 del
Any progress?

Bernd 01/09/2020 (Thu) 14:48:42 [Preview] No.33900 del
Subjects can touch anything, most important is that it should be fun to write for you too, bernds often write about their hobby related subjects, kctier life experience etc, so something they live with.

Bernd 01/09/2020 (Thu) 17:31:25 [Preview] No.33908 del
Currently hitchiking through the country, no can do

Bernd 01/09/2020 (Thu) 17:32:42 [Preview] No.33909 del
Currently hitchhiking through the country, no can do

Bernd 01/09/2020 (Thu) 17:33:09 [Preview] No.33910 del
If I ended up double posting plz dlt

Bernd 01/09/2020 (Thu) 17:49:56 [Preview] No.33912 del
You did but don't sweat it.
Well, whatever you do, be careful and good luck.
...and take photos and post IWO. :^)

Bernd 01/12/2020 (Sun) 14:00:18 [Preview] No.33992 del
This is probably not zine worthy at all but it's a first attempt at an article

Bernd 01/14/2020 (Tue) 17:56:09 [Preview] No.34041 del
Received, thanks for submission

Bernd 01/15/2020 (Wed) 15:00:08 [Preview] No.34061 del
Sorry, I just gave it a proof read and saw 'honestly' should be 'honesty'

Bernd 01/15/2020 (Wed) 23:29:03 [Preview] No.34072 del
Kk. Noted

Bernd 01/28/2020 (Tue) 10:45:37 [Preview] No.34310 del
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Happy New Year

New issue is out!

Bernd 01/28/2020 (Tue) 12:06:41 [Preview] No.34311 del
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Bernd 01/28/2020 (Tue) 16:27:26 [Preview] No.34315 del
Eh, happy new year I guess.

Bernd 01/28/2020 (Tue) 16:43:02 [Preview] No.34316 del
When I try to zoom in, xreader hangs. On the first couple of tries only the program did that, then the whole system too.

Bernd 01/28/2020 (Tue) 17:23:54 [Preview] No.34317 del
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What browser do u use?

Bernd 01/28/2020 (Tue) 17:49:37 [Preview] No.34319 del
Palemoon. But I just save it to disk and open it with the default pdf viewer, which is Xreader.
I don't think I had this problem before.

Bernd 01/28/2020 (Tue) 18:01:00 [Preview] No.34320 del
Someone seems to like an article by local Endchan Bernd (pic related)

Pretty strange tbh. Maybe something in the PDF export, i set it for 144 DPI.

Bernd 01/28/2020 (Tue) 19:25:04 [Preview] No.34322 del
>Someone seems to like an article by local Endchan Bernd (pic related)
Good for him. It is nice when others appreciate one's work.

I can read it without zooming, but just feels too goddamn small how it loads by default. Hmm. Maybe Xreader has a setting how to start.

Bernd 01/28/2020 (Tue) 23:03:10 [Preview] No.34325 del
I enjoyed reading this new issue.

Bernd 01/29/2020 (Wed) 20:21:20 [Preview] No.34346 del
Yay! I'm a published author! Thank you. Have been so busy lately but this issue looks really good, looking forward to reading it.

Bernd 01/29/2020 (Wed) 20:22:28 [Preview] No.34347 del

Bernd 01/29/2020 (Wed) 20:26:55 [Preview] No.34349 del
Cheers. I really wasn't sure it was zine worthy but it made it in, maybe they scraped for submissions, hah. I will hopefully be having some good content for the blogpost thread soon.

Bernd 01/29/2020 (Wed) 20:42:38 [Preview] No.34351 del
I'm waiting curiously.

Bernd 02/19/2020 (Wed) 10:30:14 [Preview] No.34497 del
If meantime you had written any new texts feel free to send us

##KOHLZINE #15 OUT## Bernd 03/13/2020 (Fri) 15:17:03 [Preview] No.35121 del
Sincere condolences to friends and family of Bible Tex who passed away in late January. Rest in peace.

Bernd 03/13/2020 (Fri) 15:46:41 [Preview] No.35123 del
Oh. New Kohlzine.

Bernd 03/13/2020 (Fri) 18:57:23 [Preview] No.35126 del
Great read. I enjoyed the one about Gorona.

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 06:53:36 [Preview] No.35317 del
We are preparing a quarantine edition so if you happen to have some free time consider contributing.
The general subject is isolation, it can be about books reccomendations for the quarantine, about how to cope with it, your own personal experiences and so on and so on.

Bernd 03/20/2020 (Fri) 07:03:06 [Preview] No.35319 del
Oh nice. Would Bernd be interested in a food growing and preserving/storing article?

Bernd 03/21/2020 (Sat) 15:14:42 [Preview] No.35348 del
Yes! Many bernds escaped to countryside those days, it be both interesting read and something usefull.

Bernd 03/25/2020 (Wed) 10:45:25 [Preview] No.35414 del
Sorry this took so long, I have been really busy.
Feel free to change what you like.

Bernd 03/25/2020 (Wed) 12:02:53 [Preview] No.35416 del
>I fasten my ammunition belt and tighten my jacket.
One last moment I stay on the boulder. My eyes are
soaking in the magnificent view one last time, like a
starving man who’s only life essence is the deep red
of the sky

I liked it though

Bernd 03/25/2020 (Wed) 20:41:48 [Preview] No.35424 del
Should we credit you as a Britball? Sometime endchan mis-assigns the countryballs, that's why im asking.

Bernd 03/25/2020 (Wed) 21:05:57 [Preview] No.35427 del
Yes, britball is correct. Thank you.

Bernd 03/25/2020 (Wed) 21:57:16 [Preview] No.35430 del
Read that. Found useful info. Well rounded and simple, only needs tips on how to preserve the fruits of labour.

Bernd 03/26/2020 (Thu) 04:39:51 [Preview] No.35437 del
Looks pretty good as it is

Bernd 03/26/2020 (Thu) 06:16:47 [Preview] No.35438 del
Yes, I ended up keeping the article much simpler so as not to scare beginners. I feel food preservation needs a separate article of its own tbh.

Bernd 03/26/2020 (Thu) 07:01:44 [Preview] No.35442 del
I thought about it, maybe this is a little better.
Sentence begins the same.
>Carrots and potatoes store perfectly well in a cool dark place. Remove any damaged and be sure to dry them and remove any leaves before storing. Legumes can be dried on a sunny window sill and stored in a closed container.

Bernd 04/09/2020 (Thu) 16:24:55 [Preview] No.35760 del
Soon going soon

Bernd 04/09/2020 (Thu) 17:27:12 [Preview] No.35766 del

Bernd 04/10/2020 (Fri) 04:00:24 [Preview] No.35789 del
They really outdid themselves with the cover this time. Looks really good

Bernd 04/12/2020 (Sun) 22:29:28 [Preview] No.35879 del
(6.71 MB k16.pdf)
(7.45 MB 3496x2834 cover.png)
Here we are. Issue #16 is out

Bernd 04/12/2020 (Sun) 22:32:19 [Preview] No.35880 del
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Bernd 04/12/2020 (Sun) 22:33:26 [Preview] No.35881 del
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Bernd 04/12/2020 (Sun) 22:50:17 [Preview] No.35882 del
god bless ye anon
redpill me on kohlzine

Bernd 04/13/2020 (Mon) 07:28:06 [Preview] No.35883 del
I love it, the workout article is especially nice!

There was a little clipping of some words in the growers guide but nothing too bad.

Well done all 'round.

Bernd 04/13/2020 (Mon) 08:27:24 [Preview] No.35884 del
Gonna check it out.

Bernd 04/13/2020 (Mon) 13:39:10 [Preview] No.35891 del
Okay. So.
That lockdown workout is mostly good as a joke. Or rather the illustrations are. They are inadequate to follow, and one might risk injury doing that stuff improperly. Ofc we can look up on the nets these exercises in detail, but still.

Bernd 04/13/2020 (Mon) 16:50:14 [Preview] No.35895 del
lol, just noticed, it says to do sprinter lunges FOLLOWED by plyometric sprinter lunges, fucking mad man, the guys legs must be shredded!

As for injury, a little stretching before and after would be smart but I doubt bernd will be doing a very intense workout anyway.

Bernd 04/13/2020 (Mon) 18:54:36 [Preview] No.35896 del
>I doubt bernd will be doing a very intense workout anyway.
Yeah, probably Bernd is safe.

Bernd 04/14/2020 (Tue) 07:07:37 [Preview] No.35909 del
Its actually a real routine taken from some yt channel, thing is that you dont need to perform it all perfectly, you will gradually get better and better, make rest times shorter. Im now doing it 30s each exercise and its doable after some warm up.

Bernd 04/14/2020 (Tue) 13:57:02 [Preview] No.35911 del
>real routine
I thought so, but anyone who wish to follow that will have a problem. Those illustrations very inadequate to show what's going on with the exercises.
>after some warm up
Yeah, but the table doesn't says that anywhere.
You can bet your top hat on that many would try and follow it without thinking they'd need warm up, many would fuck up the simplest of exercises, many would hurt themselves by doing it wrong. It's a law of nature. If the stuff isn't presented in idiotproof way, they will fuck it up (even after that to be honest, but then the author could just wash his hands, he tried everything).

Bernd 05/02/2020 (Sat) 02:57:11 [Preview] No.36430 del
Taking submissions for new issue btw.

Bernd 05/02/2020 (Sat) 09:00:27 [Preview] No.36446 del
Bernds, I want to write a short story but I am having a little writers block. I have the beginning and the end but I'm struggling to make the in between with gravitas and comedy. Here is the beginning, tell me what Bernd should do next? What would you enjoy?

A cold dim night in late Spring, Bernd sits alone in the glare of his screen pondering life and its' many shades of boredom and dissapointment. Still sucking his tastless meal from between his teeth, his pale thin wrist and palm supporting his tired head under his weak chin. Scrolling past the image of an attractive woman he feels a sense of longing but no titilation, not anymore. The simple teenage joy of a coom, long since enjoyable due to the following moments of sobriety that remind him he is forever alone. And so our story begins with a simple innocuous post, a plea for attention perhaps or maybe misery in need of company.
>what's the best way to commit suicide? painless if possible.
>picture of sad clown related. It's me.
BANG, BANG, BANG! Three loud knocks come from his bedroom door. Panicked thoughts race through his mind, everything illegal he has ever done, that time he was bare IP whilst browing /b, the time he tried to buy drugs on Tor or perhaps simply using sites full of illegal opinions had put him on some sort of list. The moment passed and he removed his headphones. Perhaps it was all an electronic prank. Bernd turned to face the door. For what must have only been a second or two but felt longer, he waited, gripped with panic, thinking of everything he should be doing as he sat there idle as ever. The door opened in a confident calm manner and a well groomed man stepped in.
"I have what you seek, Bernd." He said.
His relaxed manner seemed to put Bernd more at ease than before, despite him being a stranger. Though Bernd remained silent.
"I wasn't expecting your head to be quite that size but we shall make do."
As he apprached, bag in hand, Bernd raised a weak hand almost defensively which was brushed aside the way a mother might shift the arm of a baby to dress it. The bag was placed on Bernds' lap unzipped. Bernd had hoped remaining silent, ignored the man might leave him alone. Without any forethought, Bernd muttered.
"What's that?"
"Something not offered to just anyone."
A dark open faced helmet was produced and thrust immediately down over Bernds' head. Again, Bernd attempted to raise his arms and sink in his chair emitting a whisper to the sum of 'no.' The man in a powerful confidence, with calm smiling face in the screen glare had placed the helmet with complete ease and while Bernd was aware of no chin strap he began to feel a tight discomfort. Bernd immediately attempted to remove the helmet.
"Struggling will only increase discomfort. Just let it settle whilst is adheres to your' head."
Bernd now began to panic like a fly being closed in a venus fly trap and lashed out with his words in an attempt to defend himself, though not risking physical confrontation against his still unknown, potentially armed, assailant.
"Fuck off! The fuck is this!?"
The man now headed toward the door.
"It's what you asked for Bernd. In 1 hour, the claymore helmet will cause your head to instantly and painlessly implode."
With that, the door shut behind him and Bernd was once again alone with no idication anyone had been there other than the slight extra weight he now felt on his head and reduced sound to his ears.

Bernd 05/02/2020 (Sat) 10:32:42 [Preview] No.36448 del
>>what's the best way to commit suicide? painless if possible.
I've seen that thread a couple of times. Kek.

Bernd 05/12/2020 (Tue) 12:47:19 [Preview] No.36694 del
I've sent mine.

Bernd 05/12/2020 (Tue) 19:39:26 [Preview] No.36700 del
(62.52 KB 600x1189 wtf-im-reading.jpg)
Соuldn't recommend anything and don't know what I want to see, so I just provide some variants:

1) Stereotypical #1
These events provide Bernd with energy of life, he understands that he doesn't really want to die. So, he struggles to find the way to remove the helmet, and story goes into action-oriented way. Depending on author's desire, it may be contemporary action with involvement of special services, secret societies and conspiracies, or mystical/fantasy story with templars or dragons, whatever. Ending may be good or bad depending by mood of the story.

2) Stereotypical #2
Undertanding that it is the end, Bernd spends last hour of his life as he want, struggling with moral and ethical questions. Maybe he tries to finish his work and say farewell to everyone he knows, maybe he just thinks about life and it's meaning, maybe he continues to be imageboard dweller to the end, or tries to find god in his life. In the end he dies.

3) Modern literature of "the West"
Choose any from 1 and 2 but add that Bernd is the refugee tranny. In the end of the story, reader must understand the evilness of patriarchy, oppression, oil industry and common sense. Will this story receive the award?

4) Absurd
"Claymore? Helmet? Hah!". Bernd transforms into mighty knight with claymore sword and black helmet. Story ends in Monty Python sketch about Black Knight, when he stands without arms and legs but still thinks that he won, and sings song to the reader.

5) Plain postmodern
Suddenly everything changes, and Bernd jumps through different environments, from short movies to historical settings. He slowly understands that he is a character in author's postings, and all known universe for him is just an imageboard, he doesn't have nor own personality, nor free will, and his thoughts exist only in mind of imageboard readers. In the end he questions do he really has own thoughts, do intelligence and soul exists, and confronts the author with these questions.

6) Complex postmodern
Starts as the 5, but chain of events shows that author is also not a real person, but a imaginary character that is written by another person who discusses author's short story on this imageboard. But is that person real too? In the end it is obvious that there is no difference between imaginary and real characters, no one have real consciousness, and everyone are just collection of patterns in waves of light. Light also exist only in minds of these characters, so everything isn't real, because reality doesn't exist, and term "existing" is also exist only in minds of nonexistent characters.

Bernd 05/13/2020 (Wed) 13:51:44 [Preview] No.36705 del
These are solid ideas.
Bel Air can be made out of the Absurd.

Bernd 05/15/2020 (Fri) 14:41:31 [Preview] No.36745 del
Received, thanks.

Bernd 05/20/2020 (Wed) 10:49:44 [Preview] No.36863 del
(24.27 KB 593x395 output.png)
Can i rephrase you mail to use as an introduction for the article? Beggining takes off very quickly.

It would be something like that:

>This is a text written on a controversial topic, that of the potential but unrealized arms industry output Germany could have achieved in the first years of the second World War. A common view is that it was large and could have been accessed if only the German leadership hadn’t mismanaged the economic war effort. I take it as a thesis and present an antithesis using informations from Adam Tooze’s book Wages of Destruction as my only source; it’s a summary of the book’s information on this topic.

Bernd 05/20/2020 (Wed) 14:26:14 [Preview] No.36864 del
You can replace the Wagenfuehr index with this nicer-looking version; caption it "General performance of the late German war economy: Rolf Wagenführ's Armaments production index, Total Arms, and three-month growth averages". I've got two more figures you can use.
The first you can caption "Arming for Barbarossa: % absolute (red) and per capita (blue) increase in equipment numbers, June 1941 over May 1940". It's in Wages of Destruction, appendix, table A4, p. 684-5, with the sources given as: Kroener, in DRZW 5/1. 731, 836, 834, 959; Mueller, in DRZW 5/1. 554-5.
The second, "The influx of labor into the German war economy". It's from United States Strategic Bombing Survey, The effects of strategic bombing on the German war economy (Washington, DC, 1945), 202, 204, 206, 210 (appendix tables 1, 3, 5, and 9), found in: Mark Harrison (ed.) , The economics of World War II: Six great powers in international comparison (Cambridge, 1998), p. 161.

Neither are particularly important but the first demonstrates how the Heer became not only larger but also better-armed over the France-Barbarossa period.
The title is KC but seems to cover this topic broadly, to emphasize it's about underperformance I'd rename it "The Industrial Output of IIIrd Reich in WWII: Too low?"

Bernd 05/20/2020 (Wed) 17:32:47 [Preview] No.36865 del
>"The Industrial Output of IIIrd Reich in WWII: Too low?"
Has a nice ring to it.

Bernd 05/22/2020 (Fri) 11:12:10 [Preview] No.36895 del
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Ultimately i switched the order of the initial paragraphs, what do you think?

Bernd 05/22/2020 (Fri) 11:17:58 [Preview] No.36896 del
Also put the paragraph about resources into the beggining of rationalisation part. I hope you don't mind.

Late rationalization
<Germany entered the war without the resources to satisfy its military production targets, and arms output did not really take off until February 1940, from which it rose until July and stabilized. In ’42 it entered an exponential growth, the classic phase of the ”Speer miracle”, until the middle of 1943, followed by much slower growth (stagnation in some sectors), a final burst in the first half of 1944 and a slide into oblivion (figure A).

>The paper trail shows bureaucratic infighting through the France-Barbarossa interval, with economic institutions accusing each other of incompetence. This corroborates older data on production and workforce which shows the former not catching up with the latter’s growth, suggesting a decline in productivity. The concluding picture is of early war Germany “squandering its armaments advantage” through ”egotism and incompetence”. But to truly grasp war production in anticipation for Barbarossa it is necessary to know what were its ends and whether it achieved them.

Bernd 05/22/2020 (Fri) 13:48:31 [Preview] No.36897 del
The orange paragraph is better placed within the beginning, to leave it clear the late war - early war contrast I'm talking about, the two late periods of exponential growth versus the France-Barbarossa stabilization and the early Poland-France delay.
There's an unnecessary comma in
>but mainly for the decision , to ditch quality for quantity and focus on proven old designs.

Bernd 05/28/2020 (Thu) 02:35:58 [Preview] No.37032 del
so is the kohlzine a project particular to endchan, did it start on kohl and migrate out? or is it a pan /kc/ endeavor for the dissemination of serious discussion and the cultural enrichment of all

Bernd 05/28/2020 (Thu) 15:46:49 [Preview] No.37039 del
Started on Kohl.

Bernd 05/28/2020 (Thu) 23:00:22 [Preview] No.37045 del
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thx bb (' 3 ')

Bernd 05/29/2020 (Fri) 09:35:14 [Preview] No.37054 del
Ook, noted.

Started on kohl but we tried to gather people from all over Bernd-sphere to contribute. Sadly the choice of the name make some communities like Endchan hostile to our cause, so it's hindering the progress a bit.

We thought about some non-IB related name but the fear is that too much distancing from the biggest place where bernds congregate would slowly drift us apart totally into weird twitter, far away from real Berndom.

Bernd 05/29/2020 (Fri) 16:46:06 [Preview] No.37057 del
End/kc has too few people to make such thing, we would have to decide between posting and writing/editing the zine.

>some communities like Endchan hostile to our cause

Bernd 05/29/2020 (Fri) 17:01:47 [Preview] No.37058 del
Yes of course, Ernstchan xD
Endchan is love.

For the next issues i think i will post WIPs here, kohl is way too fast to have a working thread and you guys could offer very good feedback.

Bernd 05/29/2020 (Fri) 20:39:36 [Preview] No.37061 del
Well I feel it's because Ernst just doesn't want anything to do with kohl, like at all. We get a little bit of "guilt by association" by having kohlzine in their eyes I think.

I mean, they've had their issues in the past tbh

Bernd 05/30/2020 (Sat) 07:50:39 [Preview] No.37066 del
Yeah, a bunch of fags shat on their board, it left it's mark. They don't mind posters who keep their customs. One can fit in seamlessly with little effort. There's a reason for "lurk moar", if someone goes to a community and shit on their ways, he won't be liked by them.

Bernd 05/30/2020 (Sat) 11:47:32 [Preview] No.37068 del
Im all for gatekeeping and protecting the community from low effort trolling but some of them had turned hate of kohl into a part of their identity.
Which is funny because most kohlposters seem to despise what kohl is too.

Bernd 05/30/2020 (Sat) 19:56:55 [Preview] No.37074 del
haha do you remember when kohl went down a year ago and they were planning on doing a mass exodus do Ernst?

Shit was too funny. Does anyone have that screenshot where a ernst poster just goes ballistic and tells kohl negers that they are NOT welcome in the site?

>Which is funny because most kohlposters seem to despise what kohl is too.

It's turned into 4chan in less than a year of it's existence. I don't think anybody likes that board at this point

Bernd 05/31/2020 (Sun) 08:25:53 [Preview] No.37078 del
Ernsts are going a bit overboard with this. I understand them, but I would do it otherwise.

There are a few places they could go when Kohl is down. Now they have a /kohl/ here which would suit their needs. I dunno how many of them knows about it tho. I saw just a very few posts on 8/kohl.
Well lot of them 4chan crossposters without much coverage from other IBs. I suspect they could be divided into three groups: 1. kohl exclusives; 2. altchan crossposters; 3. kohl-4 crossposters. My suspicion is that the third is the biggest group by far.

Bernd 05/31/2020 (Sun) 22:16:38 [Preview] No.37087 del
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Issue 17 is out.

-Travel column, where a brit ball visits the land of the Turk and describes their savagery.
-"Extortion industry" or how paying money for videogames is for cucks.
-"The Industrial Output Of IIIrd Reich During WWII", we already talked about Turks at the beginning.
-"Ethnical and phenotypical composition on the Peru", a anthropological and physiognomic analysis of the different racial nightmares than inhabit Peru.
-"A proper romanization for Proto-Indo-European"; two bernds explore the intersection of autism, racial larping and linguistics.

As always, if you want to contribute you can check out the last page of the zine where you will find the contact info and the article guidelines.

Bernd 05/31/2020 (Sun) 22:21:20 [Preview] No.37088 del
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Bernd 05/31/2020 (Sun) 22:23:02 [Preview] No.37089 del
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Bernd 05/31/2020 (Sun) 22:24:34 [Preview] No.37090 del
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Bernd 06/01/2020 (Mon) 19:34:59 [Preview] No.37105 del
I just wanted to interject on this post because I had an opinion about the "Extortion industry" article in the recent kohlzine.

Mainly that it makes no sense in my eyes. Videogames up to this point are like businesses, especially AAA games. They're made to make money, not give things away for free. Piracy is pretty much someone stealing the crops that took you a year to cultivate and were planning to sell at the market soon and giving to people in the market. Even if something is illegally and freely available, it doesn't make it right to take it without permission.

During the development process, they hire a multitude of people to work on a single videogame, with the average videogame costing around $50 million to develop, release, advertise and manage digitally as well as physically for selling. It's an extensively exhausting and incredibly time consuming process which last from years at times, sometimes even a decade. Final Fantasy 14 is a good example. Teams of up to 20-100 people are hired just for a normal and regular game to be made

Most of the time, they get funding from investors or from their own company bank idk how they call it. You can see relevant data for all of these in the following articles I will post below






How are they supposed to pay their employees, advertisers, testers, debuggers, artists, programmers, investors, etc, for all the effort they put in? Donations? Like $1 dollar each? Good luck paying the salary of even one 60,000 euros a year junior concept artist with that.

Bernd 06/01/2020 (Mon) 19:39:11 [Preview] No.37106 del
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The other point I wanted to raise is the title of the article. Nobody's forcing you to play the games at any time.

And they're not even that expensive. They're around 50-70 dollars. Sometimes they're on sale for 25%-50% less than their regular selling price after a year or two. Even if you work at a burger place you can afford to pay that idk things are a little tough for some people right now, but still

Bernd 06/01/2020 (Mon) 21:05:13 [Preview] No.37109 del
I'm not in the place to argue for the author's point, but he says that information (intellectual products) has no value on market basis. There is a finite demand for a video game, but it can be supplied "infinitely" with very low cost (making copies is just the electricity basically).

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 06:50:02 [Preview] No.37115 del
Think of the books, their pricing is justified mostly by the costs of publishing, printing, typeseting etc but kept the lowest possible to make people want to buy them at all, author gets small fraction of the price but thanks to numbers of the copies he may still become rich if its a bestseller.
Additional value is added by hardcover, color illustrations etc, so all the things that are a result of the physical distribution mode. This is to offset the possible loses caused by the lack of sales, this is the risk the publisher makes, of course the more books gets printed the better because it lowers the costs of the production ber book but what do with the warehouses of books nobody bought?

Like Hungarian above said, game publishers today dont risk anything like that, their number of copies is infinite and can reach every place on earth with the internet.

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 07:05:13 [Preview] No.37116 del
>They're around 50-70 dollars.

so thats like a month's salary for most of the world
this is why they never sell original NES games in third world countries, because nobody will be able to buy it*

*except few elite shops in the capital maybe that nobody will visit anyway

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 07:25:11 [Preview] No.37117 del
The fact that publishers don't even try to lower the prices to increase to amount of sold games imho is telling they they still are making dirty profit of braindead consoomers. Piracy at least forced the publishers to add some value to their physical products. Now the only added "value" is the marketing.

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 15:46:57 [Preview] No.37120 del
I also can do with a book whatever I want. Although I can't rewrite them.

But today books can have electronic copies, which also makes them reproduce on negligible cost. We can abstract that information has no value at all. Funnily enough coz information can be vital, invaluable.
Was Aristotle payed for the information he had when the taught Alexander, or for the teaching? What if, someone else couldn't come up with all that knowledge, but would have been a better teacher after learning it?

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 16:51:14 [Preview] No.37121 del
>But today books can have electronic copies, which also makes them reproduce on negligible cost.

Yet the pricing is often very similar to the pricing of the physical books. And they continue being expensive way after author's death. There literally is no excuse.
Which is why i tend to pirate e-books whenever it is possible.

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 16:58:45 [Preview] No.37122 del
Aristotle, like other teachers was being paid for storage of the information and being able to parse it, explain it, connect it with other ideas etc. He was also paid for being there in standby, for his presence.

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 17:36:50 [Preview] No.37123 del
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Well I'm not talking about shitty game devs that sell on disc content as DLC or people that do similarly scummy things. Fuck them tbh

I'm talking about passionate game developers and artists not getting any compensation for their hard earned work.

For example, Owlboy is an indie pixel platformer game that took a literal decade to be finished. I'd at least like to give the devs something substantial for doing so much work.

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 17:50:21 [Preview] No.37124 del
Soo can I respond to the article creator or kohlzine somehow?

>Was Aristotle payed for the information he had when the taught Alexander, or for the teaching?

He actually was tbh. Philip II of Macedon hired him to be a personal tutor for Alexander the Great. He also taught other future Greek commanders

>In the end, Philip chose Aristotle and provided the Temple of the Nymphs at Mieza as a classroom. In return for teaching Alexander, Philip agreed to rebuild Aristotle's hometown of Stageira, which Philip had razed, and to repopulate it by buying and freeing the ex-citizens who were slaves, or pardoning those who were in exile


Aristotle was taught in the Platonic academy, which lasted until the Roman invasion of Athens by Roman general Sulla. You can't keep a school open for almost 300 years without paying people something to keep it up and running tbh fam

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 18:10:40 [Preview] No.37126 del
>Soo can I respond to the article creator or kohlzine somehow?
Im from kohlzine, can try to forward the information if you want.
There is also another guy writing response for the article, maybe you can exchange ideas to build up your positions.

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 18:11:53 [Preview] No.37127 del
I've talked before about how Aristotle's family were some of the richest merchants in the world, (along with Swebernd), so when he tutored Alexander, it wasn't for money, it was because he was a rich, famous man with connections and likely didn't need to be paid at all.

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 18:57:29 [Preview] No.37128 del
Rich people don't do anything for free. Maybe he didn't get a wage, but he was compensated. The article linked here >>37124 says his hometown was rebuilt and repopulated in return.
But my question was what for? The info, the intellectual product he gave, or the work, the tutoring he did.

Well it seems, it wasn't the info, but the teaching.
>You can't keep a school open for almost 300 years without paying people something to keep it up and running tbh fam
Yes, but they could teach literal bullcrap (part of it sure was) or pure gold, no difference. They were paid for the act of giving and not for the substance.

Yes it seems.
Further we can conclude that information in itself, has no value.

Ofc course they deserve compensation, but the point was of the article that the scheme - "selling" the games - is the wrong way to do it, because you don't pay for something that has no value, but you pay because otherwise you can be arrested or sued, or both... basically it's an extortion.

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 19:03:49 [Preview] No.37130 del
>I'm talking about passionate game developers and artists not getting any compensation for their hard earned work.

im pretty sure this will never happen
even original fallout games were considered [financial] failures by their own companies (not authors) since day one, and hardly even payed back

literally happens every day btw, capitalist/monetarist model just isn't good for art
its because of this we are now in dark ages of gaming, because you cannot create both good and profitable
some people won't even sell their games at all (like iji author), then again if iji was in steam he'd sold 10 copies lol

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 22:51:35 [Preview] No.37135 del
Oghey, I guess I had some kc tires inspiration when I made those posts. I guess I could make a rebuttal article

Was not expecting a kohlzine manager here though. :---DDD Please give me some time

>Ofc course they deserve compensation, but the point was of the article that the scheme - "selling" the games - is the wrong way to do it, because you don't pay for something that has no value, but you pay because otherwise you can be arrested or sued, or both... basically it's an extortion.


>Yes, but they could teach literal bullcrap (part of it sure was) or pure gold, no difference.


>But my question was what for? The info, the intellectual product he gave, or the work, the tutoring he did.

Really makes you think

>Further we can conclude that information in itself, has no value.

Maybe nothing has value until we the value in it. A slab of rock has no value until a scultor chisels into it and creates a masterpiece with it

Lots of serious discussions itt

Bernd 06/02/2020 (Tue) 22:57:15 [Preview] No.37136 del
>Maybe nothing has value until we the value in it. A slab of rock has no value until a scultor chisels into it and creates a masterpiece with it
Well the value of this slab would depend on skill of the craftsman, rarity of the rock and its durability.
It will be different if its a hardened clay or the sandstone.
In the game industry there is this strange attitutde that demands money because of muh work regardless of the quality of the product, in fact people often are forced to pay for unfinished products.

Bernd 06/03/2020 (Wed) 06:07:14 [Preview] No.37140 del
Well, value - or maybe worth - ofc a relative thing, frequently subjective, and couple of types of values exist. Something can have value for you but not for me. And price is also a different thing, while it's related. He >>37136 also gives good examples of stuff makes value relative.
A slab of rock in your example can have value if there's a demand for it.
Marx describes objective value, he says there's a - let's call it - "common denominator", which can help to determine the value of things objectively, and it's work.
For example diamond has more value than iron, since X amount of diamond to produce is more work than produce the same amount of iron (let's stay at uncut diamond, and iron ore, with the same amount of mining you get less diamond than iron, so the work divided per unit of diamond is more than in the case of per unit of iron).
And you can use it this to everything, a hammer consists of the head and the handle. Both needs to be made. Tree have to be felled, cut, handle shaped, it's all work. The ore has to be mined, made it into iron, then steel, then the bar have to be shaped into a hammer head, it's all work. But the tools which helps to making it, those also contain the work there were made. And the craftsmen knowledge, the learning process is also work.
So everything can be translated into work.
For example someone wants that slab of rock, just plain, no chiseling or sculpting. But to give it to him I have to move that thing and that's work.

The problem of intellectual products is, that how do I measure the work needed? Let's stay at philosophy for an example. One can come up with an ingenious idea effortlessly in the strike of a moment, other have to think hard for a lifetime for something else. Both really is a good thought, will the former worth less because there's less work behind it?

Bernd 06/03/2020 (Wed) 10:19:00 [Preview] No.37143 del
>In the game industry there is this strange attitutde that demands money because of muh work regardless of the quality of the product

This reminds me of real socialism here.
In Poland we had a saying about working in commie job:
"czy się stoi, czy się leży 2 tysiące się należy" - whether you stand or are lying on the ground you are entitled to full pay

But who other than big corporations with lots of capital and investors can afford that? This model is very succesfull in creating oligopolies and fucking over small game devs.

Bernd 06/03/2020 (Wed) 19:15:36 [Preview] No.37171 del
>And the craftsmen knowledge, the learning process is also work.
And like philosophy, the same knowledge which adds the same value can come from 5 years of an engineer's studies or 20 years of a construction worker's experience. Arguably the engineer got it from others' work, his professors and a body of literature, but the total work in producing the engineer's knowledge is still quantitatively and qualitatively different from the same knowledge in the construction worker's case.

Bernd 06/03/2020 (Wed) 22:04:47 [Preview] No.37201 del
if that was true we'd have only tanks and f16s left in any army of the world by now

they actually tried to do that at some point, likely this never worked though

Bernd 06/16/2020 (Tue) 19:16:29 [Preview] No.37891 del
We are changing mail for this issues submissions:

[email protected]

Cock had nice domain name (tfwno.gf) but often crashed, and recently for almost a week we were unable to access the mail

Bernd 06/23/2020 (Tue) 11:19:19 [Preview] No.38041 del
So im making a briefing to Libyan war infographic and wrote a short introduction based on what ive read, especially the Fragmentation of Libya pdf present in this thread.

Could you check it for meritoric errors and too ambigous turns of phrase, mischaracterisations etc?

The break-up of Libya after the sucessfull deposing of Gaddafi was a multidimensional process which, due to the large number of actors, cannot be understood without going into details about social, political and economic structure of Libya.
Since the purpose of this text is to merely introduce laymen to the situationpls refer to the excellent work by Wolfram Lacher for first hand accounts and detailed description: Libya’s Fragmentation, Structure and Process in Violent Conflict (2020).
However, the genesis of the Second Libyan Civil War should be briefly sketched out, as fundamental to the understanding of the events unfolding as we speak:

After the victory of the revolution in 2011, there were quite a few powerful militia left on the battlefield and the lack of political will or power to dissolve them. Instead, after the Libyan accounts in European banks became available to the new government , the distribution of the spoils began. Paramilitary and tribal groups were paid from the budget and grew without political control over them, some taking control of the oil fields as their security forces. All attempts to disarm them or incorporate to new army failed. There were sieges of state institutions in order to pay the militia's wages and kidnapping of political opponent.

Bernd 06/23/2020 (Tue) 11:19:56 [Preview] No.38042 del
Part 2:

The GNC (General National Council) government (loose alliance of moderate islamists and revolutionary leaders formed in surprisingly democratic elections) was basically held hostage by militias from Tripoli and nearby Misrata, while the east of the country was left to its own devices. Murders of people connected with the former regime, not only soldiers and security apparatus members but also journalists and writers were a daily reality in Benghazi. Not only did the government turn a blind eye on this, but in May 2013, it imposed legislation that completely excluded people with positions in Gaddafi's state apparatus from power, which struck not only loyalists but also people who had switched sides joining during the civil war as well as some of the expat opposition. This bill was forced by the pressure of local militias.

General Khalifa Haftar, was a Libyan officer taken prisoner during Gadaffi's war with Chad. After his release, he spent years abroad in opposition circles before returning to join the revolutionary army in 2011. When the GNC extended own mandate in January 2014 to the interim period till next elections, act seen as unlawfull by many, Haftar called for its dissolution, which met with mockery. But just a few months later, supported financially by Egypt and the UAE and recruiting among disgruntled officers and people who lost on the transformation, he organized "Operation Dignity" to contain the situation in Benghazi, eliminating islamists, promising stability and an end to the lawlessness. This lead to fears in the revolutionary camp that Egyptian scenario (the counterrevolutionary takeover by army) may repeat itself in Libya.

The results of the May 25th election were devastating for Islamists and gave a lot of seats to people with anti-Islamic views. This prompted some local militias to open operation "Libyan Dawn" and banish the new government from Tripoli. The operation led to the takeover of the city's International Airport, antagonizing its former "owners". - brigades from nearby Zintan, which were very influential in the city in previous years (their areas are visible on maps as a red enclave under Tripoli). The new government (HoR) moved to Tobruk, and many forces previously skeptical of Haftar, like the Zintan brigades mentioned above, were forced to form an alliance with him.

How did this local war turn into a proxy conflict of the several regional powers? Who benefits? Apart from the obvious issue of hydrocarbon control there are several layers of geopolitical and ideological struggle happening there, following infographic will try to break them down nation by nation and will describe the major internal divisions in Libyan factions:

Bernd 06/23/2020 (Tue) 16:29:16 [Preview] No.38043 del
>the Fragmentation of Libya pdf present in this thread.
You mean the Syria thread.
Why is it Libya and Syria and not Lybia and Sirya?
I think it would deserve an article as well how to spell Gaddafi's name.

Bernd 06/23/2020 (Tue) 19:37:10 [Preview] No.38047 del
For the same reasons "Rumania" is now "Romania". Foreign words don't transliterate well into Germanic languages because they're not fully phonetic, so they change all the time.

Bernd 06/23/2020 (Tue) 20:17:16 [Preview] No.38048 del
>surprisingly democratic elections
Libya's political system was very decentralized, the general populace voted maybe in every question, it was a very direct if not the most direct almost democracy of our age. Except - supposedly - it was build up in a way that Gaddafi's will could prevail I can't really judge, people, journalist, political analysts, and the like from liberal democracies naturally will say that hurr durr the whole thing was sham, Gaddafi evil dictator, poor oppressed people. But it's sure the people had some training how to do this.

And how about vidya?

Bernd 06/23/2020 (Tue) 21:13:11 [Preview] No.38050 del
That'd be Vidia in Spicish, and Telien in German.

Bernd 06/24/2020 (Wed) 07:17:15 [Preview] No.38055 del
Haftar is also spelled differently depending on the origin of the writer of the writer, i noticed turkish journalists writing in english call him Hiftar

Bernd 06/24/2020 (Wed) 08:43:20 [Preview] No.38056 del
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Do you know anything about France - UAE alliance?
Their relations seem pretty strong and to go beyond just the arms trade.

Bernd 06/24/2020 (Wed) 16:27:27 [Preview] No.38059 del
No, sorry.
I would search something like "international/foreign relations of France". Looking at such might give a context on her relation to UAE too.

Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 07:22:45 [Preview] No.38293 del
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Another issue in case the echo of the KC drama hasn't reached the endchan/kc yet.

Travel Column Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 07:30:43 [Preview] No.38294 del
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Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 07:40:48 [Preview] No.38295 del
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Welcome To The Corporate Revolution


Communism is Propaganda

Bernd’s Schizo Rant About Scientific Publishing And Peer Review Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 07:43:52 [Preview] No.38296 del
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Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 07:45:22 [Preview] No.38297 del
Let's hope none of that shit comes here.

How To: Lick Minge Like A Pro Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 07:45:59 [Preview] No.38298 del
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Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 07:50:19 [Preview] No.38300 del
They will stay on kohl, i wouldn't worry about that.

Chrisippus'Joke and Pottery Corner Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 08:00:04 [Preview] No.38301 del
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Brief on Libya Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 08:17:36 [Preview] No.38302 del
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Revival of Prussia Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 08:42:19 [Preview] No.38303 del
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Guerrilla Warfare in German East Africa Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 08:44:24 [Preview] No.38304 del
(1.50 MB 3496x2480 k1822.png)
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Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 08:45:43 [Preview] No.38305 del
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Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 08:47:49 [Preview] No.38306 del
(1.31 MB 3496x2480 k1828.png)
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Azunuj Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 09:36:38 [Preview] No.38307 del
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Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 10:02:40 [Preview] No.38311 del
Do you make a printed magazine?

Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 10:18:49 [Preview] No.38313 del
Have to upload the printable version later this day, i print for myself

Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 11:00:56 [Preview] No.38317 del
Make a printed version for the luddites

Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 11:11:50 [Preview] No.38318 del
That would be hard.

Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 13:26:52 [Preview] No.38321 del
It isn't really that hard, its just few boring manipulations.
So its basically a mix of saddle and perfect bind.
You print alle, fold pages together into the bundles of 8, and saddle them together or directly with the cover.

could u delete the previous one? >>38320

Bernd 07/03/2020 (Fri) 15:54:10 [Preview] No.38324 del
(218.23 KB 869x611 sticky-1613.png)
(36.56 KB 750x709 1473349484980.jpg)
>1613 posts and 462 images omitted
Good job.

Very informative.
>when it become red and big
Like the Soviet Union, tovarish?

Oh, this was brewed here.

This one is sure I'm gonna read.


Bernd 07/05/2020 (Sun) 22:25:09 [Preview] No.38382 del
(265.24 KB 1329x601 new kraut.png)
Hear ye, new kc is coming

Bernd 07/05/2020 (Sun) 23:15:48 [Preview] No.38384 del
>KC drama
What is the reason of the drama? Kohlzine doesn't look controversial at all

t. ignorant person

Bernd 07/05/2020 (Sun) 23:18:07 [Preview] No.38385 del
Don't even worry about it. It's a huge waste of time.

Bernd 07/06/2020 (Mon) 06:05:39 [Preview] No.38389 del
I doubt it will work out, but good luck for him. There was a krautchan chan but it just waned and dried out. If there's no dedicated userbase people will move to the more active places.
Maybe we could offer them to come here, but we have no problem with the zine, so they just might react with hostility.

It's nothingburger. Someone "found out" that the editors of Kohlzine use Discord (to coordinate) and Twitter (for whatever), and this is some unforgivable sin because of... reasons. Irrational.
I think only a couple of dudes fanning the flames. Those Bernds who don't like the zine don't really care, they probable just want to be left alone. I guess they could be ruffled with some effort, but by themselves they would just feel annoyed quietly while continue their daily shitposting activities.

Bernd 07/06/2020 (Mon) 06:07:23 [Preview] No.38390 del
Btw Kohl seems down.

Bernd 07/06/2020 (Mon) 06:10:24 [Preview] No.38391 del
Friendly reminder, just in case:

Bernd 07/06/2020 (Mon) 13:14:58 [Preview] No.38394 del
I'm semi old in kaysee still don't know what kohlzine is and the drama around it.

Bernd 07/06/2020 (Mon) 14:00:07 [Preview] No.38395 del
>kc is down
Works on my machine now.

Wtf is kohlcash?

Bernd 07/06/2020 (Mon) 15:32:14 [Preview] No.38397 del
>what kohlzine is
A zine started on Kohl.
Zines are magazines, made by, I dunno, amateurs. So not a professionally done newspaper thingy. I only met punk fanzines, maybe two, basically was about punk bands, made by fans, in physical paper format. Now that I'm thinking there were zines distributed on disks, I mean on floppies.

I think torposting is "taxed" by mining bitcoin or something.

Bernd 07/06/2020 (Mon) 22:06:14 [Preview] No.38412 del
(16.62 KB 300x245 dd.jpg)
We already have like four alt /kc/ already + the extra kohl board here. How many more are they going to make?

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 05:03:34 [Preview] No.38417 del
Made me remember it should have start yesterday. Will try to look it up.

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 05:54:09 [Preview] No.38422 del
It was a, uh, not prank, a diversion?
Anyway dude offered bernd.group to "regroup". I dunno if he has anything to do with the dev of bernd.group.
The interface still seem to lag somewhat there. At least on load it did for me. Sad since it's kinda innovative.

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 11:43:33 [Preview] No.38424 del
4 alt kc? I know this board, ernst and bernd.group what is the 4th one?

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 12:24:09 [Preview] No.38425 del
Someone created a new kc. Place is dead tho, no one wants to go there.

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 15:23:59 [Preview] No.38427 del

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 16:16:47 [Preview] No.38430 del
The main dev was a Russian dude that posts here frequently. Dunno if he's still around though. Yeah, the site needs some work. Some fags raided him a while so he's not too keen on new users me thinks

SParts chan /kc/. It's ded though

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 16:27:22 [Preview] No.38432 del
>Russian dude that posts here frequently
>SParts chan /kc/.
That's just us.

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 17:04:27 [Preview] No.38434 del
He posted here before when we asked questions about the site. He's a Russian bernd who also posts on the blogspot and meewsic thread sometimes. Don't you remember?

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 17:49:28 [Preview] No.38437 del
We have "our local" Russian, I just take for granted that the posts in the music thread are his. There was two bernd.group threads, we repurposed one for Berndese posting. I'm working on the assumption "our local" Russian and the bernd.group Russian isn't the same dude, literally every second Russian on IBs are in IT or knows programming. We had the rude Russian, I think he built that chan which recognizes your haplogroup, and now we have the Cypriot Russian, he is from /rus/ and /bb/.

Bernd 07/07/2020 (Tue) 22:22:07 [Preview] No.38479 del
>The main dev was a Russian dude that posts here frequently

I guess the most frequent Russian poster here is me ("frequent" compared to other Russians), and I have no relation with bernd.group, and know about that site only from this place. So >>38437 is right.

Bernd 07/08/2020 (Wed) 05:41:21 [Preview] No.38487 del
That's a funny image. I bet when you know Russian it's even funnier.
I kinda remember seeing bad translations from Hungarian to English, and not just by translating whole sentences in Google translate but some that reached "publication". I don't know what it was sadly, a giggle and was left behind.

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 03:38:38 [Preview] No.38528 del
Ahh that explains it. Seems everyone moved to bernd.group now. coalburner isn't as popular anymore

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 08:14:12 [Preview] No.38531 del
What happened?
Another exodus at nuKC?

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 11:17:28 [Preview] No.38533 del
That's a tad bit of exaggeration, the 24 hour poster map on Kohl says they had close to thousand unique posters without onions and known proxies. Ofc one person can post from several IPs depending.

Some Bernds were indignant that Kohlzine has a twitter, and Kohl is flooded with twitter screenshot threads, and people with twitter accounts like slovborg populates the board. One put forward the idea of opening a new Krautchan, but baited and switched to bernd.group as a place to go.
Then slovborg said he moves to bernd.group.

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 13:44:02 [Preview] No.38534 del
Bernd.group has 52 Javascripts in its front page. You won't be getting much interest from Bernds. Ya FAGGIT!

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 13:56:41 [Preview] No.38535 del
The place has just 6 people rn and like maybe a dozen threads with 2 to 5 replies. Also yeah, javashit.

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 17:23:45 [Preview] No.38538 del
What a bloated piece of shit.

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 17:55:00 [Preview] No.38539 del
I don't think it's bad that a chan like that exists. If it doesn't attract people then it doesn't. It's creative and I imagine it was an interesting project to code it together.

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 18:00:41 [Preview] No.38540 del
What else happened to Slovborg? He's not even on IRC anymore.

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 18:10:19 [Preview] No.38541 del
Maybe he's on holiday. It's summer. He does all kind of stuff.

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 18:18:32 [Preview] No.38542 del
I've checked during every season.

Bernd 07/11/2020 (Sat) 18:22:55 [Preview] No.38543 del
Well, he has twitter acc.
Otherwise hangs out on Kohl and bernd.group recently.

Bernd 07/12/2020 (Sun) 03:21:32 [Preview] No.38548 del
(423.34 KB 1125x2130 Hungary.png)
ranny igger eminist uck spotted.

Hungary used to be associated with manly boldness. What happened to you?

Bernd 07/13/2020 (Mon) 22:49:56 [Preview] No.38589 del
Just to be clear, I only said that bc people were posting more frequently there at that time

And the site owner still didn't fix the problems we told him about it seems. They have a "site suggestions" thread over there, but idk

Bernd 07/14/2020 (Tue) 00:01:20 [Preview] No.38594 del
Dear Nederland, I want to understand what you write, but there is a language problem. We on this board, try to us English, which we're not very good at. Please post windmills and tulips so that we understand each other.

Bernd 07/18/2020 (Sat) 19:56:49 [Preview] No.38685 del
Some people were posting there so I thought that everyone moved there. The owner didn't fix the problems we mentioned him months. There is a "site suggestions" going on right now if bernds want to contribute

Serious discussion

Bernd 07/18/2020 (Sat) 19:57:13 [Preview] No.38686 del
There is also an Igor and Bogdan board there for some reason

Bernd 07/18/2020 (Sat) 19:59:07 [Preview] No.38688 del
Yeah, they make containment boards for stuff to contain.

Bernd 08/04/2020 (Tue) 22:50:02 [Preview] No.39038 del
My military history of the 1964 coup d'état is a couple months away, Kohlzine should be proud as it'll have a lot of historical information that has never before been compiled in the English language. There are a few things to consider about how to fit the text. It'll be quite long and I can see difficulties with the images. Besides photographs it'll have orders of battle and maps. Not only will they add up space but there are two concerns about the maps:
1) Color. It's a nice challenge to fit them all to a B&W scheme but usually I'd employ more than two colors to distinguish between allegiances of military units.
2) Size. Most/all will be wider than they are tall and I want to make use of a page's full space. Physically this is normally done by flipping the map to the side, filling the page, and the reader turns it around himself; this is how it'd work in the printable version. But for the .pdf it might be more convenient to have the page itself turned to the side.

Bernd 08/05/2020 (Wed) 18:17:39 [Preview] No.39055 del
Bretty nice. Looking forward to work with you on this.


Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:09:58 [Preview] No.39277 del
(16.77 MB k19.pdf)
(273.44 KB 434x616 19cover.png)
Finally out. Extrapolate your onions

-Travel column
Borders are love, borders are loife
-A Short Rumination on Killing
Ponders on the philosophical importance of taking life
-The Innsmouth of Finland
What God giveth God taketh
-HoI focus tree
Post-Floydian USA
-Pottery corner
-Pet rye bread
How to create your own breda
-The Secret History of the Katars: The Birth of Nations
Bernd's adventures in Minecraft
-Kon-Tiki: Reexamining Thor Heyerdahl’s Transpacific Journey
Speculated contact between civilizations
-Among the Ruins
On the restoration of art and its associated historical autism

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:14:14 [Preview] No.39279 del
(3.10 MB 1678x1191 k193.png)
(2.60 MB 1678x1191 k194.png)
(926.84 KB 1678x1191 k195.png)
(434.06 KB 1678x1191 k196.png)
Wtf, why am i Ukrainian?

Travel Column
A short Rumination on Killing

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:16:31 [Preview] No.39281 del
(2.12 MB 1678x1191 k197.png)
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The Innsmouth of Finland

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:18:07 [Preview] No.39283 del
(195.58 KB 1678x1191 k1911.png)
(1.49 MB 1678x1191 k1912.png)

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:19:07 [Preview] No.39284 del
(1.13 MB 1678x1191 k1913.png)
Hearts of Burger

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:21:45 [Preview] No.39285 del
(1.83 MB 1678x1191 k1914.png)
(68.67 KB 1678x1191 k1915.png)
Pottery corner

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:24:21 [Preview] No.39287 del
(519.71 KB 1678x1191 k1916.png)
Pet Rye Bread

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:29:31 [Preview] No.39289 del
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(313.63 KB 1678x1191 k1919.png)
(1.74 MB 1678x1191 k1920.png)
Secret history of the Kathars: Birth on Nations

KC minecraft chronicles

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:33:31 [Preview] No.39290 del
(1.97 MB 1678x1191 k1921.png)
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Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:35:39 [Preview] No.39291 del
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Kon-Tiki: Reexamining Thor Heyerdahl’s Transpacific Journey

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:37:09 [Preview] No.39292 del
I really disagree with that Pole.
With little exception we have innate aversion to killing. There are factors which makes us capable of doing it, some are very effective. But it's not an activity we can do casually.
He takes the handful of psychopaths, and those who are enabled by those factors, and generalize it to the humanity as a whole.

Is that an OC? Or the icons were copied from somewhere else?

I'm gonna run through a couple of articles I think.
About the zine: 19 issues, I think the format had time to mature and it's fine.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:42:15 [Preview] No.39293 del
(5.76 MB Hoi4.zip)
(63.08 KB 500x500 ComObesity.png)
(110.05 KB 500x500 R'yleh.png)
It is an OC i made with 2 other Bernds.
Here are all the icons

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:49:33 [Preview] No.39294 del
(524.46 KB 1678x1191 k1929.png)
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Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:56:15 [Preview] No.39295 del
(1.03 MB 1678x1191 k1932.png)
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(3.14 MB 1678x1191 k1935.png)

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 08:59:06 [Preview] No.39296 del
(1.15 MB 1678x1191 k1936.png)
(1.32 MB 1678x1191 k1937.png)
(144.55 KB 1678x1191 k1938.png)

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 09:32:19 [Preview] No.39297 del
>ukranian ball

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 10:58:07 [Preview] No.39299 del

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 12:12:57 [Preview] No.39300 del

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 12:22:41 [Preview] No.39301 del
It is dont

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 13:18:12 [Preview] No.39303 del
Nod really, it's just funny.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 13:47:50 [Preview] No.39304 del
I thought the Ziner is a Catalan, just used .org or something. It's kinda annoying he posts with Polish/British/Ukrainian balls.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 13:55:30 [Preview] No.39305 del
It is.

>look guise I'm weird and into subculture amirite xD
you belong to twitter.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 14:12:55 [Preview] No.39306 del
Pls, you can insult us all you want in Kohl but there's no need to bring that here.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 14:16:27 [Preview] No.39307 del
>you belong to twitter.
Why? They are publishing lengthy kc-tier works.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 15:17:48 [Preview] No.39309 del
why, you stick a thread with a circlejerk group then ask me to not insult you on here?

if you want to pretend to be retarded go on, but stop shoving your shit to the our throats. just fuck off retard.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 15:20:40 [Preview] No.39310 del
My point is you that are the one forcing your shit in here.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 15:24:10 [Preview] No.39311 del
yeah, look at my stickied threads by pedophile mods, oh wait...

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 19:16:47 [Preview] No.39312 del
British/Ukrainian balls are mine, dunno what causes that.


Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 19:45:58 [Preview] No.39313 del
Mods will stick and support any Bernd driven initiative, its just that Krautradio and zine are the only things like that on kc, this creates illusion that we have some kind of collusion with mods. I for one always knew that stickies will just bring problems because many people are too dumb to use hide button.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 20:22:46 [Preview] No.39314 del
But he's talking about kohl, not end. Don't know how any of this is related to us sharing that stuff in here.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 20:43:12 [Preview] No.39315 del
It is stickied on Kohl, not here.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 20:46:35 [Preview] No.39316 del
That's what I'm saying. It's sticked there so he should attack us there and not here.

Bernd 08/15/2020 (Sat) 20:51:25 [Preview] No.39317 del
Ah. I see.
I agree he is generating useless drama here. However he can posts whatever he wants.

Bernd 08/19/2020 (Wed) 12:39:32 [Preview] No.39360 del
>Mods will stick and support any Bernd driven initiative
this is objectively false. I also see kohlzine as something tryhard and product of people who wants to brand kc/kohl to keins for various reasons.

Before accusing others with being dumb, make sure your buddies on kohl not accuse anyone being as samefag just because they disagree with them. I think none of you can use the word, dumb save for the irony reasons.

Bernd 08/26/2020 (Wed) 18:49:51 [Preview] No.39520 del
>this is objectively false

Bernd 08/27/2020 (Thu) 13:30:08 [Preview] No.39530 del
(73.17 KB 848x1273 worryix.png)
>this is objectively false
How? What is reversi? What is krautradio? What is kcstation?

>Before accusing others with being dumb, make sure your buddies on kohl not accuse anyone being as samefag just because they disagree with them.
I'm not responsible for those, just like you are not responsible for people calling everyone that disagrees with them a kohlziner. Not sure what does it have with being unable to click on hide button though.

>I also see kohlzine as something tryhard and product of people who wants to brand kc/kohl to keins for various reasons.
You are free to believe in anything, nobody forces you to read or contribute. Zine became a good scapegoat to project all frustrations on:
Ziners are pedos, ziners want to ban pedos, ziners are trannies, keinbernds, 4channers, redditors, ziners are ernst tier, ziners are kohl tier, want to make money on kohlchan culture, want to bring normies on kohlchan, ziners are in bed with kcmods, ziners are nazis, ziners are leftists, ziners steal serious discussions and now there are none on kohl.
I've seen it all.

Bernd 08/27/2020 (Thu) 16:40:19 [Preview] No.39538 del
>no worryix

Bernd 08/27/2020 (Thu) 17:44:30 [Preview] No.39542 del

Bernd 10/14/2020 (Wed) 10:24:10 [Preview] No.40556 del
(323.12 KB 1084x1500 1056921_quarter.jpg)
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(575.93 KB 1116x1500 123.jpg)
Working on a text about exposition of fascist revolution.

Bernd 10/14/2020 (Wed) 10:51:59 [Preview] No.40557 del
(488.88 KB 601x427 musso.png)
Mussolinis office was pretty kc tire

sage Bernd 10/14/2020 (Wed) 14:12:08 [Preview] No.40559 del
FUCK kohlz*ners

sage Bernd 10/14/2020 (Wed) 14:13:12 [Preview] No.40560 del
actual sage

Bernd 10/14/2020 (Wed) 16:40:08 [Preview] No.40562 del
You mean how it was presented through the years?

Bernd 10/14/2020 (Wed) 20:50:23 [Preview] No.40566 del
No, its about a single exposition that then had re-editions. It happened 10 years after the March on Rome and regrouped the best italian artists of the era who were tasked with producing immersive propaganda experience.

Bernd 10/15/2020 (Thu) 05:32:58 [Preview] No.40569 del
Huh, Italian Wikipee doesn't mention it, only the obligatory decennial celebration.
Nice. Gonna read it.

Bernd 10/15/2020 (Thu) 23:02:01 [Preview] No.40574 del
Looks kinda Slavic to me tbh

Bernd 10/21/2020 (Wed) 03:32:27 [Preview] No.40635 del
Just realized how massive my content is and thought about splitting it in two, this one is about Rio de Janeiro and outlying theaters, the other would be about the remaining theaters and some more questions. Still, my text draft alone is already large and then there's bibliography, maps, orders of battle and photographs.

Bernd 10/21/2020 (Wed) 05:42:18 [Preview] No.40637 del
>how massive my content is
It is. That pdf with maps and illustration could fit an essay, and the material in the thread reaches a thesis.

Bernd 10/21/2020 (Wed) 22:55:36 [Preview] No.40657 del
The book title is very catchy tbh

Bernd 10/22/2020 (Thu) 22:50:20 [Preview] No.40681 del
3,941 words not counting footnotes, I think this is large but reasonable.

Bernd 10/23/2020 (Fri) 00:34:15 [Preview] No.40682 del

Bernd 10/30/2020 (Fri) 15:35:42 [Preview] No.40777 del

Bernd 10/30/2020 (Fri) 16:13:13 [Preview] No.40778 del
Getting too short.

Bernd 11/01/2020 (Sun) 14:57:05 [Preview] No.40822 del
(55.56 KB 650x764 orders of battle.png)

Bernd 11/05/2020 (Thu) 18:06:39 [Preview] No.40868 del

Bernd 11/05/2020 (Thu) 21:12:26 [Preview] No.40873 del
Not a lot to change.
If space is in short supply I've got the OOBs merged with the map though it looks very cluttered, ideally they're somewhere else. As small bits they can be spread if necessary. If a historical photograph is needed there's this one.

Bernd 11/05/2020 (Thu) 21:13:35 [Preview] No.40874 del
(9.67 KB 119x205 oob GUEs.png)
(11.22 KB 174x234 oob Cunha Melo.png)
(6.30 KB 120x166 oob AMAN.png)
(9.55 KB 136x225 oob IInd Army.png)
I've got content for another article after this. Plus what I've wrote on the Osório also fits into an article.

Bernd 11/05/2020 (Thu) 22:01:34 [Preview] No.40876 del
(39.71 KB 800x525 48949849498.jpeg)
>All those charts and graphs

This satisfies my assburgers

Bernd 11/06/2020 (Fri) 18:15:21 [Preview] No.40890 del
A good little unit organization chart always activates the almonds.

Bernd 11/24/2020 (Tue) 09:01:48 [Preview] No.41153 del
Pretty interesting, we have begun works with the new issue, will preview you some drafts for checkenings.

Bernd 11/25/2020 (Wed) 06:57:09 [Preview] No.41163 del
What was the reason of the delay?

Bernd 11/25/2020 (Wed) 16:30:20 [Preview] No.41165 del
Fat can be cut from the footnotes if needed, from the main text I'd be more careful to not harm continuity, I can rewrite parts if needed. Two parts are implicit, a key for the cartographic symbols and a bibliography, but I think Bernds now at least where to find such a key online and a bibliography only interests Lusophone readers. Hence no need for the two.

Bernd 11/26/2020 (Thu) 18:10:55 [Preview] No.41182 del
Finally I read it. The previous version tho, which is few lines longer.
Honest opinion:
I think the reading experience suffers a bit since too much facts have to be crammed in. I had to concentrate better what's going on despite I read the long version. Those who aren't versed in the history of Brazil, or doesn't know military organization even a little, probably will be lost. Assburgers will do fine (even if they lack in the aforementioned topics). Since the zine target audience seems to be from the same set, I think it's ok.
As mentioned in there a follow up article with the secondary theaters could complement this one.

Bernd 11/27/2020 (Fri) 03:25:13 [Preview] No.41204 del
What differentiates my research from what Anglophone accounts have already registered on this topic is mainly the tactical minutiae. For greater clarity in some places it's still possible to reduce information overload.
In this draft I raised clarity. The text shrunk further (2,304 words) but that's because more details were cut.

Bernd 11/27/2020 (Fri) 18:24:59 [Preview] No.41211 del
Yeah, I understand the dilemma. And a solution I could conjure would just add to the length.

Bernd 12/15/2020 (Tue) 02:42:15 [Preview] No.41596 del
One paragraph needs to change:
>Coupists in the Navy immobilized the “people’s admiral” Aragão’s marines. Hence Âncora told him his remaining muscle in Rio, the Army Police and Presidential Guards, couldn’t ensure his safety in Guanabara. Rio’s garrison was still in quarters, under legalist control but perhaps neutral. Attempts to persuade units failed, and forceful takeovers were deemed too risky. The rebellion consisted only of governor Carlos Lacerda, his police, the military schools in Urca and the Copacabana Fort.

>>Coupists in the Navy immobilized the “people’s admiral” Aragão’s marines. Hence Âncora told him his remaining muscle in Rio, the Army Police and Guards Battalions, couldn’t ensure his safety in Guanabara. Rio’s garrison was still in quarters, under legalist control but perhaps neutral. Attempts to persuade units failed, and forceful takeovers were deemed too risky. The rebellion consisted only of governor Carlos Lacerda, his police, the military schools in Urca and the Copacabana Fort.

Those weren't Presidential guards.

Bernd 12/15/2020 (Tue) 21:30:00 [Preview] No.41616 del
Which text is the one u want to publish the 4 pages or the 6 pages long?

Bernd 12/15/2020 (Tue) 21:36:21 [Preview] No.41617 del
The most recent (4 page) one.

Bernd 12/16/2020 (Wed) 15:14:22 [Preview] No.41618 del
Kk, the typesetting is almost ready, i will just need 2 more pictures.

One for the ending of Sao Paulo theatre description, other for the legalist defeat or counterfactual or the conclusion.

BTW the map u provided is noice, it looks good even with the units details.

Bernd 12/16/2020 (Wed) 18:18:02 [Preview] No.41620 del
For São Paulo, either the counterfactual or the theater, use the first two:
>1st Company of the 1st Light Tank Battalion moves by rail towards the front
>Generals Kruel (middle) and Âncora (right) conference at the Agulhas Negras academy

For the defeat/conclusion:
>Afternoon, April 1st, Guanabara. Tanks defending the now empty Presidential residence join up with the pro-coup crowd gathered in the governor's palace.

Bernd 12/16/2020 (Wed) 19:43:17 [Preview] No.41621 del
Also found these two while reaching for more photographs, the first is quite fit to replace the cover. Not enough information on it but it can be named:
>Tiradentes Detachment troops, likely in the Areal area with one of the civilian buses they came in on the background

Bernd 12/30/2020 (Wed) 20:14:45 [Preview] No.41867 del
Its not the final version. I made it simple without any fireworks to keep attention on the text which is very interesting by itself imho.

Bernd 12/30/2020 (Wed) 22:29:40 [Preview] No.41870 del
There's a typo, the 6th footnote in the first paragraph of the São Paulo theater shouldn't be there.

For clarity the first paragraph of Legalist defeat needs to change from:
>Coupists in the Navy immobilized the "people's admiral" Aragão's marines. Hence Âncora told him his remaining muscle in Rio, the Army Police and Guards Battalions, coulnd't ensure his safety in Guanabara.
>Coupists in the Navy immobilized the "people's admiral" Aragão's marines. Hence Âncora told the President his remaining muscle in Rio, the Army Police and Guards Battalions, coulnd't ensure his safety in the city.
This one is important.

And in the counterfactual, not vital but should be made clearer:
>As long as Goulart broke with the left, Kruel offered to destroy Mourão. Could he? There were officers ready to imprison him if he didn't join the coup and Mourão believed his legacy as the "revolutionary leader" in São Paulo would prevent the IInd Army from fighting him.
>As long as Goulart broke with the left, Kruel offered to destroy Mourão. >Could he? There were officers ready to imprison him if he didn't join the coup and Mourão believed his legacy as the conspiracy's ringleader in São Paulo back in 1963 would prevent the IInd Army from fighting him.

Bernd 01/03/2021 (Sun) 20:08:20 [Preview] No.41915 del
I give this a bump.

Bernd 01/04/2021 (Mon) 00:41:47 [Preview] No.41916 del
I was expecting a flashy New Year's edition.

Bernd 01/04/2021 (Mon) 06:26:28 [Preview] No.41917 del
Maybe that.
They are stretching it for a long time now. Was that fag on Kohl that effective turning Bernds on the zine?

Bernd 01/04/2021 (Mon) 16:46:15 [Preview] No.41919 del
(2.31 MB 1748x1240 k2026.png)
(2.36 MB 1748x1240 k2042.png)
(1.20 MB 1748x1240 k204.png)
(1.55 MB 1748x1240 k2018.png)
Its basically ready, waiting for last correction from the other Bernds.

Bernd 01/04/2021 (Mon) 16:53:47 [Preview] No.41920 del
Wow, that shamassburger looks cool.

Bernd 01/04/2021 (Mon) 18:27:45 [Preview] No.41921 del
(653.26 KB 1084x880 spede shaman.png)

Bernd 01/05/2021 (Tue) 06:35:35 [Preview] No.41925 del
Cool, thanks.

Bernd 01/05/2021 (Tue) 22:02:46 [Preview] No.41942 del
(1.47 MB 874x1240 20.png)
(355.88 KB 1748x1240 k202.png)
'Ere we go:

Bernd 01/05/2021 (Tue) 22:12:57 [Preview] No.41943 del
(96.14 KB 2412x3016 8qOWgaK.png)
(10.38 KB 449x516 spede socks.png)
(4.60 MB 3508x2480 thief.jpg)

Bernd 01/06/2021 (Wed) 17:00:09 [Preview] No.41953 del
Scrolled through it, laffed at the Train Your Brain! section. I think it's a good idea to have some light fun inbetween the assburgerism.

Bernd 01/06/2021 (Wed) 18:11:35 [Preview] No.41956 del
Looks like I might have worrisome gaps in my English fluency. Nobody noticed last article but I was writing with a few hundred pages of English text on my head.

Bernd 01/06/2021 (Wed) 18:32:06 [Preview] No.41959 del
>Looks like I might have worrisome gaps in my English fluency.
Welcome to the club.
I understood everything just fine. But I'm fine with Runglish too so...
I checked out the sticky on Kohl, a White Person objected your poor use of English.

Bernd 01/07/2021 (Thu) 12:22:55 [Preview] No.41970 del
Many such cases.
I understood everything, but im not native speaker either.
Why worry? xD

Bernd 01/17/2021 (Sun) 17:29:59 [Preview] No.42095 del
Wondering what should i write for the next issue:

- continuation of the text about history of architecture "restoration"
- an essay on how virtual art invades the reality, through changing of our understanding what sculpture or painting is( for example pic related looks like Battlefield cover art)

Bernd 01/17/2021 (Sun) 17:41:40 [Preview] No.42096 del
Do the second one.

Bernd 01/17/2021 (Sun) 20:54:59 [Preview] No.42101 del
is it clean? i want to put ranch in there and dip some carrots.

Bernd 01/17/2021 (Sun) 20:55:47 [Preview] No.42102 del
You mean the post I just deleted?

Bernd 01/17/2021 (Sun) 20:56:28 [Preview] No.42103 del
was that a jew spammer? i just really liked her butthole. it looked yummy.

Bernd 01/17/2021 (Sun) 20:57:38 [Preview] No.42104 del
I don't know about that. But was a spam yes.

Bernd 01/17/2021 (Sun) 21:44:44 [Preview] No.42105 del
Yes. It's a link on the site like wikipedia. No viruses etc. in it
Scared? Kek. It was the list of imageboards.
Don't be a little girl. Your mom dont understand it. Kiss her in your lips for me. And press the link.
I'm not a jew. I'am Batman. And you are faggot.
Don't sleep. Be on duty all day in year.
Edited last time by Shiban on 02/04/2021 (Thu) 09:59:32.

Bernd 01/17/2021 (Sun) 21:46:51 [Preview] No.42106 del
Fucking endchan crushed the link
Another one

Bernd 01/17/2021 (Sun) 21:49:00 [Preview] No.42107 del
Different krautchan's like barrels of water in sea.

sage Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 02:40:57 [Preview] No.42108 del
Are you the guy who spams the site everyday?

Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 04:17:04 [Preview] No.42109 del
No, not me. I talked about others. I left a link to one site just today. It makes no sense for me to spam on English-speaking imageboards. I just saw the familiar name - Krautchan. This is the reason. I won't come here again - that doesn't make sense. I sit on other boards, not on Endchan.

I have my own imageboard.

PS: Canada is a very good country, almost like my country, but mine is much bigger at all.

Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 04:27:52 [Preview] No.42110 del
Aussie no love Jews? Does your dad know about this?

Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 06:44:49 [Preview] No.42111 del
The link points to cyclopaedia.ru
The "Список_имиджборд" page of that. It's written in Russian, so it looks like a wall carpet. It full of stuff like AHNME and CEBEHYAH.
I dunno why he chose to shorten it with tinyurl. Anyway he posted it with a pic which was used for previous board advertising for a chan with "teenage porn" and cp ads all over it.

Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 06:46:23 [Preview] No.42112 del
Anyway, do the second one:
>an essay on how virtual art invades the reality, through changing of our understanding what sculpture or painting is

Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 06:54:43 [Preview] No.42114 del
>Don't sleep. Be on duty all day in year.
I'm more than one person, so I can sleep well. This one is just the chatty one it seems.
Polite säge so won't bump.

Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 14:50:35 [Preview] No.42116 del
>I dunno why he chose to shorten it with tinyurl. Anyway he posted it with a pic which was used for previous board advertising for a chan with "teenage porn" and cp ads all over it.
Endchan breaks long links - so I shortened it with a shortener.
>The "Список_имиджборд" page of that. It's written in Russian
Yes. The original Krautchan was a board with users from different countries with different languages. Well, you understand.
>It's written in Russian

The text under the link says This article contains a list of the most famous imageboards - sites, with the declared possibility of anonymous communication without mandatory registration, and with the ability to attach images to messages (posts). The list of sites is sorted by groups, which are divided: by type of location on the Internet, then by the main (prevailing or obligatory for visitors) language of communication, and, finally, in alphabetical order by English-language domain names, (since Russian-language names can be several from the same resource). On most imageboards, anonymous users from different countries can communicate in different languages. The so-called overchans, non-working imageboards, archives and other thematic resources, in the groups of which the sites are also sorted in alphabetical order, are highlighted in separate groups. Since the categorization of imageboards by nationality, for a number of reasons, was difficult to implement and such a categorization option seemed unnecessary, then, for a more convenient compilation of lists, the imageboards are divided: into overlays, darknet imageboards, ordinary Internet imageboards (with their division according to the established language communication on these sites), non-working (ie closed) imageboards, archived imageboards and other sites. The sites in these groups are sorted alphabetically.

Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 14:55:49 [Preview] No.42117 del
>I'm more than one person, so I can sleep well. This one is just the chatty one it seems.
>Polite säge so won't bump.
You mean there is a legion of moderators here? Hahaha. Relax, I was joking.


Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 17:40:52 [Preview] No.42120 del
>Endchan breaks long links
It does not. It's just the character encoding.
This should work despite the weird looks:
>The original Krautchan was a board with users from different countries with different languages. Well, you understand.
Yes I understand, this board itself is visited by users from various countries.
Ъес, И'м аваре. Ит вас йоке Църиллик. Фром упперцасе Латин чарацтерс.

Very handy sorting system (how the chans grouped) I see.

Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 20:00:03 [Preview] No.42123 del
(2.82 KB 150x150 3098e688.jpg)
Why don't we just stay here fam?

>You mean there is a legion of moderators here? Hahaha. Relax, I was joking.



wh...whwhwwhwhwhwhw WHAT?

Bernd 01/18/2021 (Mon) 20:18:14 [Preview] No.42131 del
(51.91 KB 720x398 no_grlis.jpg)
>wh...whwhwwhwhwhwhw WHAT?
Maybe he's a manul. Or a grill, imagine that...

Bernd 01/19/2021 (Tue) 01:01:25 [Preview] No.42135 del
(147.00 KB 1159x386 111111111111.png)
>Yes I understand, this board itself is visited by users from various countries.
Well ok.
>Ъес, И'м аваре. Ит вас йоке Църиллик. Фром упперцасе Латин чарацтерс.
You wrong, It will be correct:
Йес, Ай эм эварэ. Ит ваз джоук кириллик. Фром апперспейс латин карактерс. Бугага.

It's not my problem. It's yours. kek
Итс нот май проблем. Итс ёрс. кек

Look picture.

Bernd 01/19/2021 (Tue) 01:04:03 [Preview] No.42136 del
(46.46 KB 716x538 Papasha!_klukva.jpg)
>Yes I understand, this board itself is visited by users from various countries.
Well ok.
>Ъес, И'м аваре. Ит вас йоке Църиллик. Фром упперцасе Латин чарацтерс.
You wrong, It will be correct:
Йес, Ай эм эварэ. Ит ваз джоук кириллик. Фром апперспейс латин карактерс. Бугага.

It's not my problem. It's yours. kek
Итс нот май проблем. Итс ёрс. кек

Look picture.

Bernd 01/19/2021 (Tue) 01:14:44 [Preview] No.42137 del

Meow means meow
Have you seen any cats or pussies?

Bernd 01/19/2021 (Tue) 06:38:09 [Preview] No.42143 del
We get it you are a pussy.

Bernd 01/19/2021 (Tue) 22:54:52 [Preview] No.42149 del
What a tangent. Maybe we should put runglish section in the next issue.

Bernd 01/20/2021 (Wed) 06:57:25 [Preview] No.42157 del
Potentially awesome.
Sometimes not easy to communicate with these fellas. Get him for example, he joked around, a bit rudely - nothing I couldn't take -, but now I'm wondering if maybe I hurt his ego with calling him a pussy. I might never know.
But his meow just boggling the mind, where that came from?
Btw his picrel here >>42135 is very helpful in general, I recommend using it. Our local Russian already explained difference somewhere, so we are enlightened.

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 02:35:26 [Preview] No.42199 del
>with calling him a pussy. I might never know.
Да нет, все нормалек. Все заебись.
Invite here
>Our local Russian
He will explain to you. By the way, he may not be Russian, but a Jew. Who knows.

Everything is fine, comrade Hungarian anonymous. I invite you to eat Russian borsch with garlic and black bread and vodka. And then we read a book by Karl Marx to my bear. He likes it.

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 02:39:49 [Preview] No.42200 del
На самом деле мне не нравится эта борда. Ну вот совсем. Как и 4 новых клонов-борд сдохшего Краутчана - туда ему и дорога.
Ла и вымораживает болтать с херпоймикем херпоймиочем на инглише.

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 02:41:09 [Preview] No.42201 del
В России миджюборд как гуталина на гуталиновой фабрике и сидеть где-то в /int/ ну вот совсем неинтересно нихуяшечки. Чуть менее чем никак.

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 02:42:04 [Preview] No.42202 del
В России имиджборд как гуталина на гуталиновой фабрике и сидеть где-то в /int/ на англоязычной борде ну вот совсем неинтересно нихуяшечки. Чуть менее чем никак.

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 08:37:02 [Preview] No.42206 del
>he may not be Russian
How do you define Russian anyway?
>I invite you to eat Russian borsch with garlic and black bread and vodka.
Noice, thanks! I bring you some goulash, it has real meat. And real potato.
>we read a book by Karl Marx
Sounds fun. I think we have some Lenin stashed away somewhere too.

Such is life, brat. I can't suggest other boards you might enjoy. I dunno what you like.

>В России имиджборд как гуталина на гуталиновой фабрике
What that idiom means?

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 15:17:01 [Preview] No.42211 del
I didn't understand the phrase. In Russia, 100% speak Russian. In Russia, 89% are Russians and almost 200 other nationalities. There are also Hungarians and even Australians
>it has real meat. And real potato.
Borscht is a soup made from real beef or real veal, real vegetables and real potatoes. The classic way to eat it is with bread and garlic, or just bread. Goulash is not soup.
>Such is life, brat. I can't suggest other boards you might enjoy. I dunno what you like.
I already sit on other boards - Russian-language boards and several foreign ones, for example 8kun and 9chan.
>What that idiom means?
Idiom means a large number of objects, so many objects that they occupy almost the available space of what they are inside. The idiom began to be used after, in one Russian cartoon, in which the cat said the phrase "I have as many of these things - as shoe polish at a shoe polish factory. Well, they just got filled up." The idiom can be synonymous with word "dohuya"

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 15:22:48 [Preview] No.42212 del
IRL do not use this word to call unfamiliar Russian people. They may react badly. Very bad.

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 15:38:35 [Preview] No.42213 del
>I didn't understand the phrase.
Then I ask it differently:
What does it mean to be a Russian? What makes a Russian? Who is a Russian?
>Idiom means a large number of objects, so many objects that they occupy almost the available space of what they are inside
So basically you meant there are many Russian imageboads?

All right, priyatechka.

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 23:13:47 [Preview] No.42215 del
Then I ask it differently:
What does it mean to be a Russian? What makes a Russian? Who is a Russian?

Maybe then it is better to read in the English Wikipedia what the people and nationality are?

What does it mean to be a Hungarian? What makes a Hungarian? Who is a Hungarian?

What it means to be: American, Australian, Canadian. After all, these are former English colonies, and these peoples do not have their own language. Nominally, Canada and Australia are ruled by the British crown, the Australians even have a piece of the flag - a small British flag. I'll just write two of our jokes: 1. Anyone can be Russian if he speaks Russian from birth and has a Russian mentality (drinking vodka with a bear sitting at a nuclear power plant, juggling matryoshka dolls, dancing with sabers, jumping into the snow in a bathhouse, etc. - like this ). 2. Russian is a state of mind. If you feel like a Russian and want to become a Russian - be Russian.

Пиздец, как я много пишу на английском, сам от себя в ахуе.

Bernd 01/23/2021 (Sat) 23:29:19 [Preview] No.42216 del
>All right, priyatechka.

There is no such word приятечка in Russian.

There is words in Russian:

* приятель - priyatel - a little friend
при - pri - pronounced as in the word "print"
я - ya - pronounced as in the word "Yankee"
тел - tel - pronounced as in the word "Tel Aviv"

* друг - drug - a big friend
д - hard d - pronounced as d in the word "drink"
р - soft r - pronounced as r in the word "round" or "rumble"
у - soft u - pronounced like short "oo" as in the word "oops" or "Moon"
г - hard g - pronounced as g in the word "gas"

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 00:15:37 [Preview] No.42217 del
Don't listen to him, if a Russian reacts badly to something, you could always calm him down by offering him a bottle to sit on.

t. Russian behavioral psychology pro

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 03:23:32 [Preview] No.42218 del
Будешь много пиздеть, к тебе приедет пативен с майором и посадит тебя на кукан.
Спрятался он за впнчиком и
осмелел сразу.
Но сначала тебе папа даст леща, ишь чо удумал.

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 03:53:54 [Preview] No.42219 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Jj5hPBU7hBk [Embed]

sage Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 06:31:18 [Preview] No.42220 del
Why would anybody do that? Sounds weird

Man, is that the Nikita video with the rooster? I don't need to see that

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 07:41:55 [Preview] No.42224 del
It's a common practice for the Russian repressive apparatus to force arrested people to sit on bottles - there was a recent case in Chechnya that made the rounds on the English-speaking net, but it's much more common and became a meme on Russkie imageboards a few years ago.

>is that the Nikita video with the rooster?
I don't know what is that, but in the one I posted no roosters were harmed, don't worry.

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 07:56:47 [Preview] No.42225 del
(18.29 MB 490x360 Nahui.mp4)
You don't need to resort to whataboutism tovarishka. I was curious about your take on it. What is the essence of a Russian. Like how wrote it here:
>1. Anyone can be Russian if he speaks Russian from birth and has a Russian mentality (drinking vodka with a bear sitting at a nuclear power plant, juggling matryoshka dolls, dancing with sabers, jumping into the snow in a bathhouse, etc. - like this ). 2. Russian is a state of mind. If you feel like a Russian and want to become a Russian - be Russian.
I understand these are meant to be jokes. But jokes often have a kernel of truth in them, and often those are the reason of the humor.

>Пиздец, как я много пишу на английском, сам от себя в ахуе.
Amazing indeed.

And offer them a vacation on Nahui?


Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 09:18:27 [Preview] No.42229 del
(36.23 KB 474x266 external-content.jpg)
>And offer them a vacation on Nahui?

That works as well.

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 14:15:22 [Preview] No.42230 del
Don't listen to him. He's just trolling or lying. Such people on the Russian-speaking Internet are called "pizdabol".

"Pizdabol" comes from two words
pizda - vagina
bol - speak
A synonym for the phrase "impudent liar".

>It's a common practice for the Russian repressive apparatus to force arrested people to sit on bottles - there was a recent case in Chechnya that made the rounds on the English-speaking net, but it's much more common and became a meme on Russkie imageboards a few years ago.

Это ты на Мейаче прочитал или в говнолиберальных ваших СМИ? Или Дойче Велле писала?

Тебе блять везде майоры мерещаться, что ты блять добежал аж до краутчановского клона и сидишь тут из под Тора.
Ебаные параноики. Особенно лолифоксеры страдают этим заболеванием.

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 14:26:54 [Preview] No.42231 del
>You don't need to resort to whataboutism tovarishka.
Just decided to add some spreading cranberries? How Russians are portrayed in American cinema, where Russia is suddenly portrayed by Hungary (Red Heat. Die Hard 4. Citizen X etc)

> I was curious about your take on it. What is the essence of a Russian.
Sorry, I have no desire at all to discuss what it means to be Russian and so on with anonymous foreigners on an imageboard like Endchan.
This is a pointless exercise.

And I am not a fan /int/ boards.

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 14:34:03 [Preview] No.42232 del
> I was curious about your take on it. What is the essence of a Russian. Like how wrote it here

ask him
Although he is a mentally retarded degenerate, that's wright, this is what it takes to look like a Russian from a Aamerican or British movies in the eyes of foreigners who have never seen a Russian or Russia.

sage Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 19:59:57 [Preview] No.42236 del
>bok bok bok
Why is it ALWAYS a rooster every time?

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 20:16:14 [Preview] No.42237 del
Why are U ALWAYS a dick every time?

Bernd 01/24/2021 (Sun) 20:17:11 [Preview] No.42238 del
>Sorry, I have no desire at all to discuss what it means to be Russian and so on
>This is a pointless exercise.
Okay. What would you like to talk about?
You can also look around on the board, the catalog offers quite a few topics, feel free to comment in any thread. Do you like music? Or cooking? Video games? Maybe you have funny flags to post, check this: >>19975

Bernd 01/25/2021 (Mon) 07:01:28 [Preview] No.42241 del
(269.95 KB 1280x842 1509489.jpeg)
And they do it (nearly) for free, can you imagine that?

Bernd 01/25/2021 (Mon) 21:12:41 [Preview] No.42253 del
>Who is a Russian?

Someone who starts to swear with other Russians about some nonsense on international imageboard after only few posts.

It isn't complete definition, but still a required part of being Russian. This thread is a good example.

Bernd 01/25/2021 (Mon) 21:24:42 [Preview] No.42254 del
Scrubbed the pic, you can repost it if you feel like it.
I concur. I think this also was noted back then on KC main. I think I have a screenshot somewhere.

Bernd 01/25/2021 (Mon) 21:29:17 [Preview] No.42255 del
(10.47 KB 601x195 russian_butthurt.png)
Here it is. From 2010!
Not entirely fits the situation tho.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 04:20:26 [Preview] No.42375 del
Judging by the picture. I would remind you that in the Netherlands there are problems with Muslim refugees. And in the USA with niggas, BLM, SZHV and political correctness. But you do not live either in the Netherlands or in the USA - you just sit from under the Thor or proxy. Because such pictures are stored on the computer only by shitty posters from Sosach.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 04:28:08 [Preview] No.42376 del
You're wrong. I did not quarrel with other Russians. Of the Russians, there is only a cock's head, which wrote about the problem with Chechen homosexuals. And this one >> 42241 but it can be a crest. Or a liberoid. The rest who answered me were Hungarian, Australian (who thought I was Jewish) and Canadian. And these are real foreigners, not sucker shit from under a proxy. You can trust me.

"Верить нельзя никому, а мне - можно." (с) группенфюрер Мюллер.
Я надеюсь ты знаешь откуда цитатка.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 04:47:57 [Preview] No.42377 del

I'm sorry. I just don't like
- to communicate with foreigners - we have a difference in mentality, etc., they have prejudices against the Russians for various reasons (oh, these Russian barbarians living in shit with nuclear missiles), here we add a "movie about Russians" General Gogol, cosmonaut Andropov, etc.

- I don't need to explain to the Russian how the use of the phrase "na hui" is different from "hahiui". And why "ohuenno" is better than "pizdato", which is better than "huevo".

- I especially do not like doing it on anonymous foreign imageboards

- I don't like Endchan in general. Only Loldifoxers are comfortable here. It's just that I have enough communication on Russian-speaking sites and, of course, imageboards with Russian-speaking users.

There are no other reasons to come here.

I like watch a movies and a TV series (I'm the cinema fan), read a books, listen a music and writing the articles for different websites.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 04:48:41 [Preview] No.42378 del
Ну вот и я тоже стал голландцем, и виза не нужна лол.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 04:56:36 [Preview] No.42379 del
This manual does not concern me.

In Russian, I write to Russians, most often when I need to tell them something that foreigners will never understand - even with knowledge of the language for 10 years and a google translator.

Otaka huinya, malyata.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 14:17:35 [Preview] No.42382 del
>I'm sorry. I just don't like
>- to communicate with foreigners
That's okay, no problem.
It seems to me you don't like to communicate with Russians either.
>foreigners - we have a difference in mentality,
Isn't the point in talking with foreigners that they have different mentality? For me that is interesting. That is also interesting when I notice something similar in their thinking.
>foreigners [...] they have prejudices against the Russians
This is why I suggested to talk about something else, which has nothing to do with this topic.

Despite all this, you are welcomed to post here any time when you feel like it.

>Only Loldifoxers are comfortable here.
Don't lolifoxers just come here asking for link to the new lolifox instance? Otherwise they just sit on lolifox.

>read a books
What book did you read last time?

>writing the articles for different websites.
Russian websites?

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 17:25:04 [Preview] No.42384 del
>It seems to me you don't like to communicate with Russians either.
I like to communicate with Russians and communicate a lot with them on other imageboards, forums and social networks, such as VKontakte and Facebook. The problem is simply that on Endchan 90% of Russian speakers (not only Russians, but Russian-speakers) are: - former lolifoxers who came running here after closing - Former Krautchans who came here after closing - schizophrenics and idiots who write about Chechen gays, mythical stories and about politics And 10% of casual visitors like me. Moreover, there is only one section, which is almost half filled with shit posts. At the same time, the former lolifoxers, of whom there are a lot in the / rus / section, are psychos with conspiracy theories, schizophrenia and paranoia, that the authorities are spying on them on other resources, and the administration cooperates with the authorities. That is why they are so fond of posting from Thor on foreign imageboards, and better on the darknet. My point is they are crazy and sick idiots and full of shit.

I do not communicate with shit even on other resources.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 17:37:02 [Preview] No.42385 del
>Isn't the point in talking with foreigners that they have different mentality? For me that is interesting. That is also interesting when I notice something similar in their thinking.

This is not interesting to me and there is absolutely no desire to waste time on this. I am not interested in the mentality of foreigners, their personal stories about their lives and so on, and I am not interested in what is happening in their country. I am interested in world history, and not in something concerning the life of ordinary people, problems in their life or the situation in their country. I'm not interested in the peculiarities of their culture, told by an unknown anonymous author on the image board.

>This is why I suggested to talk about something else, which has nothing to do with this topic.

No, thanks.

>Don't lolifoxers just come here asking for link to the new lolifox instance? Otherwise they just sit on lolifox.
It's dead a long time ago. And his clones are dead too. Except the board in Onion.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 17:54:51 [Preview] No.42386 del
>Russian websites?
Yes. Almost.
English Wikipedia doesn't count - horror and nightmare in the flesh.

Is it a book? Thomas Roger's book about the Tudors. And the books of Russian authors.
Now I want to read Jack Lander. Wars of Roses.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 18:02:08 [Preview] No.42387 del
And I have my own sites and even my own imageboard - isn't big it is small and very cozy.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 20:53:15 [Preview] No.42388 del
(160.62 KB 326x280 1b5.png)
>in the Netherlands there are problems with Muslim refugees. And in the USA with niggas, BLM, SZHV and political correctness.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 21:16:32 [Preview] No.42389 del
>На самом деле мне не нравится эта борда.
>сидеть где-то в /int/ на англоязычной борде ну вот совсем неинтересно нихуяшечки
>This is not interesting to me and there is absolutely no desire to waste time on this.

Тебе настолько неинтересно, что ты тут уже второй десяток постов пишешь.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 22:01:12 [Preview] No.42390 del
Yours that herokuapp chan which can tell the poster's haplogroup? I thought I bookmarked it but can't find anywhere, and don't remember the name sadly. And the thread is lost now.
Or you are the depreschan guy? Then I have a bad news.

>Jack Lander. Wars of Roses.
Quite a few books was written about that war. Why did you decided to read Lander's book? I don't know that one (I browsed some other) so I don't know if it has any significance. I'm not questioning your judgement, I'm curious if I should get it.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 23:26:08 [Preview] No.42391 del
>Тебе настолько неинтересно, что ты тут уже второй десяток постов пишешь.

Считал? Нет. Просто у меня есть время. Ну и аноньчеки задают вежливые вопросы. На невежливые я бы просто послал и ушел.
А тут всамделишные венгр и канадец.

Не с нашими говноедами обсуждать же педрил с бутылками или митинги в поддержу Овального и обычный набор тем у либерасни.

Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 23:46:08 [Preview] No.42392 del
>Yours that herokuapp chan which can tell the poster's haplogroup? I thought I bookmarked
I don't know what this herokuappchan is.
>Or you are the depreschan guy? Then I have a bad news.
It's dead 2y. ago

>Why did you decided to read Lander's book?

He is a well-known historian in Western Europe who has studied the medieval history of Britain. I began to read selected non-fiction books from my list of references, covering the period from the beginning of the reign of Henry IV to the death of Henry VII Tudor. I'm not interested in fiction books about this, like K. Penman.
Lander's books are interesting to me - I consider him an authoritative source that I can trust. And other people can too imho.

Bernd 02/03/2021 (Wed) 00:11:57 [Preview] No.42393 del
To moderator or admin of /ks/

Please delete this post of mine. It contains the wrong link anyway.

LynxChan engine is not comfortable .

Bernd 02/03/2021 (Wed) 16:34:01 [Preview] No.42404 del
I'm hesitant to delete it, it's the integral part of the conversation. Sorry.

Bernd 02/04/2021 (Thu) 01:09:15 [Preview] No.42411 del
(516.38 KB 1024x650 bc87654398765.jpg)

If so, please edit or remove the link. This is a broken link and it links to a page that does not exist with a "span class" at the end of the line. If the administrator of this board is not able to edit comments, then in a few days I will block access to this page on my own or set up a 404 redirect.

The correct link is this https://vk.cc/bXZoTR

Bernd 02/04/2021 (Thu) 06:02:02 [Preview] No.42419 del
>Yours that herokuapp chan which can tell the poster's haplogroup?

would it be bernd.group fam? I think that's the name of it

Bernd 02/04/2021 (Thu) 06:02:21 [Preview] No.42420 del
Is there a date for the new kohlzine to be released?

Bernd 02/04/2021 (Thu) 10:10:18 [Preview] No.42430 del
Deleted the link.

No. A rude-ish Russian - who posted here for a while in tandem with our regular Russian - once posted his board he developed. It was hosted somehow with heroku and the link looked like: "herokuapp.blahblahchan.com" or "blablachan.herokuapp.com" or something alike. He posted it here in a very early phase of the development, and last time I saw it it wasn't yet mature. It had a very basic CSS which looked a bit off. It had two boards, a /b/ (maybe it was dedicated to trains like that one chan) and an /int/. The most notable feature of /int/ was that you could pick what was getting displayed next to your post: your flag or your haplogroup (actually there was a third option, like continent or race or something, I can't recall).
The thread lasted quite a while, I bumped it a couple of times so won't get lost, but recently was pushed off from the catalog.

Bernd 02/04/2021 (Thu) 14:10:26 [Preview] No.42431 del
(92.93 KB 800x469 800px-Berchan1.png)

>No. A rude-ish Russian - who posted here for a while in tandem with our regular Russian - once posted his board he developed. It was hosted somehow with heroku and the link looked like: "herokuapp.blahblahchan.com" or "blablachan.herokuapp.com" or something alike.

No, it's not me. I don't have a site like the one described. This is Uberchan dot ru - see screenshot. It's dead now.

If you have your own Russian - why didn't you ask him about what it means to be Russian, what kind of nation is this .............. what else did you want to ask?

Bernd 02/04/2021 (Thu) 14:15:02 [Preview] No.42433 del
Uberchan had a buggy ugly engine and a lot of shitposters and cancerodiles... I'm not surprised

Bernd 02/04/2021 (Thu) 18:15:40 [Preview] No.42434 del
>It's dead now.
Happens. One either needs large traffic, or dedicated userbase.
Many hangs to certain "brandnames", me as well.

>If you have your own Russian - why didn't you ask him about what it means to be Russian
We probably did talk about that. We are here since 2017 so the regulars of this board talked about everything already. Well, almost everything.

What do you think about the Thomas Roger book about the Tudors? Would you recommend it? Did you read other book about that period?

Bernd 02/04/2021 (Thu) 20:59:23 [Preview] No.42442 del

The reason for its closure was a home-made engine, the engine was constantly buggy and broke and the server crashed, well, shitposters helped to close it. It closed in December, the admin promised to fix the engine and open it on January 5th. It's already 5 February. The Russian-speaking imageboards I know of are about 80+ and sometimes some die, but new imageboards open up. All new imageboards are small, but their main problem is not traffic, the reasons for their problem are the engine, the quality of the content and the type of users. If all three of these characteristics of the particular imageboard can be described as "deep shit", then as a result the imageboard will close - sooner or later.

Bernd 02/04/2021 (Thu) 21:04:57 [Preview] No.42443 del
>What do you think about the Thomas Roger book about the Tudors? Would you recommend it? Did you read other book about that period?

Good book, I was interested. The book is not for everyone, not everyone will like it. Yes, I read 6 books about this period.

Bernd 02/05/2021 (Fri) 09:50:36 [Preview] No.42449 del
>home-made engine, the engine was constantly buggy and broke and the server crashed
Must have been a challenge. On the other hand it is a good learning opportunity.
>the quality of the content and the type of users
This could lead to a vicious circle. Bad users produce shitty content which repels good users but attract bad ones. Who then make more shitty content.

6? Nice. Did you see difference between the authors how they viewed the Tudors, how they judged their work?
For example what we know about the Wars of Roses are largely coming from sources that were filtered or created by the Tudor propaganda (they had to justify themselves and create legitimacy), and historians now start to question the usual evaluation because of this interference.

Bernd 02/12/2021 (Fri) 15:19:05 [Preview] No.42561 del
We set up a deadline for 16 of Febuary, hopefully we can manage and release it by the end of this month.

Bernd 02/15/2021 (Mon) 04:47:25 [Preview] No.42620 del
>16 of Febuary
Damn, didn't even notice. Here's my last minute submission.

Bernd 02/15/2021 (Mon) 04:54:11 [Preview] No.42621 del
Additional illustrations:

>Clockwise from the top right: Urutu, Cascavel, Osório and Ogum
>The Sucuri tank destroyer in promotional material (left) and its Engesa "boomerang" suspension in use (right)

Bernd 02/15/2021 (Mon) 15:11:42 [Preview] No.42626 del
Read it. Haven't noticed any screaming mistakes.
I dunno if they check the place, maybe you should contact them more directly.

Bernd 02/16/2021 (Tue) 12:31:05 [Preview] No.42640 del

Bernd 06/17/2021 (Thu) 11:58:51 [Preview] No.44039 del
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(93.74 KB 1512x945 k21 big12.png)
Sorry for long hiatus, we had been waiting a lot for texts to complete the whole issue but we are back.

Here is the the long overdue brazilian text, zine is not yet released so feel free to correct errors and suggest improovements.

Bernd 06/17/2021 (Thu) 12:01:16 [Preview] No.44040 del
(202.95 KB 1512x945 k21 big13.png)
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Bernd 06/17/2021 (Thu) 19:08:52 [Preview] No.44042 del
Nice. I've fixed some typos, reworded some parts for a clearer reading and sent the second draft by e-mail.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 16:55:12 [Preview] No.44094 del
(1.71 MB 1650x1073 final cover.png)
To compensate for a long hiatus this issue is longer than usual and contains following articles:
>New Discourse on the Roman-German Emperor
A review of a book about German political autism
>Virtual Invasion
To what degree do the tools condition the craft?
>Rise and Fall of a Third World Arms Industry
The story of how a Brazilian company tried to become a big fish and ended up drowning
>Ceterum autem censeo Anglos esse delendam
Article in English complaining about how English is a shit language
>pottery corner
Poetry for the masses
>Security Theory in the Form of a Coordinate System
Emotional compass
>The Woman is the Resting Place of the Warrior
The feminist revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
>Zeus Cross-Examined
Because Zeus is only a God after all
>World Med Alliance
Analysis of the Mediterranean and the Middle Eastern theaters. No TL:DR

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 16:59:44 [Preview] No.44095 del
Thank you. May Vishnu give you many bobs and vagenes.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:00:10 [Preview] No.44096 del
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>New Discourse on the Roman-German Emperor

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:02:46 [Preview] No.44097 del
(3.89 MB 2362x1476 kz215.png)
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(3.21 MB 2362x1476 kz217.png)
(1.51 MB 2362x1476 kz218.png)
>Virtual Invasion

Very weird location detection, sometimes polish, sometimes british, sometimes indian. Very Commonwealthy.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:06:43 [Preview] No.44098 del
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>Rise and Fall of a Third World Arms Industry

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:07:17 [Preview] No.44099 del
Recently updated the geoloc db. Problem is the service we use isn't supported by the engine anymore due to their changes.
.org also behind CloudFlare, so that also adds to misplacements.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:07:38 [Preview] No.44100 del
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Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:08:56 [Preview] No.44101 del
To be fair there is an indian restaurant very close to the place I live in.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:09:52 [Preview] No.44102 del
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>Ceterum autem censeo Anglos esse delendam

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:11:43 [Preview] No.44103 del
Makes more sense now.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:14:06 [Preview] No.44104 del
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Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:16:12 [Preview] No.44105 del
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>Security Theory in the Form of a Coordinate System

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:20:48 [Preview] No.44106 del
I heard about that. Maybe local Russian wrote about it some time ago.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:22:51 [Preview] No.44107 del
Original story was published in 2016 or 2018 in Guardian but it still keeps happening. Its not implausible since similar stuff is happening on Sicily with migrants.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:24:51 [Preview] No.44109 del
Gypsies here sometimes keep slaves too. I don't think it is much documented.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:29:36 [Preview] No.44111 del
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>The Woman is the Resting Place of the Warrior

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:30:46 [Preview] No.44112 del
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>Zeus Cross-Examined
Lucian is a lot of fun.

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:31:04 [Preview] No.44113 del
(1.02 MB 2362x1476 kz2130.png)

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:36:15 [Preview] No.44114 del
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>>World Med Alliance

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:37:10 [Preview] No.44115 del
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>>World Med Alliance

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 17:38:27 [Preview] No.44116 del
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>>World Med Alliance

Bernd 06/21/2021 (Mon) 19:56:48 [Preview] No.44117 del
(18.52 KB 523x163 engesa.png)
Good job Brazil!

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 02:43:23 [Preview] No.44119 del
No such thing. The parties in charge of Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistans hate each other, the former has some sort of anarchist ideology and the latter is a generic kleptocracy allied to Turkey.

Nice. Nationally the topic is known among some military hardware enthusiasts and very patriotic people but not the average layman or even Bernd.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 06:36:17 [Preview] No.44121 del
I also find curious the mention of Kurds as separate participants.
Furthermore Afghanistan might be out of the Anglo-Semitic Alliance soon. It's liek Vietnam all over again.
>Russa (and Crimea)
>Neo Ottomans
That is interesting. Little pan-Turanism, more like overarching Islamic ties.
But I think I have to read the whole article to see what the author thought of.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 07:22:21 [Preview] No.44122 del
Some mental shortcuts were necessary i think. Author of the article did a pretty ambitious attempt at sketching the outline of fractal tier complex theatre that gets more complex as you zoom in.
Regarding Afghanistan the article was written 2 months ago so some things had evolved in meanwhile.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 08:35:33 [Preview] No.44123 del
Such a med centric view ignores the elephant in the room and aside from that it's too simplistic. The world now is much more like it was during the lead up to WW1, you have multiple actors with various gaols that often compete with each other while at the same time may also work with each other. So for example, Egypt and Sudan are allies in that scenario, I think he lumps them together due to supporting the same side in Libya however Sudan is upstream of Egypt and has been in support of the Ethiopian dam which directly threatens Egypt. Sudan is just as likely to fight a war against Egypt as it is to fight one alongside them against the Turkish backed Libyans. Turkey as well, could swing in multiple directions as could France.

And this all ignores China who is the greatest threat to the world and the most likely to cause WW3, many have linked them to WW1 Germany.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 09:02:10 [Preview] No.44124 del

Some germans seems to disagree with some of your points.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 09:07:46 [Preview] No.44125 del
Med as a centre of of World affairs is certainly an attempt at provocations but one has to admit that the proxie wars waged here have most direct influence on whats happening in Europe especially when it comes to migrants. The Alliance blocks are also rather provocative choice.
One book is not enough to abbreviate this mess but i think author did a correct thing and separated the text into minor conflicts with different actos switching sides in certain cases, just like you described.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 09:10:00 [Preview] No.44126 del
Maybe it's med centric because the active events fold out in that area making everyone there directly involved. Those who are further away while can be active influencers and participants of the events, the events aren't played on their lands, so their participation is indirect.
And why those things happen in that region? Because - as Szálasi wrote - the Mediterranean is the meeting point of three continents, a clashing zone for their cultures, their powers, and is a key area of the Anglo global empire.
Maybe with the Age of Exploration the world became bigger, moving the theaters of history shaping conflicts out from that area, but as the revolution of transportation and communication shrunk the globe again, now we're finding the fire pit again there.
While I still not read the article (I'll do it, just have more urgent), I agree the conflicts in the area are complex.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 09:12:31 [Preview] No.44127 del
When you link a post directly copy the link from the "No." and not from the actual number. That way the link will open the thread at the post, and not just the thread (despite the URI will contain the post's number).

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 09:53:11 [Preview] No.44128 del
It seems on many occasion he agrees with Brazilbernd. It just reads as he has some inferiority complex, and jealous that the article wasn't written about German tank industry.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 11:03:47 [Preview] No.44129 del
He postures a lot but ultimately has no meaningful criticism to offer, mostly hurt durr ur Brazilian. But maybe if brazilbro answers him he will roll out more serious arguments

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 11:12:27 [Preview] No.44131 del
Well if a meaningful discussion came out of this, that would be a win for everyone.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 11:14:10 [Preview] No.44132 del
That was one of the things the zine was created for, starting discussions about the topics of the articles.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 11:22:14 [Preview] No.44133 del
Who would be willing aren't always online, and a thread of interest can slide away without little attention. So a collection of topics that are more permanent, and can be reposted if needed is a good idea.

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 11:32:57 [Preview] No.44134 del

Bernd 06/22/2021 (Tue) 14:03:13 [Preview] No.44136 del
My article is about how some industrial ambitions failed, crashed and burned. Perhaps he didn't really notice the tone. Otherwise it's all just details of the failure.

Bernd 06/23/2021 (Wed) 03:17:41 [Preview] No.44150 del
Maybe but I don't see it as happening that way. Yes, the Mediterranean is important but none of the players in the sea have the ability or inclination to start a world war over it. It's an area for Proxy wars and minor power rivalries. Turkey and France might support groups against the will of the US but they are not going to fight a war with her, that would be insane and it would not even cause a world war anyway. Russia doesn't have the ability to seriously contest the Mediterranean either, again, it can support groups but in the event of an actual war it would quickly be cut off and there really isn't a reason to do it. Even Iran is unlikely to cause a Word war as again, Russia cannot support her in any meaningful way and supporting her would be suicide, Russia would be very vocal in it's support of Iran and may arm them and even send proxies but it won't join the war.

Bernd 06/23/2021 (Wed) 06:45:31 [Preview] No.44151 del
I never talked about world war.

Bernd 06/23/2021 (Wed) 06:47:34 [Preview] No.44152 del
Well, in relation to this particular topic.

Bernd 06/23/2021 (Wed) 07:08:33 [Preview] No.44153 del
Ahh, well it's what the article was about.

Bernd 06/24/2021 (Thu) 07:10:25 [Preview] No.44192 del
It could be seen as a training ground for alliance testing.
As USA is pulling out of middle east France will have to step in to create some new alliance with Egypt (together with Italy and Greece) to balance Turkish and Russian influence. Already they are very close to UAE. This all will have implications for how whole region will be reacting to Chinese penetration since French see them as competitor over Africa.

Bernd 06/24/2021 (Thu) 15:20:18 [Preview] No.44195 del
Maybe. The French don't really oppose Russia and they actually share the same goal in Libya(with the Egyptians too). They will counter Turkey but only where they have interests and it's what they are doing with the US being in the ME anyway(the US does not really care about Libya).

As you may have heard, the G7 recently announced a plan to counter Chinese influence world wide with a G7 Belt and Road, so France will be in that but it's not clear what each will contribute, where and how happy they are about it. France may just invest in her African satellites and nowhere else.

Bernd 06/24/2021 (Thu) 15:34:49 [Preview] No.44196 del
>No such thing. The parties in charge of Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistans hate each other, the former has some sort of anarchist ideology and the latter is a generic kleptocracy allied to Turkey.
I feel that "Kurdistan" is the kind of a project Yugoslavia was. A bunch of mountain savages who spoke similar languages decided they should try have their own state after foreign empires get kicked out, and in ~70 yrs if it ever happens they will end up genociding each other.

Bernd 06/24/2021 (Thu) 19:21:38 [Preview] No.44199 del
>Chinese penetration
That won't be very deep.

There's a hard limit what France and Turkey can do against each other since they are in the same military alliance. Sure they can support various opposing groups but I think mostly those are on the very fringes of the two powers' reach, so if one side fails, it won't be big deal for the power supporting them. Like Libya, France has way deeper interests in Francafrique, and while has long standing relations with Libya, the opportunity to meddle in their affairs is fresh. And for Turkey that place got onto their growing sphere of influence recently. Gaddafi was just too exclusive.

Bernd 03/21/2022 (Mon) 01:26:21 [Preview] No.47002 del
Is kohlzine still being released? I remember saying I wanted to upload my articles there?

Dutch bernd Bernd 06/11/2022 (Sat) 04:28:45 [Preview] No.47851 del
(20.77 KB 647x889 radioalert.png)
Please respond. Wanna upload 1-2 new articles

Bernd 06/11/2022 (Sat) 16:20:00 [Preview] No.47859 del
I don't think they do it anymore. Nothing on kohl/make, nothing on bernd.group.

Dutch bernd Bernd 06/19/2022 (Sun) 03:17:40 [Preview] No.48019 del
(31.14 KB 427x507 16348922178800.jpg)
>I don't think they do it anymore. Nothing on kohl/make, nothing on bernd.group.

That's a shame. Maybe we should do it ourselves then? Could be fun. Just need a dedicated bernd group to start it up and keep it alive

Bernd 06/19/2022 (Sun) 11:02:28 [Preview] No.48027 del
I don't have the time, energy, and will to do it. And judging by the traffic of our board, I have to assume the others neither. We can barely keep alive this board. It might be disappointing, but this is how I see it.

Bernd 06/19/2022 (Sun) 19:59:35 [Preview] No.48031 del
>Maybe we should do it ourselves then?

If there will be content, it wouldn't be too hard to make PDF with it. So you need to find few writers first - it will be the most complex task.

Bernd 06/21/2022 (Tue) 08:06:07 [Preview] No.48044 del
So if done, the title, Kohlzine has to be changed. As a self-definition it can be stated that it is a continuation of the zine. Also if real effort is done maybe old editors will get on the wagon.
I think it should be extended to other imageboards, reach out to other chans. First and foremost bernd.group, and maybe ernst. A thread should be put to Kohl/make. Any other chan can be involved essentially, it's not the chans that would make it, but the users, Bernds, Anons, whoevers.
Needs an email acc, where the submissions has to be sent. Either some standards have to be set how submissions should look like, or just let all kinds of stuff to be sent, and compiled together as is.
Someone has to edit the stuff. There are publishing applications, I think Scribus is on Linux and probably LibreOffice can be used as well. But in the simplest form some pdf creator tools (I dunno liek PDFChain??) can be used and just make an ebook looking publication, and not a magazine type.
Cover art also has to be created.

1. pick a name
2. set up a mailbox
3. inquire on chans all over
4. wait, check mail time to times
5. post reminders everywhere
6. when enough material sent edit it together
7. create cover art
8. post the result everywhere
9. set up a site to host the published issues

Bernd 06/24/2022 (Fri) 15:49:04 [Preview] No.48067 del
I miss Outokumpu. It will always have a special place in my heart.

Bernd 06/26/2022 (Sun) 11:14:44 [Preview] No.48075 del
What a fate.
I think quite a few towns walk in similar shoes all over the globe. Some just ghost towns as industry left, some bear same marks of the dangerous nature of whatever was done there.

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