Bernd 12/30/2020 (Wed) 22:29:40 No.41870 del
There's a typo, the 6th footnote in the first paragraph of the São Paulo theater shouldn't be there.

For clarity the first paragraph of Legalist defeat needs to change from:
>Coupists in the Navy immobilized the "people's admiral" Aragão's marines. Hence Âncora told him his remaining muscle in Rio, the Army Police and Guards Battalions, coulnd't ensure his safety in Guanabara.
>Coupists in the Navy immobilized the "people's admiral" Aragão's marines. Hence Âncora told the President his remaining muscle in Rio, the Army Police and Guards Battalions, coulnd't ensure his safety in the city.
This one is important.

And in the counterfactual, not vital but should be made clearer:
>As long as Goulart broke with the left, Kruel offered to destroy Mourão. Could he? There were officers ready to imprison him if he didn't join the coup and Mourão believed his legacy as the "revolutionary leader" in São Paulo would prevent the IInd Army from fighting him.
>As long as Goulart broke with the left, Kruel offered to destroy Mourão. >Could he? There were officers ready to imprison him if he didn't join the coup and Mourão believed his legacy as the conspiracy's ringleader in São Paulo back in 1963 would prevent the IInd Army from fighting him.