Bernd 02/02/2021 (Tue) 17:25:04 No.42384 del
>It seems to me you don't like to communicate with Russians either.
I like to communicate with Russians and communicate a lot with them on other imageboards, forums and social networks, such as VKontakte and Facebook. The problem is simply that on Endchan 90% of Russian speakers (not only Russians, but Russian-speakers) are: - former lolifoxers who came running here after closing - Former Krautchans who came here after closing - schizophrenics and idiots who write about Chechen gays, mythical stories and about politics And 10% of casual visitors like me. Moreover, there is only one section, which is almost half filled with shit posts. At the same time, the former lolifoxers, of whom there are a lot in the / rus / section, are psychos with conspiracy theories, schizophrenia and paranoia, that the authorities are spying on them on other resources, and the administration cooperates with the authorities. That is why they are so fond of posting from Thor on foreign imageboards, and better on the darknet. My point is they are crazy and sick idiots and full of shit.

I do not communicate with shit even on other resources.