Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 03:45:20 No.37454 del
Both josh and miles are jews so take everything they say with a boatload of salt. miles admitted in an article somewhere that he had jewish ancestry

miles has a standard jewish mindset and phenotype, curly hair, very lanky bodytype, then bald once they get older, lazy and entitled (donate to me pls), god complex and doesnt tolerate being questioned.

usually the hypocricy is the most obvious and easiest to spot, he boasts about not paying taxes whilst ranting on people to tax evade. I read his articles but never accept anything really at face value. the modus operandi usually is to establish some kind of guru status. and lead their followers to nowhere. just look at gerry, he was pretty much booted out because he didnt agree with everything miles had to say.

and I mean come on can it get more gay than this?

" He has also defended me in various forums. "

gerrys site

after ive written this stuff im beginning to feel kind of stupid that I even recommended miles writings.

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