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(320.53 KB 1222x817 amish.jpg)
Bernd 05/09/2019 (Thu) 22:44:54 [Preview] No. 25729
>niggers are degenerate
>Americans are degenerate
>t-shirts are degenerate
>blue jeans are degenerate
>wearing short sleeves is degenerate
>technology is degenerate
>science is degenerate
>all art is degenerate (and graven images)
>cosmopolitanism is degenerate
>touching your peepee is degenerate
>dating is fornication and degenerate
>materialism is degenerate
>gnosticism is degenerate
>philosophy is degenerate
>not having 10 children is degenerate
>music is degenerate
>shaving is degenerate
>Muslims are heretics
>Papists are heretics
>Jews are demons

Bernd 05/09/2019 (Thu) 22:47:10 [Preview] No.25731 del
>tfw you realise that "degenerate art" is a psyop because all art is inherently degenerate

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 02:48:15 [Preview] No.25737 del
did you finally try alkohol denmark

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 05:25:01 [Preview] No.25741 del
(178.11 KB 640x480 keks_kex.jpg)

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 08:29:01 [Preview] No.25744 del
>non-organic food is degenerate

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 08:40:18 [Preview] No.25746 del
go o glad kex choklad

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 09:09:46 [Preview] No.25751 del
Seriously though, do you disagree with anything I said in the OP?

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 09:23:51 [Preview] No.25752 del
not really, you are on point. miles mathis wrote a good paper on modern art you would like I think.


200 years ago they just used complete pawns like voltaire to do their bidding for them. candide is a pretty depraved book if you really think about it, especially from that era's point of view.

just look back 50 years ago and see how much culture has changed and people dont even think about it.

humans are the most studied species on the planet. the elite know perfectly well how to control us, specifically through sex and our passions (emotions).

blue jeans is just a way of erasing individuality, by making everyone dressing the same. uniform (army), uniformity.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 09:28:17 [Preview] No.25753 del
here is a good one too


thats why complete talentless imbeciles like andy warhol becomes famous and soulless products that ikea churns out become mainstream. to degrade society as a whole. no country is a better example of a lobotomized nwo country than sweden in regards to this. people look at me as if I were a nutjob because I pay with cash and not card!

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 09:33:16 [Preview] No.25754 del
Even things as simple as working out, shirts and jeans, and the concept of the teenager were ALL 19th century manufactured creations. The industrial revolution is really at the core of this, though ideologically. this can be traced way back to the ancient times and internationalist empires like Greece and Rome. Modernism simply performs that idea far better.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 09:35:44 [Preview] No.25755 del
Speaking of working out, I realised that "alpha males" and the Greek idea of masculinity are actually effeminate in nature. It places way too much emphasis on one's own looks, which is something only a woman would do.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 09:43:10 [Preview] No.25758 del
indeed they were, and people dont even think about it for one second.

maybe the industrial revolution is to blame, I dont know. people were being controlled before that too. sometimes I think that the whole protestant revolution was pre planned in order to pave the way for the industrial revolution. it was venetian bankers (jews) who printed the protestant pamphlets for example. martin luther was arrested by the catholic church, and then they just let him go (!). thats a bit strange isnt it when they were burning guys for much less stuff.

>Speaking of working out, I realised that "alpha males" and the Greek idea of masculinity are actually effeminate in nature. It places way too much emphasis on one's own looks, which is something only a woman would do.

alot of the shit can be traced back to the greeks. platos republic is pretty much a perfect illustration how society today is.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 09:51:01 [Preview] No.25759 del
I was reading btw that aristotle was the teacher of alexander the great. aristotle’s wife's father was one of the international bankers of the time. coincidence? that his daughter marries aristotle and aristotle becomes the teacher of the dude who just happens to conquer the known world?

I mean where did alexander get all this money to go to war? we never really think about this, but just accept it as it is.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 09:53:59 [Preview] No.25760 del
The industrial revolution and technology simply made things a lot easier for the elites. It was already going on earlier with the Enlightenment, but the industrial revolution sped things up and made things easier for the elites.
>sometimes I think that the whole protestant revolution was pre planned in order to pave the way for the industrial revolution. it was venetian bankers (jews) who printed the protestant pamphlets for example. martin luther was arrested by the catholic church, and then they just let him go (!). thats a bit strange isnt it when they were burning guys for much less stuff.
That's a Catholic psyop I would say. Luther in general kept Catholic practices (perhaps he was controlled opposition). Calvin was the real deal. And still, without the Reformation, we wouldn't actually be able to read the Bible, and wouldn't have positive "nationalism" (i.e., not the revolutionary kind that came with freemasons and the 19th century revolutions). We'd still be "hylics" under the papacy and just as controlled. I've recently been on a binge of this guy:
Southern Israelite. He gives major evidence for the Jesuits creating modernity, and I would actually agree with him here.
>alot of the shit can be traced back to the greeks. platos republic is pretty much a perfect illustration how society today is.
Plato's Republic IS the doctrine of the NWO. Here's a fact for you. All the Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Diogenes, Pythagoras, etc. ALL CAME FROM A TIME WHERE GREECE WAS IN DECLINE. Pythagoras was actually educated in Egypt, Babylon and Phoenicia. It's likely that republicanism and democracy aren't even Greek in origin, but come from an even earlier Babylonian teaching.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 09:55:08 [Preview] No.25761 del
Phoenicians, probably.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 10:11:11 [Preview] No.25762 del
>ALL CAME FROM A TIME WHERE GREECE WAS IN DECLINE. Pythagoras was actually educated in Egypt, Babylon and Phoenicia
bingo. not many people see this connection. all these guys were trained in the mystery school, lots of them went to egypt. then came back to greece and fomented revolution.

in sweden when I went to school these so called philosophers were hailed as great men and we studied them for like 5 months.

most of history is just a scam, a side show when you see it as it is. call me crazy but so much of it doesnt make any sense if you go by the official version.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 10:18:46 [Preview] No.25765 del
No, you're not crazy. You've realised the truth here. Academia and public education all cover up the stuff that they don't want people to learn, and propagandise their written history.
That being said, I don't think most historical events were fabricated like all the Russian stuff with Fomenko and mud floods, but that official history is mostly a sham and covers up most important aspects.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 10:25:47 [Preview] No.25767 del
Even 20th century events are heavily glossed over. There's this one Lithuanian poster on Liveleak called "Crapcakes" that said the Lithuanian language was heavily edited by the CIA to fit that of English, and that most of Lithuania's population was replaced with Turkic and Caucasian (as in, Georgian, Iranian, Armenian) immigrants during the Soviet period, which is why Lithuanian names and surnames are now so rare there. He's probably telling the truth as well.
Also, there was apparently an MKUltra program in Europe that's completely glossed over and "forgotten", not even documented like the American one.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 11:16:08 [Preview] No.25778 del
They were not in decline. But pre socrates nature scientists were more important than philosophers such as plato.

>It's likely that republicanism and democracy aren't even Greek in origin
Muh division of power and city states.

What made ancient greece what it was, was the constant communication with the world and being open towards the change. If they only sticked to themselves they would be something like dacians or at best etruscans during their downfall

So muh educated in outside is just a terrible reasoning since knowing and analysing the rest of the world what made them different. They didn't just copy outside of the world, they brught foreign things with their own touch and adapted them with their own culture.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 12:08:44 [Preview] No.25784 del
why not remove the kebab from your ears and start thinking for yourself

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 14:51:19 [Preview] No.25803 del
adorno was right all the way

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 15:00:46 [Preview] No.25804 del
is that some sort of joke or are you serious. ive actually read adorno.

ps adorno wrote the songs of beatles ds

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 15:03:23 [Preview] No.25805 del
dead serious

white "people" are degenerate

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 15:06:32 [Preview] No.25806 del
No, that's Anglo/Swiss/Italian elites and jews masquerading as whites. Also Americans.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 15:10:47 [Preview] No.25807 del
what ethnicity are you

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 15:12:13 [Preview] No.25808 del
He's part of the long-nosed tribe that makes bagels.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 15:17:08 [Preview] No.25809 del
I know there is an iranian who posts on kc who lives in netherlands maybe its him

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 15:20:07 [Preview] No.25810 del
Then it's that other somewhat long-nosed tribe that makes kebab.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 16:22:52 [Preview] No.25815 del
I heard somewhere Jews acquired this trait when they intermixed with Hittites. Similar to the tallness of some - another Jewish peculiarity the duality of their height, they tend to be polarized to the two extremes.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 16:26:44 [Preview] No.25816 del
Yeah, most "jewish features" are actually either the product of inbreeding or mixing. Esau was the one to mix with the Hittites, and it probably ties into that.
Maybe that's also where the Italian nose comes from. Romans came from Trojans who were Hittites (or at least part of their empire).

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 18:42:24 [Preview] No.25819 del
(30.92 KB 320x480 u3lkde1bzbx21.jpg)
me on pic

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 19:15:10 [Preview] No.25820 del
my mom told me that lenin "m-m-maybe had money" for the revolution, even tho he was basically nobody (still lived half of his life in swiss tho)

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 19:34:47 [Preview] No.25821 del
the fun thin is that history cannot be verified and you can speculate on pretty much fucking everything

also its pretty much full of literal fakes that again cannot be verified

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 20:18:32 [Preview] No.25822 del
Lenin was funded by the Swiss bankers, and also indirectly via German intelligence.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 20:23:18 [Preview] No.25823 del
and they used machine gun designed/acquired by rothschild (Maxima)

but then again its something plebs don't care about (and the ones who do gettin a bullet)

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 20:27:59 [Preview] No.25824 del
(700.02 KB 1280x720 hirammaxim.png)
Machine guns are as jewish as bagels.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 20:30:32 [Preview] No.25825 del
Assault rifles meanwhile were created by Italians.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 22:15:18 [Preview] No.25826 del
he was in a long line of revolutionaries funded by bankers

there is revolutionaries right now funded by bankers that is doing the same thing as lenin does. people just dont think about it.

>the fun thin is that history cannot be verified and you can speculate on pretty much fucking everything
>also its pretty much full of literal fakes that again cannot be verified
the winners write the history. look at the roman empire. they were homocidal maniacs genociding people left and right and meanwhile when people today think of roman empire they think of colosseum and togas.

when I began reading more about swedish history for example I saw that most of it were lies and more lies. the so called founder of modern sweden gustaf vasa was jewish, jews had been marrying into the house of vasa since at least 1400. some might call this the "black nobility", but pretty much every throne in europe got infiltrated.

wars for me is just human sacrifises, look at the old mystery religions and then connect it to wars. 1/3 of the population died in the 30 years war in germany, who benefitted from that? wars dont just happen by itself.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 22:18:48 [Preview] No.25827 del
if anyone cares to read the UN papers on agenda 2030, agenda 21 and agenda 2150 you will pretty much see how the future will unfold. to add to my credibility, electricity prices will soon (in about 2 years) go up drastically. petrol prices was 1€ here in sweden 10 years ago, now its 1,6€. it all ties into the bigger picture.

Bernd 05/10/2019 (Fri) 22:19:12 [Preview] No.25828 del
*agenda 2050

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 00:13:15 [Preview] No.25830 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0K4iPh27z7c [Embed]

about plato etc

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 08:33:27 [Preview] No.25849 del
>the winners write the history. look at the roman empire. they were homocidal maniacs genociding people left and right and meanwhile when people today think of roman empire they think of colosseum and togas.
Yep, you got it right. It's safe to say that Rome was basically the USA of its time. Uniting all of their western provinces under a single language (Latin) and under a single religion (Roman syncretic paganism, later on Sol Invictus and Catholicism). All modern republican countries are modeled after the Roman republic (Venice being the first, and it was occultist as fuck). Rome wasn't glorious, it was internationalist and evil.
>when I began reading more about swedish history for example I saw that most of it were lies and more lies. the so called founder of modern sweden gustaf vasa was jewish, jews had been marrying into the house of vasa since at least 1400. some might call this the "black nobility", but pretty much every throne in europe got infiltrated.
Italians/Venetians (them having crypto-jews in their rank as usual) as well. Everytime you see weird "jewish" features in some Scandinavians or Balts, this is the culprit. Also Turks and Tatars. There are so many mass ethnic movements in history that nobody even documented.
>wars for me is just human sacrifises, look at the old mystery religions and then connect it to wars
Didn't the Jesuits in the CIA literally say they were to wage war in the Middle East and China and ritually sacrifice their NATO soldiers?

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 08:38:28 [Preview] No.25850 del
And I have to add, it's possible that the very internet itself IS a continuation of this. WWW = 666, number of the beast. Cult of Cybele/Cyber. Unix (developed in BELL labs) are the Eunuchs, which is why there are so many trannies into Linux and programming. Then there are all the occult Blavatskian ties to early 20th century electronics.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 09:44:05 [Preview] No.25851 del
I am firing up the grill but a quick note about the internet. Both Jacques Attali and Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote about the internet - in the 70's. Or perhaps it was late 1960's. Two books that are absolutely supergood is between two ages by ziggy and millenium: winners and losers in the coming millenia by attali. I have pdfs of them if you want. These two guys were advisors two french respective american presidents, they knew the inside machinations.

Internet is ALL about control. Nothing else. Amazon, windows, apple etc is all owned by the cia. Bill gates etc is just frontmen. Most people who read this will just shrug it off. If you do some casual digging nothing of the official version we get makes any sense.


Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 09:47:35 [Preview] No.25852 del
Indeed. The internet never stopped being part of the military.
/pol/ loves to pretend that "DA INTERNET WILL EXPOSE THE JOOZ BECAUSE THEY ONLY HAVE LEGACY MEDIA" while in reality, they own the internet. They have backdoors all over. Most movements and memes like the Occupy movement were CIA controlled opposition.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 10:55:18 [Preview] No.25854 del
>WWW = 666, number of the beast.
rofl, those schizeneu things again.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 11:06:24 [Preview] No.25855 del
>people look at me as if I were a nutjob because I pay with cash and not card!
Tell them you are that hip. Problems weren't.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 11:09:12 [Preview] No.25856 del
>not paying using coins

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 11:10:18 [Preview] No.25857 del
What are you trying to imply?

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 11:14:32 [Preview] No.25858 del
You said paying with cash isn't hip (at least that's what I think you meant to say?), and so I replied saying that paying with coins is what's really non-hip.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 11:24:41 [Preview] No.25859 del
In a world where anything can be tolerated without a blink it seems strange there are people who would find it peculiar that one's paying with cash. So I just tried to give him a tip how to normalize his behaviour to them.
Actually the whole thing is probably in his own heda, so eventually I just tried to give him a tip how to normalize his behaviour to himself.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 11:29:08 [Preview] No.25860 del
>it was venetian bankers (jews) who printed the protestant pamphlets
How dare they!!! Why not the pope himself printed those pamphlets???

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 11:40:12 [Preview] No.25861 del
>republicanism and democracy aren't even Greek in origin, but come from an even earlier Babylonian teaching.
Earlier. From the Sumers. Ur and Uruk was two cities with different ideas, one was very centralized with bureaucracy they were capable of account one grain of wheat. The other was decentralized, the people held assemblies and created laws together, legislation and government were separated (as far as I know we don't yet know about justice). I can't remember which city was which.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 11:45:23 [Preview] No.25862 del
And then it later spread to the Chaldeans and became part of the Babylonian mystery school teachings, which then spread to Greece via Pythagoras.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 12:15:16 [Preview] No.25863 del
I agree with you. Grease built on stuff she imported from around.
But they also had the level of prosperity to support a bunch of good for nothings who had the time to sit/walk around and just ponder on stuff and not had to struggle with day to day living.

Frankly you and Danebernd are tinfoil-hat-tier, tho somewhat in different shade.

That's kinda historical nihilism.

>they were homocidal maniacs genociding people left and right
But they were proud of that nature of theirs, they never wrote history so others could think they are harmless engineers and fashion designers.
>ews had been marrying into the house of vasa since at least 1400. some might call this the "black nobility", but pretty much every throne in europe got infiltrated.
Validate your opinion pls.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 12:34:07 [Preview] No.25864 del
>Frankly you and Danebernd are tinfoil-hat-tier, tho somewhat in different shade.
This is I guess the dedicated tinfoil thread.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 18:54:19 [Preview] No.25865 del
>But they also had the level of prosperity to support a bunch of good for nothings who had the time to sit/walk around and just ponder on stuff and not had to struggle with day to day living.
Well they werent exactly living in a golden age before they understood importance of constant communications and which includes trade. Still you're right.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 19:32:59 [Preview] No.25867 del
>Frankly you and Danebernd are tinfoil-hat-tier, tho somewhat in different shade.
great argument. why are you posting in this magnificent thread if you are just going to post insults.

>But they were proud of that nature of theirs, they never wrote history so others could think they are harmless engineers and fashion designers.
go read some Suetonius then. do you know how many people julius ceasar enslaved and killed during his rampages in gaul and britain?
>Validate your opinion pls.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 19:34:55 [Preview] No.25868 del
they lost money on those endeavors but I guess you can come up with some retarded reply to that too.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 19:41:33 [Preview] No.25869 del
imageboard culture is itself a creation of the people behind the curtain. people dont stop and think that their ideas and beliefs were handed to them.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 20:03:31 [Preview] No.25870 del
(479.11 KB 457x664 inderdastingtiems.png)
Yep. It's odd that 4/8chan /pol/ love to screech JIDF when in reality, 4chan/2chan themselves were always "JIDF". There used to be some really good content about it on /horror/ though that's basically just a giant gallery now.
Even the happy merchant meme for example was made by Nick Bougas. He was a Hollywood associate who had an affair with a jewish girl and was friends with LaVey, Aquino, Manson, and all sorts of spooks. Then there's Pepe made by a San Franciscan spook, Wojak, even SPURDO could possibly be a psyop meme (though that's probably a bit of a stretch, pic related, from the infamous Illuminati card game).

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 20:09:00 [Preview] No.25871 del
Protip, most websites with Google captchas or tracking cookies are compromised.

Bernd 05/11/2019 (Sat) 20:20:22 [Preview] No.25872 del
Even moot was a NY jew.

Bernd 05/12/2019 (Sun) 08:06:17 [Preview] No.25876 del
>great argument.
>you are just going to post insults
For you it might be insult. For everyone else it's an observation.

>go read some Suetonius then. do you know how many people julius ceasar enslaved and killed during his rampages in gaul and britain?
Great many sources were left to us about the violent nature of Romans or rather the normal nature of Romans, they weren't more violent than any of their contemporaries, frankly only modern sissy westerners thinks violence is something that people should be embarrassed about. Even you mentioned the Colosseum which was the scene of many bloody games - they even created mosaics about people killing each other, and people killing animals and vice-versa.
Suetonius' basically wrote gossip-books btw.
Historians' job is to compare sources and test them against each other. Every written source is biased and historians know this and historians do "source criticism". But there are sources which aren't written (liek archaeological findings) and - while they can be also open for interpretation - 'bout 100-150 years now these sources are also integrated into their work, written sources tested against these as well.
You also shouldn't mistake ancient "historians" with modern ones. Maybe we call Herodotus the "first historian" but frankly he was just some dude travelling a little and writing shit down he saw and heard.

So you really didn't begin read more about Swedish history just saw some dude's speculation and took it as if it was real because it fits into your peculiar world view?
I dl'd that book and will read a little but right after reading a few paragraphs I can tell he is fraud. I won't even go into the Medici stuff just look at this:
>Henry was mysteriously “elected” King of Poland and Lithuania. Since when were Kings elected? Supposedly the “electors” invited him to rule their country, although he had no former connection to it. Right.
He really lacks information and it shows he only knows about stuff he gathered to fit into his preconceptions. Yes, many Polish kings were elected. Hungarian kings were elected too. HR Emperors were also elected.
It's just eleven pages so I'll probably read it but really sounds painful. Then ofc the Medici stuff because it seems he bases the whole thing on his other research that in truth, Medicis were Jews!

Bernd 05/12/2019 (Sun) 08:44:32 [Preview] No.25877 del
All right, skimmed that paper and that proves nothing.
It says Catherine Jagiellon, Queen of Sweden was the daughter of Barbara Radziwill who was Jewish. - This is just a statement of his. No actual evidence was shown.
He refers to another paper but not as a proof of Radziwill's Jewish origin but to back another of his claim, that Anna Jagellion might be her daughter as well.
So I dl'd that another paper in the hope that it will verify his claim that Barbara Radziwill was Jewish. But that paper doesn't because he can't. He just presents a series of speculation what others might call a conspiracy theory. He even suggests she was a witch. Otherwise, insinuations and implications, no actual content. And not even source material, no footnotes, endnotes where he get's his "data" and not even a bibliography.
All right, enough of this farce.
This was the list time I go and check the reliability of the stuff you post. From now on I'll just refer to this interlude while dealing with you to spare myself another wild goose chase.
I'm all for speculation and alternative ideas but at least give proper sources for theories. Maybe Suvorov handles his sources bad, but at least he gives actual ones, oftentimes quite accurately.

Oh. One more thing. By the end of the second paper I dl'd (Was Napoleon Jewish?) he writes:
>Do you remember Sigismund III Vasa, who became King of Sweden in 1592? He was the son of Catherine Jagiellon of Poland, who I showed you was probably the daughter of Barbara Radziwiłł.
So it isn't even sure that Catherine was the daughter of Barbara.

Bernd 05/12/2019 (Sun) 10:12:16 [Preview] No.25878 del
>Since when were Kings elected?
Poles had sejm. As for your questiong many of kingdoms which lack central authority in some degree was elected. HRE is an example, ERE was de facto elective without votes, there were kingmakers. List goes on.

>great argument.
You don't have any in the first place, if you think believing holy ghost and stuff is an argument you're moron, you are the one who should validate his opinion not the Hungarian bernd.

Bernd 05/12/2019 (Sun) 10:39:43 [Preview] No.25879 del
>Poles had sejm
Yes they did. In Poland the assembly of the estates was very powerful. Too powerful. Other European countries had similar institution and many had their fair share turning the tables (like in the 17th century England).
>lack central authority
All is about the movement and balance of power. Who practiced it. In medieval, late medieval (early modern era) societies autocracy pressed against oligarchy - to refer another thread. Kings tried to claim the right of making decisions to themselves while nobility and clergy (and some extent commoners) did the same. But oligarchy was a rarely united front, chiefly two oligarchic parties pressed against each other in the fight for power, sometimes kings used one party for their advantage, sometimes one party used the king for their advantage, sometimes both parties had their king who used them, or they the kings.
Poland is a great example for this chaotic situation.
For your RE example: on the Hungary election was there from the formation of Hungarians, when the tribes made the Blood Pact during the late 9th century. When there was a stable royal family - at the times of Árpáds and Habsburgs - it was a formality, but between these two dynasties other houses changed rapidly after a couple of kings and election was taken seriously.

Bernd 05/12/2019 (Sun) 11:01:25 [Preview] No.25881 del
>For your RE example:
My explanation is just simplistic and disregards more in depth things. If I had to write longer, more or less I'd come up with same explanation. Considering I see it something directly related to balance of power as well.

Bernd 05/12/2019 (Sun) 12:17:25 [Preview] No.25883 del
>HRE or ERE?
Both. As in it was sometimes just a gesture but sometimes a serious decision.

Bernd 05/12/2019 (Sun) 15:53:30 [Preview] No.25888 del
This is apparently where they come from. Lithuanian.

Bernd 05/12/2019 (Sun) 16:33:11 [Preview] No.25891 del
Yes. The paper says it she came from Lithuania. And the author links her marriage to the Polish king to another event: the king made a deal with some Lithuanian financiers whom - according to the author - were Jewish. And since everyone hated her in Poland and she was a witch, and this event went down about that time she had to be Jewish. Flawless logic.

Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 03:53:26 [Preview] No.25895 del
>For you it might be insult. For everyone else it's an observation.
of course its an insult calling people tin foil hat tier. you know, in a free society people are free to speak their mind.

I suggest you dont post in this thread anymore.

Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 03:59:45 [Preview] No.25896 del
imageboard culture is a bit like bitcoin. people think they are anonymous whilst its the complete opposite.

as you point out succinctly the whole anti jew has been created by the people behind the curtain. why? well there is two explanations. the first which is more logical is to create this anti jewish sentiment in order to have the "end times*". the other is just jewish hysteria but its a weak explanation.



Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 05:06:25 [Preview] No.25897 del
I addressed your nonsense with great care, reply to that, min lilla shitposter.

Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 06:56:21 [Preview] No.25904 del

it was russia today tier and it was on kacey

Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 10:06:25 [Preview] No.25906 del
go away

Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 10:06:49 [Preview] No.25907 del
you are saging because you are a saboteur

Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 10:15:16 [Preview] No.25911 del
asking for reading material where you have come to your (correct) conclusions. its not often you find a person who is awaken.

Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 13:26:49 [Preview] No.25916 del
>imageboard culture is a bit like bitcoin. people think they are anonymous whilst its the complete opposite.
Yeah, unless you use a proxy/VPN and are browsing anonymously, you're being spied on by both 4chan and 8chan. Even then, they're honeypots in that every click you make, they record.
>as you point out succinctly the whole anti jew has been created by the people behind the curtain. why? well there is two explanations. the first which is more logical is to create this anti jewish sentiment in order to have the "end times*". the other is just jewish hysteria but its a weak explanation.
Maybe all the anti-jewish stuff is to hide the Swiss Jesuit control. Notice how 4chan and 8chan either shill for Catholic/Orthodox monarchy as the solution for the jewish problem, or alternatively, a new Roman empire that's either Catholic or classic pagan, with anything Protestant or anti-Roman attacked by both sides. Notice all the Templar memes. Again, this guy has things right:

Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 13:29:47 [Preview] No.25917 del
Some are just basic things, for example, attacking shirts and jeans, or even art as graven images. I'm trying to find the smoking gun connecting Theosophy to technology right now.

Bernd 05/13/2019 (Mon) 13:33:55 [Preview] No.25918 del
Here's one for example, Tesla talks about creating a matriarchal new world order:

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 06:34:25 [Preview] No.25946 del
Going to link from this thread. Japanese derive most of their ethics including the samurai class from Ainu traditions (dark-haired "white" barbarians), traditions from Chinese, and Indians/Central Asians (including the Indian and Greek mysteries).
Fujin and Raijin are literally Greek deities.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 12:09:40 [Preview] No.25948 del
Lol @ /pol/ fantasies

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 12:15:06 [Preview] No.25949 del
No, seriously, look it up. The Greeks spread Buddhism into China and Japan.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 14:32:47 [Preview] No.25951 del
its a cultural war aswell. if you can break your opponent before battle you have already won.

technically the roman empire never went away did it? it just continued with the catholic church.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 14:34:20 [Preview] No.25952 del
you should read jacques ellul, he writes about technology extremely well. he did a 3 series book about it, the first is the technological society.

technology is the root of all of this.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 14:35:29 [Preview] No.25953 del
trying to remember where I read this but basically it was about indo europeans laying the foundation to japan. I cant for the life of me remember where I read it.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 15:12:25 [Preview] No.25955 del
After this I've no doubt Jesus was Hungarian.

No. You can decide you won't reply to me but you cannot tell me if I can post here or in any other thread.
You are just assblasted, get over it.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 15:14:26 [Preview] No.25956 del
When our little community was still back on 8, one day a dude started to talk about /pol/ colonization after some posts (not long after that he took over the board sadly). I can kinda see now what he meant.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 15:51:58 [Preview] No.25960 del
Well that's the case for everyone who want to push their political agenda. They succeed not with logical arguments but by simply be majority or actively post and scorn others. This won't change, atleast for soon.

>After this I've no doubt Jesus was Hungarian.
Hungarians don't tend to create shitfest stories after some fatherless delusional child.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 16:04:56 [Preview] No.25963 del
>Hungarians don't tend to create shitfest stories after some fatherless delusional child.
Oh, we have these. But they are rarely known and not at all numerous. Ofc with the internet those who subscribe to these ideas also make websites, so now they somewhat surfaced.
This Jesus thing goes liek this: Jesus was Parthian, who were basically Scythians, who were Hungarians.
The other most ridiculous idea is that we are from the Sirius. Ofc.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 16:09:40 [Preview] No.25964 del
>This Jesus thing goes liek this: Jesus was Parthian, who were basically Scythians, who were Hungarians.
kek'd hard. this is muhammed was a Turk and he taught arabs to fight tier, not that I don't find these amusing. It's only funny when you don't believe in those.

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 16:31:27 [Preview] No.25965 del
>It's only funny when you don't believe in those.
Yup. And the problem with those who believe these is that they are very fanatical about it. They can't just discuss it in theory they are very belligerent against their "opposition".

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 16:36:40 [Preview] No.25967 del
>technically the roman empire never went away did it? it just continued with the catholic church.
YES. You get it. Remember the Sol Invictus cult that was once the state religion of Rome (and which Constantine believed in)? Catholicism is most likely a continuation of that, just masquerading as Christianity and rules more subtly than Rome did. Mille viae ducunt homines per saecula Romam, that's what the medieval French said.
Also, more on Tesla, etc.: https://www.salvationandsurvival.com/2014/12/was-tesla-conduit-between-fallen-angels.html

Bernd 05/14/2019 (Tue) 17:05:02 [Preview] No.25968 del
>After this I've no doubt Jesus was Hungarian.
Seriously, look it up. Graeco-Bactrian kingdom.
<The iconography of Fujin seems to have its origin in the cultural exchanges along the Silk Road. Starting with the Hellenistic period when Greece occupied parts of Central Asia and India, the Greek wind god Boreas became the god Wardo in Greco-Buddhist art, then a wind deity in China (frescoes of the Tarim Basin), and finally the Japanese Wind God Fujin

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 05:26:38 [Preview] No.25976 del
It's a leap from this to conclude that:
>The Greeks spread Buddhism into China and Japan.
Cultural practices can travel long distances without the originating source actively pushing it. Even that piece of relief(?) from Gandhara wasn't made by Greek artist but it is already a cultural impression from almost half a millenia earlier. And it is certainly far fetched that Buddhism itself was spread by Greeks.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 06:30:47 [Preview] No.25977 del
you dont get it do you. both me and danebernd are againt pol because its a psyop.

it doesnt matter what "sources" I post, you have already made up your mind. if I say that theodor adorno wrote the songs to beatles, you will say im a nutter and thats it.

this is how the majority of people are, they will never question their own perceived reality given to them.

words like tin foil hat is something you have learnt and then you proceed to use it, completely oblivious that you are being taken for a ride.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 06:40:54 [Preview] No.25979 del
here is pdf. adding a good introduction of what he means by tecnique.

the tesla text is interesting, I thought this was specifically fascinating.

" "Our civilization will sink to a state like that which is found among the bees, ants and other insects--a state wherein the male is ruthlessly killed off. In this matriarchal empire which will be established the female rules. As the female predominates, the males are at her mercy. The male is considered important only as a factor in the general scheme of the continuity of life."

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 09:33:28 [Preview] No.25988 del
>if I say that theodor adorno wrote the songs to beatles, you will say im a nutter and thats it.
can't see why not, he'd do it.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 12:54:24 [Preview] No.25989 del
>technology is the root of all of this.
Then there's no need to think of secret cabals of elites devising long-term plans and changing society through their willpower, because mere relations and instruments of production will by themselves carry out that change.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 13:03:19 [Preview] No.25990 del
Who's to say that technology isn't a very useful tool for such cabals?

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 13:08:05 [Preview] No.25991 del
Here's a mainstream documentary on the roots of the internet and how it's incredibly vile:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=wr5M6oEx2j4 [Embed]

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 13:46:58 [Preview] No.25992 del
If technology is an useful tool for such cabals, then it is a tool. As such, its societal effects are not set in stone and it can be used in a number of different ways; existing relationships between man and technology can thus be made worse or better through man's willpower. The word tool already implies human command.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 14:26:22 [Preview] No.25993 del
very fascinating will watch it

the unabomber is a strange case, alot of things doesnt make sense to me. some say he was a spook but I dont know.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 16:39:48 [Preview] No.25997 del
The Unabomber was probably an MKUltra victim who rebelled. Varg too I think was a victim of the GATE program (Norwegian branch of MKUltra).

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 16:57:04 [Preview] No.25998 del
>both me and danebernd
Don't try to create cliques here, dude.
>it doesnt matter what "sources" I post
It really does matter since you won't convince anyone with tall tales.
>they will never question their own perceived reality given to them.
And you try to give me another "reality" and you expect me to salute and roll over? Make up your mind.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 16:57:49 [Preview] No.26000 del
>Varg too I think was a victim of the GATE program
Unlikely. He would have stabbed them first.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 17:24:37 [Preview] No.26002 del
I'm talking about before he stabbed Euronymous.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 18:18:58 [Preview] No.26003 del
wouldnt suprise me about varg. why did he become so famous? his music is more than mediocre. why does media write about him so often? how did he suddenly become famous on youtube?

plus the fact he doesnt seem "real" if you know what I mean.

>I'm talking about before he stabbed Euronymous.
I suggest you ignore hungarian poster, he seems to just want to disrupt any meaningful discussions.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 18:20:14 [Preview] No.26004 del
text about him being a possible psy op


Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 18:51:34 [Preview] No.26005 del
Yep, he's another psyop e-celeb.

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 21:39:22 [Preview] No.26006 del
His music became big largely because the time was right, people got sick of cheesy contrived and polished filler, "American" music or as it would be called today (((American))) music,
Varg and his merry group represented the opposite of what was being force fed, the media and religious groups overreaction to the antics "real or rumours" cemented popularity cemented it

Bernd 05/15/2019 (Wed) 22:53:17 [Preview] No.26007 del
all tech companies are founded by jews
literally LITERALLY
cogiscens? i think not
i mean just find a CA company that isn't

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 16:23:01 [Preview] No.26017 del
And black metal is a good alternative?
https://youtube.com/watch?v=YiHMy6V5Qjc [Embed]
Tell me, do you like this?

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 17:36:08 [Preview] No.26021 del
They promote degenerate things to change the course of culture. The people who produces it are paid actors, the masses who lap it up are stupid goyim.

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 17:49:46 [Preview] No.26023 del
>I suggest you ignore hungarian poster, he seems to just want to disrupt any meaningful discussions.
I'm paid by the BKV just for that purpose.

For his defence, he didn't said it's a good alternative.
I previously mentioned when I posted a Burzum song, I'd prefer it without vocals. Considering it's basically a garage band not even bad.
For the chosen topic of the lyrics I can rationalize why his vocals fits tho. For one dying isn't something pleasurable, a song about it doesn't need to be one. Second, his voice can be considered as a death rattle that enhance the lyrics.

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 17:55:11 [Preview] No.26024 del
"Counter-culture" is almost completely manufactured, as are all 20th century cultures.

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 18:19:04 [Preview] No.26026 del
imagine world without counter-culture: normie apocalypsis

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 18:20:28 [Preview] No.26027 del
(80.71 KB 750x985 boomerlife.jpg)
The baby boomers are the most degenerate.

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 19:55:26 [Preview] No.26030 del
The entire "counter-culture" is just as brainwashed as "normalfags". We wouldn't even have "normalfags" at all if not for 20th century manufactured culture.
Boomerism was when consumerism started really kicking in, indeed. Don't pretend that Gen X, millenials and Gen Z now aren't worse though. It's even more domestication of man.
Since you're American, you probably remember people like this guy:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=cmNb3xJFzkc [Embed]
These "boomers" were unironically right.

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 19:57:27 [Preview] No.26031 del
>We wouldn't even have "normalfags"

tell that to taoist monks in china that were killed by normies

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 19:59:19 [Preview] No.26032 del
That's because China has always had this feudal structure. Things are different in the west.

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 20:39:30 [Preview] No.26038 del
(127.44 KB 1600x1165 meanwhile on the west.jpeg)

Bernd 05/16/2019 (Thu) 20:40:30 [Preview] No.26039 del
Still after the industrial revolution.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 07:11:12 [Preview] No.26052 del
as it always is.


baby boomers just lived during the most economic upswing that the world has ever seen. which is logical, ww2 was the biggest war in modern times. they just expect everything to be as they were during the last 50 years or so.

danebernd, something that struck me was when I was watching a tv series. conquistadores adventum, it shows the first journoeys made by spain to the new world. and everyone, literally everyone who was the explorer in the first era was an italian. columbus, vespucci, cabot, verrazzano, galeano etc. why all these italians in spanish service? the portugese hired other portugese but not spain. I just find it strange. I read somewhere that the templars knew about americas so perhaps they were templars with maps?

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 07:13:49 [Preview] No.26054 del
they were behind that fuka fuck me thing too

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 07:20:08 [Preview] No.26055 del
seems as the renaissance change the course of world history, this humanist bullshit, the end of sacred things etc.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 07:36:14 [Preview] No.26056 del
But the Renaissance was simply an increase of technology, life standards (which did lead to many good things) AND Greek philosophy (which was still being studied as early as the Carolingian renaissance, but the Greek schools were completely bankrolled during the medieval period). It included really everything I stated in the OP (after wearing blue jeans).
You can trace this all to Socratic and Pythagorean philosophy, from that to Babylon, and from that to Sumer, after the fall of man.
The industrial revolution made this a lot easier.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 07:46:31 [Preview] No.26057 del
>danebernd, something that struck me was when I was watching a tv series. conquistadores adventum, it shows the first journoeys made by spain to the new world. and everyone, literally everyone who was the explorer in the first era was an italian. columbus, vespucci, cabot, verrazzano, galeano etc. why all these italians in spanish service? the portugese hired other portugese but not spain.
Spain used Italians for their expeditions. They used "Arab" Iberians and Sephardic jews to actually conquer south America (probably why they were good at desert warfare). Italians though were probably chosen because of their naval experience. There could be some occult stuff behind why Italians were chosen, however. It could be about
>I read somewhere that the templars knew about americas so perhaps they were templars with maps?
Templars died out and went crypto. They took their organisational structure and the documents that they found in Egypt and the Levant and created "freemasonry".
This all coincides with the sudden increase in architecture in Europe.
So fun-fact, the grand cathedrals were all built by proto-masons.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 07:47:48 [Preview] No.26058 del
have you read eustace mullins curse of canaan?

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 07:50:18 [Preview] No.26059 del
Nope. PDF?

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 07:52:22 [Preview] No.26060 del
sounded exactly like what he wrote in that book so thats why I asked.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 07:58:11 [Preview] No.26061 del
Well, it's really the natural path for people like me and perhaps him. It's a hard path for some people, especially people who want to believe that this is just a modern phenomenon and not that evil was rampant throughout history.
I'm skimming through it right now and it looks pretty good.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 08:00:10 [Preview] No.26062 del
spain didnt have any explorers at all? come on now. would denmark hire swedish explorers? doesnt make sense does it.

the show is pretty good, it shows how insanely brutal and ruthless the spanish were (or if it was spaniards who did it maybe it was jews). werent jews expelled from spain around that time period?

it just seems odd that columbus were dead certain that they would hit land in 33 seadays. how was he so sure?

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 08:20:29 [Preview] No.26065 del
>werent jews expelled from spain around that time period?
Not those who converted to Catholicism. That's why the inquisition happened, they wanted to get rid of all jews that weren't really Catholics.
>it just seems odd that columbus were dead certain that they would hit land in 33 seadays. how was he so sure?
33 because that's the most significant number for masons, Catholics are also obsessed with it.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 08:25:40 [Preview] No.26067 del
how do you know if someone really isnt a catholic?

jesus liked the number 33 aswell

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 08:27:30 [Preview] No.26068 del
>how do you know if someone really isnt a catholic?
They investigated to see if they were crypto-jews or Muslims (in Valentia).
>jesus liked the number 33 aswell
Well, that's because he died at 33.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 15:23:41 [Preview] No.26078 del
There is more of 33 in the bible. I will say for the sake of transparency that im not a christian. But I like the message that jesus preached. Especially the part that money (in and of itself) is the root of evil.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 17:11:57 [Preview] No.26081 del
Well, that's the most obvious one.

Bernd 05/17/2019 (Fri) 18:11:49 [Preview] No.26082 del
Oh yeah, speaking about /pol/ and psyops, apparently Lt. Corbis (the "girl" that's being promoted heavily on Youtube right now) reads off a script from a Catholic guy.

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 08:02:30 [Preview] No.26095 del
how is it obvious?
>Oh yeah, speaking about /pol/ and psyops, apparently Lt. Corbis (the "girl" that's being promoted heavily on Youtube right now) reads off a script from a Catholic guy.

pretty much everyone who the media promotes or get big is one of them

jacques ellul writes about this in his book propaganda. that media is an essential arm of a technological society. whenever you see hospital/medical or military/police movie or series it is purely propaganda.

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 10:18:09 [Preview] No.26099 del
I'd say anybody you see on the media at all is one of them.

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 10:28:29 [Preview] No.26100 del
pretty much yes

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 10:34:47 [Preview] No.26101 del
>>touching your peepee is degenerate
this I think calls for a longer explanation. from my own experiences, when I do a nofap for a longer period I have more energy, feel more alive and its easier to deal with all the bs in the world. its important to channel the energy to something productive otherwise its easy to just become frustrated. from a biological viewpoint cortisol, prolactin goes down (good), dopamine goes up(good) and a range of other benefits. Lets face it, the modern world is artificial and highly unnatural. Looking at a screen is unnatural, looking at boobs at a screen is unnatural. And there is evidence linking hairloss to cortisool and prolactin so you wont loose your hair and thats pretty nice.


Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 10:44:05 [Preview] No.26104 del
and also, danebernd please explain why you think this way. its hard to have a debate with just opinions.

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 11:17:23 [Preview] No.26108 del
Much of it is a natural path after reading the Bible, but stuff like shirts and jeans, technology, etc. are a little more complex, which stems as I said from here: >>25754
Long story short, I questioned modernism, I questioned classicality, I connected the dots, and here I am today.

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 12:31:41 [Preview] No.26113 del
dude you need to explain why you think that way. otherwise it just look like a cheap copy paste

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 13:21:17 [Preview] No.26117 del
(231.05 KB 871x567 africans.png)
You mean like this?:
>niggers are degenerate
<I think you know why, picrel
>Americans are degenerate
<consumerism and hedonism, all defining traits of urban American lifestyle, the concept of suburbia as a whole, literally the origin of white trash, etc.
>t-shirts are degenerate
<see >>25754 t-shirts were originally meant to be undershirts, very soulless outfit itself
>blue jeans are degenerate
<more uniformity like with t-shirts, originally created by Levi Strauss as unisex clothes
>wearing short sleeves is degenerate
<pretty much for the same reasons t-shirts in general are degenerate, historically, long sleeves were the way to go
>technology is degenerate
<a large portion of this thread is already dedicated to technology
>science is degenerate
<more-so modern science, a lot of it is very poorly done and doesn't prove anything, is a great tool for the elites to promote homosexuality and transsexuality as "natural", etc.
>all art is degenerate (and graven images)
<see: graven images, basically a waste of time with no real practicality aside from preserving history or promoting some kind of message in which case words do better
>cosmopolitanism is degenerate
<rootless bourgeoisie "culture", literally means citizen of the world
>touching your peepee is degenerate
<one word: lust
>dating is fornication and degenerate
<self-explanatory, dating is fornication, arranged marriages are a good thing
>materialism is degenerate
<self-explanatory as well
>gnosticism is degenerate
<is too anti-material, promotes becoming God
>philosophy is degenerate
<is the root of so many of today's evils, promotes that the fallen man can reach a godly understanding and ends up falling in a Gnostic direction
>not having 10 children is degenerate
<be fruitful and multiply
>music is degenerate
<similar reason for art, though this is the one I believe in the least
>shaving is degenerate
<lions have their manes, why shouldn't we have beards? being clean-shaven is childlike and makes you more vulnerable to the cold in the winter
>Muslims are heretics
<literally called "the Muhammedan heresy"
>Papists are heretics
<idolaters, promote work-based salvation, assimilate paganism, historically persecuted biblical Christians, etc.
>Jews are demons
<okay, not literal demons, more like demons in behaviour, no-doubt some have that influence

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 13:29:11 [Preview] No.26120 del
its a start.

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 13:39:24 [Preview] No.26121 del
So, that's not what you meant by an explanation?

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 15:22:15 [Preview] No.26130 del
>purely propaganda.
and if you don't its "lifestyle" propaganda: just as cancerous

few exceptions exist but they're never popular just like bmovies (the definition of bmovie is not a low budget but the movie that technically cannot be popular, there are bmovies with millions budgets)

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 16:50:35 [Preview] No.26152 del
in nature many mammals and birds males look better and brighter than their female counterparts. it's just most of women don't know how to spend their free time and delve into useless shit.

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 19:17:09 [Preview] No.26164 del
(89.94 KB 1024x857 suffer egg.jpg)
>tfw no pious amish GF to commit adultery with by holding hands without gloves on

Bernd 05/18/2019 (Sat) 21:59:58 [Preview] No.26167 del
What if actual Amish aren't even a thing anymore? I mean, even though we have tons of pictures of Amish like mine in the OP, they supposedly don't allow others to take pictures. There are also supposedly black Amish even though they're all German in origin, and many use plastic packaging which isn't really something a traditional group would do.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=BlVgMF0YdFA [Embed]
This guy exposes the Amish, also as trannies though he thinks that 80% of regular civilians are trannies/freemartins.

Bernd 05/19/2019 (Sun) 07:52:07 [Preview] No.26186 del
that sounds like bs but there is alot of inbreeding going on.

Bernd 05/19/2019 (Sun) 12:46:14 [Preview] No.26221 del
Yeah, I don't think literally 90% of the population are freemartins. He's right though regarding the falsity of the Amish though.

Bernd 05/19/2019 (Sun) 12:56:01 [Preview] No.26226 del
I think the renassaince opened the floodgates to alot of the horrible stuff we see today.

this video I think is brilliant about it

https://youtube.com/watch?v=BOCtu-rXfPk [Embed]

in 09:50 he talks about how technology had restrictions in the past, because our ancestors werent stupid.

but when you speak bad things about technology its heresy, because its a religion today.

Bernd 05/19/2019 (Sun) 17:11:55 [Preview] No.26241 del
Again, it was reviving ancient philosophy that was still available in the middle ages as well as the increase in science and technology. The northern renaissance though, I would agree with. NOT the Protestant Reformation, but the increase in studying Greek philosophy, Kabbalistic texts, and secret societies like the Rosicrucians (proto-freemasons).

Bernd 05/19/2019 (Sun) 17:13:49 [Preview] No.26242 del
When it comes to the thing with technology/science and the many "truths" discovered though, Ellul is right.

Bernd 05/20/2019 (Mon) 03:43:27 [Preview] No.26247 del
>I mean where did Alexander get all this money to go to war?
He was the son of Philip II, who was the Macedonian King at the time. He also came from a well established noble dynasty. Pretty easy to fund yourself and convince everyone to help you out when you're Old money.

Bernd 05/20/2019 (Mon) 11:47:27 [Preview] No.26251 del
so why didnt philip conquered persia?

Bernd 05/20/2019 (Mon) 18:54:06 [Preview] No.26269 del
so why didnt philip conquered persia?
He got assassinated before he could carry anything out

Bernd 05/20/2019 (Mon) 19:33:00 [Preview] No.26270 del
Died October 336 BC (aged 46)

he had 46 years to conquer but he didnt

Bernd 05/20/2019 (Mon) 19:50:13 [Preview] No.26271 del
(43.73 KB 700x399 are_you_stupid.jpg)

Bernd 05/21/2019 (Tue) 09:56:55 [Preview] No.26284 del
interesting video, thought you might find it interesting danebernd

https://youtube.com/watch?v=1lF8xzLyTo4 [Embed]

Bernd 05/21/2019 (Tue) 12:18:30 [Preview] No.26287 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=oIuW-vNQsQI [Embed]

insane how evil communism really is when you see it

Bernd 05/21/2019 (Tue) 16:18:29 [Preview] No.26296 del
Will watch.

Bernd 05/21/2019 (Tue) 19:10:30 [Preview] No.26301 del
There are some amish people who come into my town to buy food and other things like medicine.
I guess amish who live the way you put it don't exist anymore but there are still people who live a very similar lifestyle.

Bernd 05/21/2019 (Tue) 19:19:04 [Preview] No.26302 del
I guess that'd be the conclusion I'd end at on the position of the Amish.

Bernd 05/21/2019 (Tue) 19:40:12 [Preview] No.26304 del
we look at the amish as some strange peoples but just 100 years ago 95% of everyone was living like that. im envious of them

Bernd 05/22/2019 (Wed) 09:29:09 [Preview] No.26316 del
https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZnsNNJHGf-Q [Embed]

interesting video, seems like we are close to something. maybe big world wars? or just a global recession?

Bernd 05/22/2019 (Wed) 21:57:00 [Preview] No.26355 del
watching this video danebernd about buddhism and hinduism and how they seem to stem from the same source


Bernd 05/23/2019 (Thu) 10:29:43 [Preview] No.26374 del
>im envious of them
I sometimes think like that too, but it's kind of a romanticised view. In reality I would probably be fucked without modern conveniences.

Bernd 05/23/2019 (Thu) 12:49:32 [Preview] No.26379 del
Early Buddhists were Hindus. It's probably a mix between the original Indo-European religion and the Dravidian animism, though it's likely though that all 12 deity paganism stems from one source (Babel?).
The elites though seem to be obsessed with Hinduism, and it goes all the way back to the Greeks. Portuguese Jesuits became Brahmin in India. The UN founders were all obsessed with Theosophy. Jews influenced their own mysticism using Hindu thought, etc.

Bernd 05/23/2019 (Thu) 15:11:28 [Preview] No.26385 del
Im not romanticizing it. Its just that I see that living with nature is the path to happiness.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=aTb0Rj_O6nw [Embed]

Bernd 05/23/2019 (Thu) 15:12:11 [Preview] No.26386 del
yeah but who created hinduism? did greeks create hinduism?

Bernd 05/23/2019 (Thu) 17:07:06 [Preview] No.26391 del
I bet Jews created Hinduism so they can destroy Indo-Euros.

Bernd 05/23/2019 (Thu) 20:51:28 [Preview] No.26428 del
Yeah I can sympathise with Kaczynski, just pointing out that theory is different to reality and even though I agree with him, I would never be able to live that way myself since I'm too accustomed to the modern world. Essentially my point is that humans, at least in the first world, have become a domesticated animal.

Bernd 05/23/2019 (Thu) 20:52:47 [Preview] No.26429 del
That would explain why Zoroastrianism is getting smaller and smaller by the minute

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 06:59:06 [Preview] No.26457 del
>domesticated animal
all civilizations do this to the people. power is never something nice

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 15:45:10 [Preview] No.26486 del
This is what Varg's unironically right about. Our ancestors were like lions and wolves, while man today is more like a domestic cat.

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 16:25:19 [Preview] No.26492 del
which has just increased alot more the last 70 years or so. there is a reason why sperm levels (in the western world) have dropped 60% since the 50's

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 16:50:56 [Preview] No.26497 del
WECT had ww2 in those times, and sperm level highened up because of that.

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 17:09:07 [Preview] No.26511 del
ehm what. it doesnt work like that.

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 17:42:28 [Preview] No.26524 del
People call it PTSD but war veterans simply adopted war conditions instead of soft civil life.

In war if you constantly need to be powerful and ready for suprise segs as that chance might be your last chance to impregnate a women therebefore good reason to constantly have high testestorone.

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 17:52:38 [Preview] No.26529 del
im talking about sperm levels

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 19:18:57 [Preview] No.26533 del
danebernd I seriously recommend this video


christ means khristna in sanskrit. its all connected

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 21:45:32 [Preview] No.26538 del
>christ means khristna in sanskrit
The Portuguese thought so on their first contact with Hinduism during Vasco da Gama's 1498 expedition and mistook Indians for Christians. Then as soon as they learned the local languages they realized they were wrong and were dealing with an alien civilization.

Bernd 05/24/2019 (Fri) 22:22:37 [Preview] No.26542 del
Krishnam means black in Sanskrit, while "Christ" derives from "Kristos" meaning messiah. Also the same word that "Crisis" derives from.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 12:16:09 [Preview] No.26742 del
Also, the "redpill" and "bluepill" are apparently masonic in origin. Red degrees/blue degrees.
>"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry... It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain." - Albert Pike 33rd Mason
<You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 14:49:24 [Preview] No.26744 del
That combined with the fact that those guys who made the Matrix became trannies makes it hilariously ironic how popular that terminology is with /pol/ and alt-right autists in general.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 16:00:25 [Preview] No.26750 del
If anything, they SHOULDN'T take the redpill since it constitutes a Hegalian dialectic (just like left v. right, capitalism v. communism, etc.) which they supposedly oppose.
Matrix also had incredibly Gnostic shit, no wonder their directors became trannies (also, were they jews or just Poles?).
>Neo Anderson is the saviour
>Neo Anderson = New son of man
>one title of Jesus is the son of man
>literally called "personal Jesus" in the movie
Definitely an Antichrist figure.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 16:37:27 [Preview] No.26754 del
You make a mistake when you equalize Gnosticism with Masonic "Gnosticism" (or other secret society's Gnosticism). Masons and the others claim they possess the secret truth, The Knowledge, but this is for attracting the suckers, for gaining more members. It's part of their charm, they seem mysterious for the outsiders. They have one secret tho, that they possess no Knowledge.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 17:36:17 [Preview] No.26756 del
(1.39 MB 1680x1404 gnostics.jpg)
I don't think he does.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 17:42:22 [Preview] No.26757 del
These are the guys I'm talking about. These are obvious empty bullcrap. Cryptic symbolism and shit like that. They have as much to do with Gnosticism like neo-pagans with paganism.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 17:54:02 [Preview] No.26759 del
They have just as much in common as they need to in order to enthrone physical manifestation of the 'divine feminine' as the ruler of the world.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 19:49:07 [Preview] No.26777 del
As abova so below

follow the true path

*click the link below**


coolest site in the known world

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 19:55:17 [Preview] No.26778 del
>coolest site in the known world
B-but that's endchan/kc...
Also cool numbers you have there. Godly.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 19:59:07 [Preview] No.26779 del
>B-but that's endchan/kc...
endhcan is not part of known world, this place is a secret club in some unknown dimension.

Bernd 05/30/2019 (Thu) 22:51:18 [Preview] No.26780 del
It's not a religion ok? We're not proselytizing, it's a philosophy. People just magically find us when they're ready for the truth tm.

Bernd 05/31/2019 (Fri) 05:16:07 [Preview] No.26784 del
(12.11 KB 480x171 you-is-me.png)
Due to the unavailability of .xyz we are posting on .org which makes our geolocation appear wrong, I get US now despite I'm Hungarobernd. Previously I got UAE or Saudi or whatever. This is because of CloudFlare I think.
I'm surprised you are still Dane.

Bernd 05/31/2019 (Fri) 13:08:21 [Preview] No.26789 del
Originally, my flag appeared as Filipino, though it fixed itself after I reset my router.

Bernd 05/31/2019 (Fri) 14:55:07 [Preview] No.26794 del
Are you an Magi?

Bernd 06/01/2019 (Sat) 08:37:37 [Preview] No.26818 del
No. "Magi" is a plural word though, correct term is "magus".

Bernd 06/01/2019 (Sat) 10:14:33 [Preview] No.26827 del
(38.73 KB 500x664 are-you-wizard.jpg)
Yes. I just tried to accentuate that layer of the meaning of the word that covers the concept of Zoroastrian priest as a nod to the topic discussed above (Gnosticism), and simple magus might would not cut it.

Bernd 09/05/2019 (Thu) 21:25:29 [Preview] No.28947 del
I miss Swedish anon.

Bernd 09/06/2019 (Fri) 05:38:16 [Preview] No.28950 del
Maybe when he will get banned for grappaposting again.

Where is Danebernd btw? Raise your hand.

Bernd 09/06/2019 (Fri) 07:58:31 [Preview] No.28952 del
I'm Danebernd. Apparently though, my geolocation shows up as France instead of Holland.

Bernd 09/06/2019 (Fri) 13:07:16 [Preview] No.28954 del
Shut up gypsy.

Bernd 09/06/2019 (Fri) 16:04:53 [Preview] No.28958 del
(19.90 KB 252x438 tuborg-lego.png)
>When Danebernd went too far

Bernd 09/06/2019 (Fri) 19:12:15 [Preview] No.28963 del
But seriously, I'm actually Danebernd. I told you before I was in the Netherlands, but my geolocation shows up as French.

Bernd 09/06/2019 (Fri) 20:39:59 [Preview] No.28968 del
I miss his greetings and Apustaja posting, though tiny details they conveyed joviality to his words.

Bernd 09/07/2019 (Sat) 06:39:18 [Preview] No.28974 del
I'm just memeing. I believe you.

His casual conversational style was a good addition to /kc/. I didn't mind arguing him, but he is a cunt for leaving, small heda and such. My suspicion is probably right he was banned on Kohl, so he hung out here until that expired.

Bernd 09/07/2019 (Sat) 06:40:36 [Preview] No.28975 del
Also he was unnecessarily rude sometimes and an incurable shitposter.

Bernd 09/07/2019 (Sat) 12:48:09 [Preview] No.28980 del
Sad! I would bring a couple Türks to make this place lively but quality shitposting would rise up massively and political post would skyrocket so much we wouldnt able to discuss something else. And I'm not fan of discussing politics on chans.

So I won't do that. Speaking of other posters, what if Bogdan is a chatbot? Imagine a Romanian failed project that supposed to used like putinbots on twitter, but eventually he gets misguided and ends up in here. If this is the case how can we fix it, should I contact with romanian presidency?

Bernd 09/07/2019 (Sat) 16:47:41 [Preview] No.28981 del
(12.99 KB 400x400 giggle1.jpg)
>what if Bogdan is a chatbot? Imagine a Romanian failed project
My face when...
I have this conspiracy theory that Swebernd is actually Bogdan.

Bernd 09/08/2019 (Sun) 11:35:24 [Preview] No.28987 del
Speaking of it, what if you are bot as well to keep this board alive? But it seems you're continuously developing your intelligence. You are too aware my friend.

We must shut down the project. Tell Orban Trianon-461920 has been compromised.

Bernd 09/08/2019 (Sun) 12:24:43 [Preview] No.28991 del
(204.75 KB 799x468 not-an-ai.png)
>We must shut down the project.
I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Bernd.

Bernd 09/08/2019 (Sun) 16:32:47 [Preview] No.28997 del
No way Sweden is Bogdan.
But him being a chatbot is an intriguing possibility.

Bernd 09/08/2019 (Sun) 17:37:10 [Preview] No.29001 del
(190.19 KB 1024x576 fgvd.jpg)
Yah swedeanon was cool. I liked always having to explain everything to him again and again

>what if Bogdan is a chatbot? Imagine a Romanian failed project that supposed to used like putinbots on twitter, but eventually he gets misguided and ends up in here.

The /kc/ lore gets deeper and deeper every day.

>If this is the case how can we fix it, should I contact with romanian presidency?


Bernd 09/08/2019 (Sun) 18:00:23 [Preview] No.29003 del
(60.35 KB 720x405 nonsense.jpg)
(14.33 KB 300x300 pondering.jpg)
Consider this:
1. While he was on /kc/ Bogdan didn't post.
2. Bogdan posted as Sweden for a while few years back.
3. At the time Sweden disappeared Bogdan posted with other balls on Kohl, Romanian and Lithuanian in a short time this made me suspect he isn't abroad just uses VPNs, proxies.
4. Swebernd while wasn't explicitly hostile towards me his banter wasn't a "friendly" one.
5. Swebernd started a thread about Transylvania and the Romanian-Hungarian opposition.
6. On Kohl I think a Texan started the "who is the most unfortunate nation on Earth, and why is the Hungarian the one" thread which was fun as other nationalities (I remember German, Ukro and Armenian) claimed they are, until Bogdan showed up and started to sperging out. Then he was banned and a Sweball appeared, quipped at Hungarians and pretended he doesn't know this Bogdan person despite his well known shitposter status.

Bernd 09/09/2019 (Mon) 04:15:08 [Preview] No.29013 del
(16.64 KB 480x360 1448002799066.jpeg)
Things get more interesting by the minute here. What will happen next is anyone's guess

Bernd 09/09/2019 (Mon) 05:13:07 [Preview] No.29016 del
I don't really believe Swebernd is Bogdan, the latter just doesn't care to go "undercover" and open in his enmity all the time, and doesn't have reason to do so.
However I think me replying in contrarian tone all the time to whatever he wrote might tuned Swebernd against Hungarians, tho I don't think I was spiteful it's just I was mostly disagreed with him. Mostly he just wanted to "funpost" and I'm not entirely sure which posts of him was dead serious and which aren't.

Bernd 09/09/2019 (Mon) 08:42:32 [Preview] No.29018 del
Don't forget the most important one:
>hungarians are gypsies

Bernd 09/09/2019 (Mon) 08:44:10 [Preview] No.29019 del
Or maybe nobody can stand you insufferable gypsies. Whine some more about Trianon, turd.

Bernd 09/09/2019 (Mon) 20:25:53 [Preview] No.29041 del
Yeah I know man. We're just having some light hearted fun

Bernd 09/10/2019 (Tue) 05:26:58 [Preview] No.29053 del
Likewise I recognized that it was fun, still I did right to wrote the disclaimer, in certain things clarification should be done and I couldn't do it spoilered for screenshotting purposes. I just shouldn't have post that as a reply to you.

Bernd 09/10/2019 (Tue) 07:24:09 [Preview] No.29057 del
What you should have done is to kill yourself, gypsy.

Bernd 09/13/2019 (Fri) 22:59:06 [Preview] No.29098 del
(38.74 KB 600x367 brain.jpg)
(142.37 KB 420x420 smartbrain.png)
What if Philip Manshaus (the Oslo mosque "shooter") was Swedebernd all along, what if he was actually Norwegian?

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 07:05:19 [Preview] No.29102 del
All those pro Norwegian killers and we had to get the failure... I bet he won't even produce a black metal album while he's in the hive.

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 07:15:37 [Preview] No.29104 del
Now that we are at Varg again (he was mentioned itt once) we should also turn back the discussion toward the original point.
From what I gather Varg basically says the same as amish, with a little alteration here and there. No?

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 15:21:21 [Preview] No.29108 del
(453.87 KB 1536x2048 1565474675488.jpg)
Hang on, wasn't he a Jehovah's Witness? Picrel, he has a Bible on his table. Swebernd was obsesed with Panama hats, are there any links with Manshaus to that?
Basically Amish, but plus permaculture, minus the Bible, minus all the technological restrictions (he uses a Macbook).

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 16:10:59 [Preview] No.29109 del
Manshaus was Waldorf schooled. Those guys care about the children personality, ego, wishes and opinions, they grew them so the kids will believe themselves. This explains Manshaus unwarranted self-importance being a chosen one and has the right to choose others and believes he can change shit with shooting up a mosque.
Swebernd's chase of Panama hats was for himself. He didn't want that as a good representation of Sweden and Sweballs but because he liked it personally, for selfish reasons.

I started to like Varg. Just the mentioning of his name creates a shitstorm on Kohl. How one person can make a large chunk of Bernds butthurt it's amazing. Him and Lindybeige. These two guys are great.

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 16:23:07 [Preview] No.29110 del
(43.75 KB 474x474 tinfoil.jpeg)
>Manshaus was Waldorf schooled. Those guys care about the children personality, ego, wishes and opinions, they grew them so the kids will believe themselves. This explains Manshaus unwarranted self-importance being a chosen one and has the right to choose others and believes he can change shit with shooting up a mosque.
>Swebernd's chase of Panama hats was for himself. He didn't want that as a good representation of Sweden and Sweballs but because he liked it personally, for selfish reasons.
Oh no... Could we be onto something?
Who? I keep hearing of this guy on the boards.

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 16:32:44 [Preview] No.29111 del
Bri'ish youtuber. I think he has degree in archaeology. He has opinions and he shares it. Berndxperts find his opinion stupid and instead of moving on with their lives they sperging out for hours. Because liek he calls MG-42 "Spandau" and shit liek that.

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 19:15:34 [Preview] No.29112 del
Seems like a sore thumb when it comes to all these neo-"history" YouTube channels.
I can't count how many of them have went against their own audience because they hated "Nazis".

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 20:07:18 [Preview] No.29115 del
I dunno I don't really follow historical channels. I watch a video sometimes. I know about a couple like the fat Austrian larper Shadiversty or the other bri'ish Scholarlygladiatoria, awrite. And a few others I don't remember the names.
My problem with them (with Lindy too for that matter and most of the tube channels seems to walk in the same shoe) that they have this "now I tell you how it WAS, coz I am infallible" style. Even when they tell it in advance that we actually don't really know how it was, they still have this vibe. Every time I write here something I hope I don't sound like them, kek.

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 20:22:07 [Preview] No.29116 del
>Respect my mah lack of authority!
Yeah. Think you get a pass.

Bernd 09/14/2019 (Sat) 20:31:15 [Preview] No.29118 del
Get an onion.

Bernd 09/16/2019 (Mon) 21:39:07 [Preview] No.29153 del
(259.46 KB 530x1000 1441915095642.jpg)
>Berndxperts find his opinion stupid and instead of moving on with their lives they sperging out for hours.
Just Bernd being Bernd.

Bernd 09/20/2019 (Fri) 06:48:53 [Preview] No.29210 del
Also, notice how the way they both type is similar?

Bernd 09/20/2019 (Fri) 15:05:06 [Preview] No.29213 del
Can't judge it, Manshaus wrote very little.

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 17:09:46 [Preview] No.31529 del
Amish are pure.

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 17:15:14 [Preview] No.31533 del
Just ate an amish food.

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 17:28:16 [Preview] No.31550 del
Was it corn?

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 17:30:02 [Preview] No.31551 del
No it was pulled pork. The Amish make and sell the best food around.

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 19:28:47 [Preview] No.31576 del
>the Bible is all they read
>they still don't follow dietary restrictions
Protip: The secret to getting physically fit is to eat only the clean animals as per Leviticus.

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 19:35:08 [Preview] No.31577 del
Pigs can be clean. Also they pretty smart I bet they can be house-trained just like dogs.

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 19:42:48 [Preview] No.31581 del
Not as per Leviticus (and definitely not the wild boar which most pigs were in ancient times). Though technically unclean isn't this modern definition we have:

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 19:57:41 [Preview] No.31586 del
These pigs are definitely cleaner than all the beef and turkey in normal shithole grocery stores, you can taste the difference and you pay for it too.

Bernd 11/12/2019 (Tue) 19:57:50 [Preview] No.31587 del
On that link there isn't really a definition of unclean.
Wild boars are more clean than those kept at house in pigsty, tho it depends on circumstances, for example they might eat carcass if that's what they have. I think to cannibalism the pigsty kept are the more prone, due to stress related anomalies.
The best are those which are kept on pastures. Like they usually do with mangalica (did nowadays many of them kept at house).

Bernd 12/09/2019 (Mon) 08:27:00 [Preview] No.32951 del
Commenting on this 6 months later, the royal families are actually part-jewish (and since this was a long time ago, this would mean a large portion of English people themselves are part-jewish), and this is mainstream history by the way. Ebalus, the Duke of Aquitaine was called "Ebalus the Mamzer". Mamzer was used in Latin to describe illegitimate mixed-race children including that of jews. Later on Robert the duke of Normandy married
Also Ferdinand and Isabella had jewish ancestry.
Since all European nobility descends from these guys, they're part-jewish. Not any infiltration by certain lines, just from bastardry. The dukes of Normandy and Aquitane were already part-jewish, so when the German noble Albert II (ha, literally called Albert the Degenerate) married both the daughter of Frederick II (had Norman descent and inherited Norman Sicily) and Isabella of
That's the gist of the jewishness of European nobility, proven by only mainstream sources. Obviously things were going on before that (especially in Hellenistic times with the Phoenicians, and probably even before that with the Sea Peoples: >>25759 >>25760) but this is about modern nobility here.

Bernd 12/09/2019 (Mon) 08:50:31 [Preview] No.32952 del
*Isabella of England
And from then on, all European noble dynasties meet, and they all descend from the dukes of Normandy.

Bernd 12/09/2019 (Mon) 09:23:28 [Preview] No.32953 del
The same can be said of pretty much anyone, somewhere down the line it's pretty much guaranteed that you had a Jewish ancestor of some kind unless you are Asian or Black.

Bernd 12/09/2019 (Mon) 09:31:04 [Preview] No.32955 del
Come on, blacks? Persian jews and Yemenites went south to sub-Saharan Africa and became the "Shirazi" (which Obama probably descends from since he's Kenyan) and Lemba people.
Obviously American Indians are a better example (the more isolated tribes, not mutts like the Cherokee etc.) Some English people don't even descend from royalty at all, and are practically completely English. Ditto for Scandinavia. Obviously you're not going to see a bunch of jewish mixture in eastern Finns and Karelians.

Bernd 12/09/2019 (Mon) 09:46:19 [Preview] No.32956 del
Africa is a big place and has been undeveloped for a long time, it's likely that many would have no Jewish blood at all.

>Some English people don't even descend from royalty at all, and are practically completely English.

Doesn't matter, most Jews were not part of the nobility either. In the same way that one Jewish noble bastard could be a distant ancestor to many nobles, one burgher bastard, mixed race burger or whatever could be a distant relative to many in Britain.

>Ditto for Scandinavia. Obviously you're not going to see a bunch of jewish mixture in eastern Finns and Karelians.

I probably exaggerated a bit. Maybe not all whites, particularly not Finns. Having said that these things can still spread so its not impossible but just less likely.

Bernd 12/09/2019 (Mon) 12:53:13 [Preview] No.32958 del
>a large portion of English people themselves are part-jewish
The English nobility has always been a tiny fraction of the population, even the Normans who turned the entire civilization of the isles upside down were only a few thousand. And because of the class system their intermarriage with the plebs was limited. Add to that the small number of Jews which existed in England through the ages compared to the population as a whole and the Jewish genetic imprint in England is microscopic.

Bernd 12/09/2019 (Mon) 13:32:59 [Preview] No.32960 del
Aren't like 50% of all English people descended from King John?

Bernd 12/09/2019 (Mon) 13:54:51 [Preview] No.32962 del
They say that pretty much everybody in Eastern Europe is descended from Genghis Khan as well. I think it's exaggerated as there is much they don't account for with these things but it still would be a great number who are related to him. however, even if they were a descended of his it would be so diluted so as to be basically meaningless, same with the Jews in Europe. Yes we probably are distantly related to them but by now that doesn't mean anything.

Bernd 12/10/2019 (Tue) 20:05:42 [Preview] No.32990 del
As for William: sometimes he was called Mamzer because at that times those who wrote that used this word for bastards. These guys were Jewish. That doesn't mean he was Jewish. It's liek if I called him fattyú that wouldn't make him Hungarian.
>In Europe, it may have entered the vernacular
Did it? I would expect good Catholics distance themselves of Jewish expressions, especially in those times. And (many) hundreds of years later it doesn't matter.

Bernd 12/10/2019 (Tue) 21:36:42 [Preview] No.32991 del
(395.78 KB 2048x1536 mongols.jpg)
>They say that pretty much everybody in Eastern Europe is descended from Genghis Khan as well.

Mongols weren't colonizers, so their influence on local population is exaggerated. They just suppressed all local opposition and put some noble local in charge to get the tribute. At least in poor non-nomadic lands like Eastern Europe in these times.

Funny that this structure with locals collecting tribute from other locals still remain and operate, although without Mongols, I guess you know what country it is about.

Also, Eastern Europe was raided by Mongols in times when only second generation of Genghis Khan kids were alive, so they weren't widespread. Of course he had strong genetic footprint, especially on some Asian populations, but saying this about Eastern Europe is too much.

Bernd 12/11/2019 (Wed) 03:18:04 [Preview] No.32998 del
Nah, it came centuries before in the Latin Vulgate. Jerome kept "Mamzer" as the word for bastard in Deuteronomy 23. It's not farfetched that it was used for jewish mongrels.

Bernd 12/11/2019 (Wed) 05:02:20 [Preview] No.32999 del
Really can't get what's happening in that image

Bernd 12/11/2019 (Wed) 10:13:31 [Preview] No.33004 del
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Just an assembly of Mongolian national-socialists.

Bernd 12/11/2019 (Wed) 14:24:00 [Preview] No.33007 del
>All now came clear. So this was why Pepin had required that the King of Septimania be a direct descendant of King David! The problem for Pepin, and for his son, King Charles, was that Pepin had usurped the throne of the Franks from the Merovingians, and thus there was no royal blood in their veins. This they desperately needed in order to establish the legitimacy of their dynasty. By this marriage of Alda to Machir, who was a direct lineal descendant of King David, they would not only have royal blood in the veins of their descendants, but the most royal blood possible, the blood of David himself!
>But how could such a marriage take place? Alda was Catholic, and no Catholic priest would marry her to a Jew unless the Jew converted, which of course Machir absolutely could not do. On the other hand, no rabbi would marry Machir to a gentile unless she converted. An unsolvable dilemma? Apparently not, for marry they did, and had a legitimate son through whom Jewish blood now was intermingled with that of the Carolingian kings of France. How was this possible? History is silent. There was a way that perhaps it could be accomplished, based on the customs of the time. Whether in fact this way was used is purely speculative.
>King Charles now called upon Machir to participate with him in his great campaign to drive the Moors from northern Spain. Have I mentioned that King Charles is better known as Charlemagne? No, I have not. But this is who he was, which means that Charlemagne had a Jewish uncle, and the Jewish kings of Septimania were related by blood to the Carolingian kings of France.
On the jewish kingdom of Septimania.

Bernd 12/11/2019 (Wed) 14:25:23 [Preview] No.33008 del
>The origins of both the term "Cagots" (and "Agotes", "Capots", "Caqueux", etc.) and the Cagots themselves are uncertain. It has been suggested that they were descendants of the Visigoths, and the name Cagot derives from caas (dog) and "Goth".
They insulted the Goths of Septimania as "cagots" i.e. "Gothic dogs".

Bernd 12/11/2019 (Wed) 18:01:53 [Preview] No.33010 del
I still yet to read that Ferdinand and Isabella article, so not sure when will have the time. But I see this in that article:
>Septimania had a large Jewish population
At the time the largest Jewish populations were in the East Mediterranean cities, their number were in the lower thousands per city. In the West that was the tenth of it. I get these numbers from The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 4 So how many of them could have been in the whole Septimania? 2000? Tho I do agree that their economical weight and political influence were larger than the number would indicate (as usual).
>descendant of King David
These descendants are no more than a legends. To be honest David himself isn't much more - even if he really were his person and glory was highly inflated.
But again I'm not close to read the article and think on it.
I like the theory that the Hungarians are the lost tribe of Israel better.

Bernd 12/11/2019 (Wed) 18:42:08 [Preview] No.33013 del
>These descendants are no more than a legends. To be honest David himself isn't much more - even if he really were his person and glory was highly inflated.
true. it's kinda funny people overrely on jewish mytologies. it's just a mytology after all.

Bernd 12/11/2019 (Wed) 21:03:55 [Preview] No.33014 del
Okey. So the Jewish Encyclopedia says that Ferdinand's granma was the Jewess Paloma of Toledo, on the other hand Wikipee says she was Mariana Fernández de Córdoba y Ayala, a noblewoman. The J.E. was written long time ago, many sources were "discovered" since then. Maybe that prescott book is on archive.org. Will check.

Bernd 12/12/2019 (Thu) 02:51:58 [Preview] No.33017 del
>hungarians are gypsies

Bernd 12/12/2019 (Thu) 06:42:39 [Preview] No.33024 del
Haha, what a timing. Freshly stolen from Kohl, I'm posting for later read.

Bernd 12/12/2019 (Thu) 11:18:19 [Preview] No.33025 del
>At the time the largest Jewish populations were in the East Mediterranean cities, their number were in the lower thousands per city. In the West that was the tenth of it. I get these numbers from The New Cambridge Medieval History, Volume 4 So how many of them could have been in the whole Septimania? 2000? Tho I do agree that their economical weight and political influence were larger than the number would indicate (as usual).
The entirety of Iberia and southern France had a large jewish population. Around 10% of Spain was jewish at the time, wasn't it? The population just wasn't as big as in the eastern Mediterranean, so that's why it doesn't appear so. Septimania is right inside that area.
>These descendants are no more than a legends. To be honest David himself isn't much more - even if he really were his person and glory was highly inflated.
David was historical (Tel Dan stele proves that there was an actual "House of David" that ruled Israel) and considering his son had 700 wives, it's not surprising to see so many people claim descent.
>I like the theory that the Hungarians are the lost tribe of Israel better.
Lost tribe of Israel? I thought it was Jesus being a Hungarian because Parthians were Hungarians or something.
Oy vey! Don't Poland and Portugal have the largest crypto-jewish descended populations? I blame the Catholics for this.

Bernd 12/12/2019 (Thu) 16:50:34 [Preview] No.33032 del
>Lost tribe of Israel? I thought it was Jesus being a Hungarian because Parthians were Hungarians or something.
That too. The idea of the lost tribe was put forward by Jewish historian of Hungary I think in the late 19th or early 20th century. Will look up details, it's somewhat obscure.

Bernd 12/12/2019 (Thu) 18:32:37 [Preview] No.33035 del
>Oy vey! Don't Poland and Portugal have the largest crypto-jewish descended populations? I blame the Catholics for this.
Can confirm this. As every Catholic, I'm a direct descendant of Abraham.

Bernd 12/12/2019 (Thu) 19:15:18 [Preview] No.33039 del
So. The idea that the Hungarians were/are Jews was put forward by Kohn Sámuel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Kohn) who wrote two books on the topic of the history of the Jews in Hungary. Well, the first book is actually a collection of Hebrew sources, but the second book contains parts which makes him a considerable pioneer in the research of the Khazar Khaganate. While I not yet can quote him on this but it seems he wrote that as the subject of the Khaganate, the Hungarians were also Jewish and they conquered the Carpathian Basin as Izraelites.

Somewhat related the figure of Kestler Artúr (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Koestler) who also wrote some stuff of Khazaria and proposed the idea - which you already familiar with - that the Ashkenazi are not semitic in origin, but Turkic. In his book, the Thirteenth Tribe, he writes that the Jews of Central Eastern Europe genetically are closer to Hun, Ugric and Hungarian tribes than to the progeny of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

I'll try and get both books.

Bernd 12/12/2019 (Thu) 22:02:01 [Preview] No.33052 del
(333.88 KB 1305x550 coats.png)
(355.58 KB 900x1200 jews-tablet.jpg)

>some noble family descended from Jews

It can be just a part of historical myth.

Religion, especially in past, wasn't separated from history, and concept of tracing your lineage from some religious figure was very popular. It is like translatio imperii applied to heritage.

For example, Romulus and Remus (both already mythological) were traced as descendants of Aeneas and so they were noble Trojans. Of course this wasn't original story, just a late influence of Greek culture.

Same with Christianity. When mainstream changed, people started to rewrite their founding stories to conform the new "true" history that was written in the Bible. So, Christian nations started to trace their history from some tribes of Israel, noble families - from famous biblical people etc.

It was pretty widespread thing, sometimes even too crazy:

So, it isn't good to trust many sources about Jewish connection and nobility just because worldview in past was pretty different. And you always need to consider that these mythical ancestors were biblical "Jews", noble chosen people from legends, not contemporary (for medieval times) strange bearded people from isolated city communities, who didn't believe in proper Jesus. It doesn't even matter if David was real or not.

Bernd 12/13/2019 (Fri) 06:22:59 [Preview] No.33060 del
Speaking of this, though it's mostly just something the English tried to claim about us:
An essay on this whole connection:
The "Dan" in "Danmark" by the way isn't etymologically like any of these however as far as we know. It's actually the same word as "den" or "cave" in English.
Also something interesting to note which confirms the legends of Greek descent for the Danes:
>For example, Romulus and Remus (both already mythological
No, Romulus and Remus were real people as well. Romulus was the first Roman king. Just a lot of legend surrounding them which corrupts their actual history.

Bernd 12/13/2019 (Fri) 06:23:45 [Preview] No.33061 del
Well that explains a lot.

Bernd 12/13/2019 (Fri) 06:42:43 [Preview] No.33063 del
During the night I woke up briefly and thought that Finns are forest people, Slavs are marsh people, Hungarians and Turkics are steppe people but what are Germanics. What you wrote makes sense.
>No, Romulus and Remus were real people as well.
You're forgetting Romanus, the third of the brothers. But instead of drinking the milk of the mommy wolf like his bros, he sucked the dick of daddy wolf. Like how Romanians suck the Romans' dick. This is why it is called dick of Roman or Dik-o-Roman theory...

Bernd 12/13/2019 (Fri) 15:55:51 [Preview] No.33069 del
Apparently, Manshaus posted on 4chan /int/ before the server, on the Norwegian thread, he was called "bibelversanon" (Bible verse anon)
>begge hadde gulfeber
>begge hadde oppsǿkt læstadianere
>begge var idioter
>bibelversanon sluttet å breve på dagen etter angrepet
In English
>both had yellow fever
>both sought out Laestadians
>both were idiots
>Bible verse anon stopped posting after the offense

Bernd 12/13/2019 (Fri) 16:46:42 [Preview] No.33070 del
That's an interesting tidbit.
Why was he called bibelvesanon? He quoted the Bible frequently?

Bernd 12/13/2019 (Fri) 17:37:30 [Preview] No.33073 del
Presumably so. He would just post Bible quotes in the thread when he left.
These are his posts I guess. This is what it would start with:
>Natta tråden! Her er et bibelvers og noen daier, så er der noe for alle.
<Night, thread! Here is a Bibleverse and a (girl with) tits, so there is something for all.
And then he'd quote it.

Bernd 12/13/2019 (Fri) 21:09:13 [Preview] No.33082 del
(806.21 KB 2000x1800 pepe-roman.png)
>No, Romulus and Remus were real people as well. Romulus was the first Roman king. Just a lot of legend surrounding them which corrupts their actual history.

Yes, maybe he was real. A lot of mythological figures have real prototypes. But legend may be so different so it is ok to consider real Romulus and that legendary Romulus as different entities, depending on context of discussion of course.

Bernd 12/26/2019 (Thu) 19:24:37 [Preview] No.33459 del
(153.94 KB 1059x1032 varg shit.png)
Some revelations that just came to me a few days ago:
>alcoholism is caused by excessive masturbation
>all the mystery schools are rooted around several things, one of them is literally worshipping poo
I'm not so sure about the first, but I'm definitely sure about the second. Shit was said to be a fertiliser by ancient southern animists, the early Romans not only recognised it as part of agriculture, they even deified it as Sterquilinus. Some Egyptians also apparently worshipped shit.
That's why India was taught to poo in the loo a few years back. Shit gives to earth, earth gives to cows, and Hindus worship cows.
Plus, why do you think "holy shit" was popularised as a term? Because the people at hollywood actually worship it. Disgusting.

Bernd 12/26/2019 (Thu) 19:49:47 [Preview] No.33460 del
That depends how do you define masturbation.
Well shit does fertilize the soil. It can be considered as the pure matter, so those who don't know spiritual, worship material, in a sense worship shit.

Bernd 12/26/2019 (Thu) 22:31:38 [Preview] No.33466 del
Ejaculation caused by stimulation using the hand.

Bernd 12/27/2019 (Fri) 07:32:04 [Preview] No.33475 del
So the very literary meaning. Hmm. How do you justify that causing alcoholism? Shouldn't be more alcoholic then? Or it has to reach a chronic level?

Bernd 12/27/2019 (Fri) 11:50:33 [Preview] No.33492 del
(9.26 KB 242x242 assb.jpg)
If it's someone else's hand then it's a handjob, you should have specified that.

Bernd 12/27/2019 (Fri) 11:53:07 [Preview] No.33494 del
This is a good point.
If someone else does it, would it influence alcoholism?

Bernd 12/27/2019 (Fri) 15:22:44 [Preview] No.33504 del
>excessive masturbation leads to less social interaction as it's caused by some form of loneliness to begin with
>more loneliness leads to you feeling like there's nothing to work towards
>alcohol is used to escape this
>it just makes things worse since you have nobody to enjoy it with
>now you feel even worse and try to reverse it, but you just can't find the root

Bernd 12/27/2019 (Fri) 16:39:27 [Preview] No.33508 del
I know at least one sociable person, who is quite a womanizer and wanks a lot as well. Ofc he might be the exception I just simply don't know too many people's habits to judge that. I know however that generally sociable and fairly successful men masturbates the same as lone ones. Those with partners, and even married ones do the same. In company I heard not one occasion wives telling how they caught their husbands doing do deed and were surprised to know that they do it all the time these ladies weren't hasty telling their own masturbational habits tho.
And on the other side, sociable people, with friends and grills around can also cultivate alcoholism just the same as lonely ones. Then alcoholism could lead to social isolation as they may slip down the slope, losing jobs, wealth, family etc. But there are several types of alcoholics, some just always need to have a little buzz but don't need to drink themselves snotty drunk.
From what I read on imageboards, many anons masturbate excessively - if their statements can be believed -, and many others (and more than likely the same ones) suffers some kind of addiction from games to drugs. So basically wanking is another addiction. I think it's just they have no other meaningful things to do.
I also believe if they were taken out of their place, circumstances, situation and were given a daily routine, tasks, and a new lifestyle that would help them a lot. Maybe we should create a foundation getting Soros to sponsor us and make a rehab for chan users.

I think drinking (alcohol) can lead to alcoholism.

Bernd 12/27/2019 (Fri) 20:59:42 [Preview] No.33513 del
Even sociable people often have times where they just choose to stay alone and thus get their habit for masturbation. I don't think it's drinking alone that leads to alcoholism, but drinking as a result of loneliness.

Bernd 12/27/2019 (Fri) 21:41:18 [Preview] No.33520 del
While masturbation usually happens when one is alone, I dunno if alone time has to do much with it. Ofc human beans tend to favor privacy, but primates for example do it openly. Our habit comes from social norms, the instinct to do it is more primal.
Masturbation and drinking are similar surrogate activities how is it called in English when one do something useless instead of doing what he has to do, I don't think of procrastination, while has similar effect, so it's rather correlation than causation.
Drinkers has five types/levels: occasional drinker, drinker, occasional heavy drinker, heavy drinker, alcoholic. The occasional ones almost exclusively drink socially. The other two mostly. An alcoholic will most definitely drink alone, great many times, and depending on his situation he can entirely.
I do agree alcohol is used by people to medicate away problems, one such is loneliness. But as I wrote in this regards is liek masturbation, they do it to make themselves feel temporarily good, instead of fixing their problem (loneliness).

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 01:10:08 [Preview] No.35673 del
I think I got a positive ID on the Swedebernd here: Here he calls Sweden a "lobotomized nwo country" >>25753 while linking to Miles Mathis. Turns out that he posts on a Wordpress site called "Cutting Through the Fog" and so does a Swede called "Idontuseacar", who types the same and even uses the same term for Sweden:
>Sweden the most lobotomized nwo country in the world is doing pretty much the reverse of everyone with regards to corona virus. And im baffled to say the least. The country is not doing a lock down, but the borders are closed apparently, but not for asylum seekers. Everything is open, only real difference ive seen is that buses dont open at the front. And that in some shops ive seen that the toilet paper are gone.
Let's bring him back!

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 02:28:51 [Preview] No.35676 del
How to approach him on the comment section without drawing in anyone else? I think just mentioning "End/kc/" will get the message without attracting keins.

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 02:54:22 [Preview] No.35677 del
I guess? It's small though, so people might find it suspicious (which I totally understand, it's just that this board really is mostly innocuous).
By the way, apparently your comments need to be processed by the admin if you haven't posted there already. So it might be a good idea to just make a few comments first, and then reply to him.

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 08:19:44 [Preview] No.35679 del
Are you on it in any way?

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 08:35:30 [Preview] No.35680 del
I'm in favor but haven't done anything yet.

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 11:34:13 [Preview] No.35681 del
Okay, but if you're in on this don't mess it up.

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 13:59:46 [Preview] No.35682 del
He posts on Kohl. He knows this board is here, if he wanted to he could have post here too.
If you guys want to contact him, it needs to be done cleverly. If we hint we know him, he might get confused, or get spooked. He might bail, might investigate, might find it bullying.
We could ask him a couple of questions. Simple and innocent ones, which the admin would approve, and which might further confirm his identity. It has to be related to the topic on some level. For example we could confirm if that particular poster really is Swedish. Yeah, that "lobotomized nwo country" is a giveaway but maybe Swebernd and Idontuseacar are two people who read the idiom elsewhere, liked, and decided to use that themselves.

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 14:28:19 [Preview] No.35683 del
Idontuseacar is Swedish though. You can derive that just from typing in "site:cuttingthroughthefog.com idontuseacar" on any search engine and in the first result he posts:
>Nice to see a fellow swede here
>btw tesla smells like a spook to me
Pretty obviously the same grammar as well, and we've specifically talked of Tesla on this very thread as well. So trying to confirm he's Swedish won't do.

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 16:26:21 [Preview] No.35686 del
I see.
Can registered users send private messages to each other?

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 16:41:47 [Preview] No.35687 del
It's Wordpress, so I guess? Then again, it appears he's a guest user there.

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 16:45:24 [Preview] No.35688 del
How consistently he uses that site?
What's the plan? Writing a secret message into the message that could slip through the admin?

Bernd 04/06/2020 (Mon) 16:51:47 [Preview] No.35689 del
The plan? Why try to be so conspicuous about this? Just try it in a way that doesn't ruin the image of this board, but "mask it" with other talk.

Bernd 04/09/2020 (Thu) 16:51:13 [Preview] No.35765 del

Bernd 05/11/2020 (Mon) 12:33:47 [Preview] No.36667 del
I never really left I just took a long coffee break and I rarely went to kohl krautchan 4lyfe

Bernd 05/11/2020 (Mon) 12:38:16 [Preview] No.36668 del
you wont find any open hearted discussions about these topics here im afraid (bernds can only replicate) but you are on the right track

Bernd 05/11/2020 (Mon) 12:46:27 [Preview] No.36669 del
the kike josh banned me for saying that germ theory is a bunch of lies lol

Bernd 05/11/2020 (Mon) 13:50:09 [Preview] No.36673 del
Begs the question: Why does Miles still associate with a jewish man who even has this stereotypical mod-god complex? Here's what he had to defend himself before:
>Honestly, Josh is the toughest call I have had to make in my short career as a Truther. He admitted from the start he was in Israel, and my gut reaction was to dump him based only on that. Given what I have been discovering, the odds were very high he was trying to run some sort of confidence trick on me. However, odds don't always pan out. Odds can give you a hunch, but they can't provide a final decision. In Josh's favor he has written two long and well researched papers on Gandhi and Dreyfus, in neither of which could I find any spin. They were good enough to publish, and I published them. You will say he just wanted to write those papers so that I didn't do it myself, and that is possible. But I am still free to research Gandhi and Dreyfus further if I wish. Josh isn't stopping me. He has also provided me with other bon mots, rounding out later research I was doing on various topics. For instance, after reading my paper on Hitler's Genealogy, he pointed me to the article in Der Zeit where later Hitlers changed their names to Hiller. I found that very useful and added it to the paper. He has also defended me in various forums.
But then again, he was calling POM an op in the same article, yet Josh was a part of it. So what's his position on him then?

Bernd 05/11/2020 (Mon) 14:01:52 [Preview] No.36677 del
What is he trying to hide?

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 03:45:20 [Preview] No.37454 del
Both josh and miles are jews so take everything they say with a boatload of salt. miles admitted in an article somewhere that he had jewish ancestry

miles has a standard jewish mindset and phenotype, curly hair, very lanky bodytype, then bald once they get older, lazy and entitled (donate to me pls), god complex and doesnt tolerate being questioned.

usually the hypocricy is the most obvious and easiest to spot, he boasts about not paying taxes whilst ranting on people to tax evade. I read his articles but never accept anything really at face value. the modus operandi usually is to establish some kind of guru status. and lead their followers to nowhere. just look at gerry, he was pretty much booted out because he didnt agree with everything miles had to say.

and I mean come on can it get more gay than this?

" He has also defended me in various forums. "

gerrys site


after ive written this stuff im beginning to feel kind of stupid that I even recommended miles writings.

to answer the australian I think its to shut down any kind of real discussions. for example. if you read a 20 page about some shooting that was possible fake. does it really matters if it was fake or not? and especially if you live outside of usa.

but germ theory oh boy. thats top 3 in fakery imo the last 200 years.

the older I get the more I think alot of life is pre determined, kind of like stoicism. certain groups of people will behave in a certain way. thats just how it is. and we whites doesnt seem to accept that.

One lazy afternoon day a turtle was swimming happily along a lake. As the turtle was nearing land he heard a scorpion hail it from the muddy shore. A scorpion, being a very poor swimmer, asked the turtle if he would carry him on his back across the lake. The turtle thought it was the craziest thing he ever heard, “Why would I carry you on my back?” he boomed, ‘You’ll sting me while I’m swimming and I’ll drown.”
“My dear turtle friend,” laughed the scorpion, “if I were to sting you, you would drown and I would go down with you and drown as well. Now where is the logic in that?”
The turtle pondered this for a moment, and eventually saw the logic in the scorpion’s statement. “You’re right!” said the turtle with a smile. “Hop on!” So the scorpion climbed aboard and the turtle paddled his big fins in the water. Halfway across the lake the scorpion gave the turtle a big sting, and he started to drown. As they both sank into the water the turtle turned to the scorpion with a tear in his eye. “My dear scorpion friend, why did you sting me? Now we are both going to drown…” the turtle was gasping for air. “Where is the… logic in that?”
“It has nothing to do with logic” the scorpion sadly replied, “it’s just my nature.”

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 05:06:03 [Preview] No.37478 del
This really SAYS A LOT about society fam

Wouldn't the scorpion just sting the turtle's shell anyway? He wouldn't die because it didn't hit his skin, since his limbs and head would be underwater for swimming and navigating the lake

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 05:34:15 [Preview] No.37484 del
turtles need air yo

that pom site is a real goldmine, heres a good text


""MM, like Rush Limbaugh, has his dittoheads. I know a Limbaugh dittohead who has lived here in southern Indiana all his life, where most people have a slightly Southern dialect, but this guy speaks in Limbaugh’s Chicago dialect and his speech has the same cadences as Limbaugh’s. That’s what I thought about when I read the Sven piece.

(And if it’s a committee or if it’s Miles pretending to be Sven, that makes sense too. Limbaugh’s real function, I think–like so many toxic personalities in the media–is to be a role model. The information doesn’t matter so much as the constant neurotic “us vs. them, me vs. the world” mentality. Mathis provides his own version of that isolating and couterproductive mindset. I suspect Limbaugh mixes real callers in with fake ones and Mathis (or his group) may do the same with guest writers. He is teaching people how to think like him while believing they are thinking for themselves."

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 05:52:29 [Preview] No.37491 del
(89.11 KB 1096x1200 Vhilliv.jpeg)
>turtles need air yo

Well you got me on that one bernd

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 06:03:20 [Preview] No.37497 del
Here's basically the point of his hypocrisy: there's no real truth and any attempt to oppose the JWO is pointless, you can fuck off to your shed now. Although he called for tax revolts before, in his recent "Where did the Phoenicians go?" paper (the contents of which I basically covered a year before he did, in a way), he says this:
>So if the Semites want to run the world, I leave it to them. I just wish they would do a better job. I really don't think lying about everything all the time constitutes governance. Robbing your neighbors blind every other month doesn't constitute governance.
<I really don't give a shit about fighting the jews, I'll just tell them to do things better, not that I am one anyways go-guys!
Even Gerry tells you to "judge things yourself". Isn't he a "truth-seeker"? If he were one, why wouldn't he want everyone to believe in the truth? There's some serious alphabet soup going on here. I'm leaning towards Miles both dissuading people from real fakes, and also being in it to laugh at his gullible followers, since he doesn't really seem to be
POM might be another similar group with a fake dispute as well, since Josh was a part of it. Come on, Josh is an open jew, and he comes off as a sort of infiltrator, on every side.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 06:13:43 [Preview] No.37498 del
>if you read a 20 page about some shooting that was possible fake. does it really matters if it was fake or not? and especially if you live outside of usa.
To be fair, some events (like the Lincoln or Olof Palme assassination) do have large ramifications of being exposed. Not so much the Ohio Sate v. Clemson Game, which is an actual paper that Miles wrote:

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 06:30:44 [Preview] No.37500 del
Another big thing: Miles believes everybody with a similar last name to somebody in the peerage is some aristocrat and is thus probably a jew, he actually believes everybody named Stewart is related to the House of Stuart and is thus nobility, ditto for surnames like "Russell" and "Cox" despite the fact that many of his supporters literally bear those names. He intentionally makes "jewish features" vague (he conflates the Roman nose with the jewish one) sometimes he does this with no evidence, for example, in his Norway paper:
>Olav was the son of Harald Grenske, which is a strange name for that time. Pretty obviously Jewish aswell
Apparently Grenske is a jewish name, who knew. No evidence whatsoever, no knowledge of its etymology at that.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 06:33:50 [Preview] No.37501 del
I think he is on to something, Olav sounds quite Jewish too.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 06:41:13 [Preview] No.37502 del
Don't you know? O-lav = O-levi, so Olav really means Levi.
Pahlavi is also "Levi" according to one of his friends, "Donny Ohzmond":
>And did you notice the last four letters of the House of Karen-Pahlevi? This meansPahlavi is a Levi.
<The term Pahlavi is said[3] to be derived from the Parthian language word parthav or parthau, meaning Parthia, a region just east of the Caspian Sea, with the -i suffix denoting the language and people of that region. If this etymology is correct, Parthav presumably became pahlaw through a semivowel glide rt (or in other cases rd) change to l, a common occurrence in language evolution (e.g. Arsacid sard became sal, zard>zal, vard>gol, sardar>salar etc.). The term has been traced back further[3] to Avestan pərəthu- "broad [as the earth]", also evident in Sanskrit pŗthvi- "earth" and parthivi "[lord] of the earth". Common to all Indo-Iranian languages is a connotation of "mighty".
Also, isn't it redundant to look for "jewish", i.e. middle eastern features when doing a paper on the ruling elite of a middle eastern country? He is right though, since Shapur II (of the Sassanid dynasty) was technically jewish, but it's mixed with a bunch of nonsense.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 06:59:17 [Preview] No.37504 del
Ahh, this reminded me of something. There is this Turk that thinks the Suebi are Turkish because Suebi sounds like a work in Turkish.


Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 14:55:05 [Preview] No.37528 del
Good points. So he follows the standard modus operandi, demoralization, constant lying, the appeal to his "authority" etc.

Maarten did a good write up which nails it imo

"C. That someone else (person or committee) supplies the basic drafts of those later papers, and MWM’s job is to punch them up with his combative prose and cynical humor. (Edit [addition]: Look at the comments he inserts in colored font on guest papers, then imagine those being reworked into the body of the text; a few more tweaks and you turn a guest paper into an MWM production.) That’s the work of only a few hours a week, which could easily be accomplished by someone who also has paintbrushes to clean. Thus, the primary writing is not by MWM but by anonymous accomplices; and yet he is, in your words, still “the conduit for the info on his site.”"


I feel dumb to have bought it hook line and sinker but these people are everywhere it seems.

I think especially the demoralization and the constant pushing of we vs them is most harmful.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 14:56:46 [Preview] No.37529 del
Yeah its insane and maybe he just does it to laugh at his followers? Its obvious that he looks down upon them. Same with all these gurus really. Alan watt does the same.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 15:16:17 [Preview] No.37533 del
Something to add to his god-complex is that he claims that it's his research that's being persecuted, yet he was not the first at anything. He wasn't the first to claim the same bloodlines are behind everyone, that events are faked, or that the Phoenicians founded the globalist model, he just steals these ideas and claims it as his. He intentionally drags on to make his papers look long, with nonsensical statements, artificially elongating them up as well.
So anyways, Miles is a shill, POM probably is as well, though they could be pointing towards Miles being one while being shills themselves. These people who you never see or hear let alone even talk to in real life all want to bait you into their online celebrity cult, everything's a hoax, reality is fake, and other demoralisation, just join them and their increasingly contradictory views.
At least it's better than those YouTube truthers, but at the same time, it's worse since Miles pretends he's doing far more work than he really is. The apathy regarding the germ theory is also a problem, though that's more of a thing for the health thread.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 15:28:37 [Preview] No.37536 del
No one even knows who miles is so how is he being persecuted. Thats just his jewishness coming out.

Ive read that before dont remember where that most of his stuff is stolen from somewhere else, the jfk, the manson etc. To me it seems more and more obvious that someone is feeding him these papers and then he just edits them quickly.

Regarding pom, do we know they actually met him? Or was that fake too? Or was it an agent meeting? Ive not read alot on pom but the comments are usually sound and they dont seem to censor much.

What do you think about his paper on the una bomber? There is alot that does not make sense, especially the bit about his cabin being dragged off to a museum.

The germ theory ties in with cell theory and everything else. I dont even think that the goal here is money which miles thinks. Its more about control and power. If everything was about money then they would have depopulation agenda.

Funny that he never mentions the technocratic agenda either.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 15:33:33 [Preview] No.37538 del
And all his claims lack any kind of proof or evidence, just his appeal to his own authority. That always annoyed me.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 15:49:36 [Preview] No.37539 del
Everything is just hearsay. Miles does have a CV and a past, which POM covered in extreme detail quite recently (with no real response from Miles aside from insults), and they supposedly met him. Since he lives in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico, nobody knows about him and it's too irrelevant to be concerned about, aside from both being shills, especially being linked by the jew Josh, who might be the chief behind all this mess to begin with.
Regarding his Unabomber paper, whether it was faked or not, I believe that a the prime objective regarding all psy-ops around him is to distract people from his actual ideology and instead focus on the fact that he bombed a bunch of people. Miles claims that his anti-industrialism made him an "Anti" or an agent specifically intended to discredit anti-industrialism, but at the same time, Miles does nothing about industrialism and even makes his readers more susceptible to it, which plays in to the technocratic agenda. At the same time, Miles is very careful to defend liberalism, which is probably because he's intended for older audiences, being an older person and all. He claims that feminism was blackwashed (and isn't bad or a psyop to begin with, mostly enabled by industrialism), and also claims that the hippies were infiltrated, when in-reality the hippies were never legitimate, they were fake "anti-racists" during the Civil Rights movement, which ties right into JFK. He accuses everyone criticising him for liberalism of being a "fascist", while not accepting any legitimate criticism of it, instead, literally resorting to the No True Scotsman fallacy.
>As it turns out, the founding fathers were not liberal at all. They were fascists
Other "truther" movements are shills as well, and Miles calls them out, but then again, he's doing the same thing. It's not even about money or power, but it's to change their method of executing power via transitioning to a cosmopolitan industrial hell filled with mongrels.
He does provide real proof sometimes, but usually just cross-references with the peerage and assumes that since they have similar names, they must be related. It's odd that he pushes that so many spooks have real names, but then again, there are people like Putin who have no official genealogy.
Germ theory and cell theory (though plant cells are real)are simply used to both shape the minds of people and ruin their physical health, combined with all the toxins spread by industrial cities.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 15:56:13 [Preview] No.37540 del
You lay it out good. This just makes me furious that I didnt see all the obvious things. I get the feeling whites/europeans are too trusting. Russians wouldnt buy his shit I think.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 15:56:43 [Preview] No.37541 del
Im gonna make a coffee and respond longer brb

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 15:58:19 [Preview] No.37542 del
Or the supposition that he did, if it was a staged event. Either way, my point still stands.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 16:24:43 [Preview] No.37543 del
His cv is a bit strange, just from gut feeling I think he was recruited in college and it just went from there. He moved around alot, then went to europe apparently, how did he support himself financially? I mean he never had a typical job so where is his cash coming from? A writer at pom stated that he had unsold paintins all over the place, so people arent buying his art. Dont you need a visa to stay in europe if you are an american?

Yes I think thats the case too with the unabomber. People will just think he is batshit crazy and ignore the message. Especially the thing about leftism. I think leftism is really just a codeword for communitarianism. The word that never gets talked about although its the root of alot.


Thats a good site about communitarianism. Lark doesnt seem like he has bad intentions.

Miles uses paypal, ebay, cars etc so yeah...its all so obvious.

Thats a typical response from jews, that everyone is a fascist. They all seem to be liberals aswell.

Funny how he never touches the race issue or anything close to it. Really makes you think...

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 16:34:54 [Preview] No.37547 del
And regarding josh, there is so much comflicting things. Apparently he lived in israel, the he lived in california, and whenever any kind of medical topic comes up he usually states that his dad is a doctor so he has authority.

What if josh and miles is the same person?

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 16:47:30 [Preview] No.37551 del
His cv is a bit strange, just from gut feeling I think he was recruited in college and it just went from there. He moved around alot, then went to europe apparently, how did he support himself financially? I mean he never had a typical job so where is his cash coming from? A writer at pom stated that he had unsold paintins all over the place, so people arent buying his art. Dont you need a visa to stay in europe if you are an american?
Let's see; there's a bio of him written by a fangirl of his, supposedly a French Canadian named Marie-Claude Lacroix:
<Other art trips to Bruges, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich, Bordeaux, Copenhagen, Paris, Goteburg, Rome, Florence, and Venice were equally enlightening if somewhat less "disobedient." Miles never seemed to learn a respect for authority however, as he was ejected from the Cathedral in Vienna at Christmas mass in 1999 for wearing a stocking cap (after a nasty look from the Cardinal himself).
So is that his backstory for not liking authorities? A bugger isn't it?
A month ago, Miles did briefly cover the origins of blonds/Aryans, and basically claimed that any blond tall person that's important is part-jewish and the lower ones are just peasants being extorted. He basically just claims that the people from the bloodlines are usually rich, therefore they're bad. He claims that they don't need to move around in the snow that much as their base was in Palestine, therefore they have more time to conquer things, which is why the Phoenicians dominated the world and why jews do now, and claims that it's all a difference in how much they sleep. Apparently sleeping more is a good thing, though that's a ruse as well; the real problem is NEEDING to sleep more, not that you should always sleep more. That's another result of industrialism and the awful food most people eat.
Blood doesn't matter whatsoever and is just discarded. It's perfectly possible that some jew could change their name, create a fake genealogy (or steal someone's identity), and then cooperate with Miles and he'd say that he's a white man with no jewish blood whatsoever, as he doesn't really recognise jewish characteristics.
Josh admittedly never got into conspiracies until January of 2016 (this is also a common theme, Miles touched on the JFK assassination in 2008 but only truly indulged himself in conspiracies after Sandy Hoax; just for scale, the 9/11 truth movement, which was openly being shown on TVs and often being pushed as false opposition throughout the entirety of the 2000s, yet Miles never gets into it until 2013).
>Greetings and Welcome! In January of 2016, I saw a link to the documentary, September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor in the list of ‘related videos’ list on YouTube. The scales fell from my eyes. It all seemed so obvious. It wasn’t as if the perpetrators had done a good job of hiding the fact that it was “an inside job.” I felt that even a cursory examination of the evidence would be enough to show that we were lied to. So the only way I could have gone nearly 15 years without realizing it was simply by ignoring it or telling myself “it couldn’t be.” I decided that I would never again allow myself to ignore or reject any theory on the basis of plausibility. I swore to myself that I would pursue the evidence for any idea or any theory, no matter how absurd it seemed.
Josh has no picture, biography or voice and nobody has even claimed to have met him, but apparently Josh has his own email and Reddit account (of course), so it has to be a large part-time job for Miles to do so.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 16:49:34 [Preview] No.37552 del
Apparently Miles also even made a weird side-blog where he wrote some diary through the lens of a teenage emo woman (also admittedly mentioned by POM), and on top of that, he claims to be on other sites anonymously, that site probably being one of them.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 16:56:05 [Preview] No.37554 del
Do you mean this one?


Reading it now

Seems he just steals from others and claims that its his own "research"?

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 17:09:56 [Preview] No.37555 del
It's probable that he just takes a conglomerate of theories, analyses them, and then fits them all into one post, and then stretches it out so that it may be artificially elongated. He basically stole Phoenicianism from Gerry (who isn't the originator of it anyways, but seemed to have introduced it to him, and did far more work than Miles ever did), remember? Miles used to be known for his tall tales, and that's probably why false-flag-hoaxes get to him so much.
Some of his older articles are plain disgusting:
>Tess was seven when we met. I did not expect her, even in the everyday sense of the word. My appointment was with her mother, an art agent, whom I also had not met before. But as I came from the back of my house to answer the door, I saw her, this young girl, standing on my front porch, squeezed close to the screen door by her mother behind her, peering through my open entryway. She wore a light-red dress with miniature white polka dots, and shiny black shoes with white stockings. Her hair was waist-length and straight, golden and silver at the same time. But it was her eyes, even through the screen, that held me
Pedo tendencies?

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 17:14:45 [Preview] No.37556 del

scroll down and you see simon writes about josh. Is josh miles handler? I mean miles should based on his own research not touch him with a 10 foot pole, educated in sociology at princeton. Can it be more obvious?

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 17:19:27 [Preview] No.37557 del
Found it! It was a "diary of a 13 year old girl" hosted on a literal GeoCities site. The writing style is nearly identical to Miles' one, and this 13 year old girl even has sex with a nude artist named Eliot (his real name?).
Cluesforums is also like POM in the same way, but trying to make everyone believing what it says look insane by association. But yes, there's some incredibly sinister stuff going on between Josh and Miles, especially isnce Josh owns the only forum he posts on.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 17:24:56 [Preview] No.37558 del
Its creepy as fuck. Maybe hes a pedo and thats how they control him? This whole thing makes me sick how I read his papers without thinking. Thanks man for explaining it.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 17:30:49 [Preview] No.37559 del
>>So if the Semites want to run the world, I leave it to them. I just wish they would do a better job.
Just that should wake anyone up. Can it get more blatantly obvious?
>Apparently sleeping more is a good thing, though that's a ruse as well; the real problem is NEEDING to sleep more, not that you should always sleep more. That's another result of industrialism and the awful food most people eat.
Usually hypothyroid people need more sleep. According to qigong too much sleep can actually be harmful.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 17:39:35 [Preview] No.37560 del
More-so, it's that he's known for his tall-tales, and perhaps as soon as he got into conspiracies, Josh offered to join forces, and he's essentially playing Miles like a puppet now, by being the "good jew" that keeps him tame. He seems to have pedo tendencies, which he does share with the (fellow?) jews.
His ex-wife is apparently named Mary, and I might've got an ID on him on Ancestry.com; his ex-wife's full name might be "Mary F. Streetman". A woman surnamed "streetman"? Hvad faen?
This surname is found mostly in the USA followed by ISRAEL. Was Miles' wife jewish? And why did he never have any children?
>We didn't have children because no woman wants to have children with a guy without a steady income.
Sounds like an excuse. Miles literally lived in essential luxury most of his life, and he says he didn't have children because he "didn't have a steady income"?

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 17:45:30 [Preview] No.37561 del
>Can it get more blatantly obvious?
It's not just that he says he's okay with the JWO with that, it's that he contradicts his call for a tax-revolt earlier by saying this.
>Usually hypothyroid people need more sleep. According to qigong too much sleep can actually be harmful.
That seems to be true. Recently I've been eating raw )eggs and beef) and I've been able to perfectly have a 5 hour sleep, which should be normal for most people under 70 or so. The only times I require more sleep is when I live off these disgusting industrialised diets.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 17:58:19 [Preview] No.37562 del
I cant seem to find his article about him having jewish grandparents. It was him basically saying I cant be anti semitic, look I have jewish ancestry.

How do we know he doesnt have kids? Because he says so? If he doesnt have an income, how does he afford traveling all over the place, owning a home, car, etc etc. All his talk about being so poor etc. To me its all bullshit. If you are poor you cant travel all the time, you cant afford cars, I mean golfing isnt cheap. If things doesnt make any sense its bs.

Maybe his wife left him because hes a pedo?

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 18:02:55 [Preview] No.37563 del
>I cant seem to find his article about him having jewish grandparents. It was him basically saying I cant be anti semitic, look I have jewish ancestry.
It was "My Genealogy" where he claimed one of his grandparents might've been jewish. Also the in the paper where he calls for a tax revolt, he basically claims to be a German jew:
>Are you hoping to avoid any nastiness? Hoping to be “a good German”? How many regrets there were in Germany in 1946, how many there still are. Have you been to Germany, felt the guilt? I have. I have German blood in me, and Jewish blood, too. So my blood is not stupid, nor my ghosts, either. They remember.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 18:05:22 [Preview] No.37564 del
From his where did all the phonecians go

"Does this mean Aryans are a bunch of dumdums, and that Jews are basically smarter? No. Logically,it means that the same thing that made the Aryans tall and blond also made them less ambitious: theywere from the north. Being more strapping likely made them more likely to survive the harsh winters,and perhaps the lack of sun made them pale in skin and hair. But the harsh and long winters kept themindoors, so they couldn't be sailing the seas all year trading, colonizing, and conquering. Unlike theMediterraneans, they got used to huddling for months at a time, which didn't make them stupider, butdid perhaps make them less ambitious"

What the actual fuck. No only does it contradicts basic biology, its racist against whites. He tries to mask it but its so obvious once you understand his modus operandi.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 18:16:44 [Preview] No.37565 del
It was another article, where he says the name of his grandparents. Maybe he deleted it. But that article is a good one. Really show his hatred against germans.

I get the feeling they (the powers that be) want some kind of revolt in usa. And miles is just a part of inciting that revolt. I mean characters like him would either be shunned 500 years ago or arrested. What is happening now is just the technocratic takeover.

"Boycott all large companies"

But donate to me via paypal

"Kill your TV "

so that my cult can brainwash people easier.

"Boycott all international banks"

except paypal

"Quit thinking in terms of investment"

dont make money, be poor and remember to donate to me.

"Avoid all plastics"

if you had to avoid all plastics then say goodbye to your fridge, icecooler, tapwater, computer, cables, electricity, the list goes on and on.

"Drive less, travel less, don’t commute"

except for me who travels all around the world. this also fits into agenda 21.

"Turn down your heat and your air-conditioning"

more agenda 21 conditioning.

Its so obvious. He makes it so obvious. He is a shill, a spook whatever term that is appliable.

Bernd 06/08/2020 (Mon) 19:37:05 [Preview] No.37566 del
Did you read this article danebernd?


Its a very good text.

"So let me get to it: ‘Miles Mathis’ is the deepest, darkest, most insidious of all the government limited hangout (LH) psy ops I’ve yet run across. This one is truly on a new and startling level, in both motive and machinations; no matter on what level you accept or do not accept the work of MM, it can be as damaging (to anyone on a ‘search for truth’) as any body of historical work you will ever come across. Can be as damaging. What I hope to do here is provide a way of interpreting LH psy ops like MM that will not only control the damage but turn the tables on those out to deceive us."

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 01:35:44 [Preview] No.37571 del
(83.38 KB 664x1024 Trianon.jpg)
Essentially he promotes the "snownigger" meme. According to Miles, pure-whites have no history aside from being conquered by Phoenicians and jews, and anyone who says otherwise is an agent. Often he comes off as historically illiterate too:
>While researching this, I learned something about Odin, the most powerful of the Norse gods. The Norwegian and Swedish royals claim to be descended from Yngvi, son of Odin. On Yngvi's Wikipage, we learn some astonishing things, such as that he came to Scandinavia from... Turkey!
Using the Wikipedia page for Yngvi instead of the Íslendingabók or Eddas to prove his point, and ignoring that "Turkey" was used as a synonym for Troy. Miles actually claims that Troy was a victim of the Phoenicians, which really goes to show his inconsistency. Also notice some more illiteracy from Miles:
>Note the Sachsen, way back in the 6th century. That is a variation of Saxe and Sachs, as in Goldman Sachs.
Miles claims that "Sachsen" (Saxony) is only used as a variation of Goldman Sachs or Saxe. And did Gerry or anyone try to correct him? No.
So Miles is historically semi-illiterate, he gets most of his history from Wikipedia, and is most of the time only trying to claim whites have no culture aside from being conquered by jewish homosexuals. Almost as if he is one, and he's trying to make his race look superior.
Sorry, I crashed. He said that a man named "Moses Mordechai Williams" was his grandfather on his mother's side, and clings onto him being some extreme Christian that takes Hebrew names, not a Hebrew himself. Yet no white person names themselves "Mordechai", that's the most jewish-exclusive name there is.
>I get the feeling they (the powers that be) want some kind of revolt in usa. And miles is just a part of inciting that revolt. I mean characters like him would either be shunned 500 years ago or arrested. What is happening now is just the technocratic takeover.
These BLM protests are a larger part of it, they even renamed the streets near the white house to BLM avenue. They're going to create several concurring revolts and counter-revolts which could balkanise the USA and prepare it for an invasion. China might be the prime JWO technocratic state, considering all of its industrial tenets compared to the rest of the world, so it'll play a huge part in it; especially their modern diets.
I did a while ago. Miles hardly responded, instead opting to use his followers as meat shields and insulting him along with POM later on, though we know they were with him as well.

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 01:38:15 [Preview] No.37572 del
>And guess what Finecke means? Phoenician. And in what language do you think Fenike means Phoenician? Turkish.
>Seemy update from a few days ago on the fake Norway massacre, where wefound the Norse gods like Odin—and therefore the Norse royals, who claim to be descended from thesegods—coming from Turkey.
Finecke is an English forename that became a surname, and the Norse gods were said to have come from Troy, long before the Turkish language ever existed in the region. Historical illiteracy.

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 04:21:05 [Preview] No.37574 del
After reading weisbeckers excellent writings about miles im not so sure he even exists. If pom is in on the hoax, and cluesforum, then why should we take their statements as facts? He even was in taos but miles didnt want to meet him. What does that tell us?

Both pom and cluesforum has promoted miles, and defended him vigorously. Why would they do that?

Honestly, it seems to me after thinking about this for a while that ALL alternative media is a limited hangout, spooks, shills, controlled opposition. Its much more controlled, and devious than regular media. And they just promote eachother, and get help from the goverment to become "popular".

For example. There has been a few people that got banned from youtube, which only helped them because then they could play the victim card and get symphaties. Alot went to bitchute, and bitcute tracks their users ip adresses. Maybe that was the goal, to track people who watch alternative media?

His historical inconsistensies could be explained that its a team that writes his essays? Weisbecker did the math on his workload in 2016, and it was some bizarre number of words that got produced. That doesnt include his science papers or his painting.

Regarding his palme paper, its funny he missed the more famous stuff like that he was an actual autist (he couldnt tie his own shoelaces). People still talk about that murder case here like it has any relevancy what so ever. He probably just went to israel because he got tired of his job.

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 05:20:21 [Preview] No.37579 del
To be fair, Miles said after that that he often uses British slang as he adopted it from his travels in Europe, so Weisbecker might be wrong (though he is right about other things, namely Miles stealing others' work). However, him travelling Europe is itself a red flag as we're supposed to believe this guy was just a random Texan. In-fact, Miles Mathis actually resembles Brenton Tarrant, it's just that the latter was some random Australian travelled the world. Was Tarrant based on Miles?
Anyways, it's more likely that Miles is a real person but a shill, though "Miles Mathis" could be a fake name. George Eliot was his self-insert in his blog, and none of the rest of his family bears the name "Mathis", it's Williams, and Mathis sounds like a pun on "math", because he's a mathematician. He probably really adopted this fake name (since Ancestry.com shows him as "Miles William Mathis"), while his real birth name is unknown. By the way, look at his other names. "George Eliot Williams" Abbreviated, that literally spells out GEW. What is Miles Mathis? A JEW.
He might've been a regular richboy until Josh noticed his works, he seems to be the real stageplayer in all of this. He was supposedly a Latin student, yet uses Wikipedia for everything. Now isn't that strange? Also, why are there so many French people into his works? Why is his biographer a French Canadian?

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 05:28:57 [Preview] No.37581 del
More examples:
>It is such an obvious blackwash of those like me, who are against fascism. But what decent person wouldn't be against fascism? Fascism is top-down control of normal people by government/corporations, for the purpose of financial rapine. Is anyone for that, except rich scumbags—and the people who write for them at Urban Dictionary?
Antifa goes back decades in both the USA and Europe (pic) and yet Miles supposedly never even heard of it, and simply assumes it's a recent project to "blackwash people against fascism" basing it off literal Urban Dictionary articles. Some examples:

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 14:55:14 [Preview] No.37587 del
He grew up in texas (supposedly), so his vocabulary should be american-texan. It was in rural texas too. So where is the texan slangs?

Weisbecker seems a bit nutty but I think he is on to something. Think about it, we have never heard his voice. We have never seen a video of him. There is pictures of him but that can be anyone or just a computer rendered image. He has been an artist since what, his 20's? That makes him a publi figure for what, 30-40 years.

Math-is. Quite an obvious pun.

If we just apply his "logic" to himself, he went to a big spook college. Has jewish ancestry. Has never had a day job but lives very well. Traveled all over. But there is no alarm bells ringing?

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 15:00:10 [Preview] No.37588 del
Yeah thats interesting. Maybe they just have different folks for different tastes. Miles panders to the leftist, liberal crowd. His excuses for hippies whilst the counter culture was a completely fabricated event.

Im not that knowledgeable about liberalism but doesnt it mean free trade, laizzes faire, open borders etc? The same thing the elite wants?

He wrote when covid hit that it was an attack against him since he is so popular. Is that a way to ridicule his followers? Or why would he write something so silly?

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 15:44:49 [Preview] No.37589 del
The fact that there's no video or voice footage of him is a huge red flag, yes.
Basically, it's the enlightenment ideals most famously laid out in the US constitution and the French "Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen", that discuss equality among all citizens to learn to read, to write, and to get a proper education like all the elites do. However, this teaching of equality came from the freemasons, and also led to the open equality of jews (excluding the crypto-racial-jews and jewish nobility), of blacks, and it led to the Laizzes-Faire capitalist system. Miles is an extreme capitalist and also a Darwinist, so of course, he admires the "survival of the fittest" doctrine that have allowed the elites to justify the industrial revolution and now justify the technocratic agenda.
>He wrote when covid hit that it was an attack against him since he is so popular. Is that a way to ridicule his followers? Or why would he write something so silly?
Miles claims victimhood for everything just to make it seem like he's right. His followers will cling to him and be even more gullible in his eyes, while others will view Miles as insane for thinking this. Of course, nothing ever happened to him, so he's just pretending to be hurt so people give him more paypal shekels.

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 16:45:44 [Preview] No.37591 del
And we know that the enlightment was a freemason/jew led operation. Funny how words are used. I mean. Enlightenment. Enlighten. Sounds like something positive right? When its the totally opposite. Kind of like smart phones. Smart devices. Its the opposite, it only makes you more stupid.

You should check out lamarck, he was kind of the first who wrote about evolution, but its not the kind of evolution darwin (who stole most of his ideas) talks about. The darwinistic idea is that the strongest survive and thrive, which just sets up the "elite" and makes excuses for them being in power.

Lamarck wrote amongst other things that its not tough conditions, a kind of dog eat dog world that makes us grow as humans, its the opposite. Lamarck got buried and ignored like so many others that didnt fit the agenda. Same with Bechamp. When it comes to biology there are so many that has just gotten ignored even though their research was brilliant.

Funny word that, research. Re-search. Searching for something that was lost?

Did you read weisbeckers piece on corbett? NLP seems to be very common among the alternative media.

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 17:01:03 [Preview] No.37592 del
Yes, I'm aware of Lamarck. It's possible that Mendelian inheritance could be grouped with the germ and cell theories as part of the modern agenda in weakening men by the way.
Corbett is a massive op. Although false opposition and false outlets go back a long time, he's essentially herding all of them into one bloc and turning it into a slaughterhouse of sorts. The entire alt-media has been conquered this way, look at how nearly all "truther" websites, even small ones often resemble each-other and have similar themes (for instance, some saying that the jews are bad, but later saying that jews are actually a "pro-white racist" movement or "not lal jews" later on, this happened with both Miles Mathis and Hexane527 and their blogs).

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 17:12:15 [Preview] No.37593 del
Lol I was meaning to ask if you have read hexanes blog. That one is a real mindfuck.

I think that public schooling does the biggest damage to organisms. John taylor gatto has written about that. Our enviroment plays a huge part, I would say bigger role than food or any kind of medicine.

People talk about how fluoride is bad and dont drink the tap water, sure its bad. But the soaps and shampoos people use are a hell of alot worse to our endocrine system.

Corbett is herding them? Or who do you mean? I think all alt media runs from a centralized system, thats why they all talk from the same papers. Essentially they same the same thing, but marketed for different folks.

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 17:34:31 [Preview] No.37594 del
>I think that public schooling does the biggest damage to organisms. John taylor gatto has written about that. Our enviroment plays a huge part, I would say bigger role than food or any kind of medicine.
I blame this more-so on suburbanism, a subset of industrialism but also the aspects instilled in public school from a young age. Nowadays nobody even knows their old friends from school, because they've all went to different schools and colleges so they can advance their "careers", i.e. social status in the technocracy. There's no way out aside to jack yourself off, smoke weed, or play all the games that they made for you, and we'll try to scare you into not escaping this entirely. Nearly everybody uses cars, so nobody can talk to each other on the street anymore as these cars either prevent you from doing so or disrupt highways. Nearly everybody uses credit cards, so the bankers have even more control over your ways of communication. Nearly everyone uses spyware apps, and if you don't like that you must go full on RMS, etc., all of these are factors alongside private school.
>People talk about how fluoride is bad and dont drink the tap water, sure its bad. But the soaps and shampoos people use are a hell of alot worse to our endocrine system.
Is it actually that we only do drink tap water? Animals drink water straight from the river and they're perfectly fine, older men just 100 years ago did it and they were fine too. It's likely that the industrial revolution made river water harder to drink. Anyways, yes, soaps and shampoos used today are awful. I've heard egg yolk along with olive oil are both good substitutes for shampoo, while making your own soap using alkaline and olive oil should be good as well.
>Corbett is herding them? Or who do you mean? I think all alt media runs from a centralized system, thats why they all talk from the same papers. Essentially they same the same thing, but marketed for different folks.
They're probably run by linked agencies, but Corbett is to justify their linkeage, so none of them even appear completely independent. There are all of these "heroes" that talk to each other, some have different ideologies and consider themselves more knowledgeable, they even start thinking in meta-narratives so that they come off as normal people and not just spooks themselves, they often even accuse each other of being shills, but never talk to normal people in a civilised manner. The Corbett report does exactly this.

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 18:07:07 [Preview] No.37595 del
>I blame this more-so on suburbanism, a subset of industrialism but also the aspects instilled in public school from a young age. Nowadays nobody even knows their old friends from school, because they've all went to different schools and colleges so they can advance their "careers", i.e. social status in the technocracy. There's no way out aside to jack yourself off, smoke weed, or play all the games that they made for you, and we'll try to scare you into not escaping this entirely. Nearly everybody uses cars, so nobody can talk to each other on the street anymore as these cars either prevent you from doing so or disrupt highways. Nearly everybody uses credit cards, so the bankers have even more control over your ways of communication. Nearly everyone uses spyware apps, and if you don't like that you must go full on RMS, etc., all of these are factors alongside private school.

All I can say is read john taylor gatto.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZEONH52QkN8 [Embed]

>Is it actually that we only do drink tap water? Animals drink water straight from the river and they're perfectly fine, older men just 100 years ago did it and they were fine too. It's likely that the industrial revolution made river water harder to drink. Anyways, yes, soaps and shampoos used today are awful. I've heard egg yolk along with olive oil are both good substitutes for shampoo, while making your own soap using alkaline and olive oil should be good as well.

Your completely missing the point. ALL soaps and shampoos, disrupts our endocrine system. Doesnt matter if its "organic", eggs or whatever.

>they often even accuse each other of being shills, but never talk to normal people in a civilised manner. The Corbett report does exactly this.

Yeah ive noticed this too. They really really have a disgust and look down upon regular folks. Kinda makes you think...

Bernd 06/09/2020 (Tue) 23:50:29 [Preview] No.37602 del
>Your completely missing the point. ALL soaps and shampoos, disrupts our endocrine system. Doesnt matter if its "organic", eggs or whatever.
How-so? I'm not talking about "organic" shit bought from anywhere, I'm talking about completely creating these materials from scratch, with no antibacterial crap or whatever found in soaps and shampoos.
And what of the cell theory and the existence of hormones in the first place?

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 00:31:54 [Preview] No.37603 del
(26.61 KB 474x355 carrotjuice.jpeg)
I guess I'm totally based then being a humble farm crop.

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 01:48:28 [Preview] No.37606 del
if you are using lye and coconut oil to make soap its still an endocrine disruptor

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 01:49:10 [Preview] No.37607 del
carrot salad is great for combating endotoxins

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 01:58:58 [Preview] No.37608 del
>>music is degenerate
this is an interesting point which may sound completely ridiculous to most people. ive not actively listented to music except for when you hear it from others blasting their niggersongs.

And ive noticed some benefits from it. My hearing is better. Im more sensitive to noises. I enjoy birds chirping. Somehow it doesnt feel natural hearing noises from a speaker. I think its due to the soundwaves being warped. I know some people who listen to their boom boom music all day long and they all seem like they have lost their minds (and soul).

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 02:48:03 [Preview] No.37609 del
Okay. Are there such elements that do so in lye?

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 03:32:28 [Preview] No.37610 del
soaps remove the skins natural moisture. washing the skin with pure soap alters the skins endocrine function and doing it every day is an endocrine disruptor.

just use warm water. or baking soda if you are unsure. your skin will adjust in a few weeks. washing your hands with soap isnt a big deal.

the soap industry is an interesting rabbit hole.

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 03:40:46 [Preview] No.37611 del
I'd probably use baking soda in this scenario, then. Raw egg yolk should be a good alternative to shampoo on the other hand.

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 03:44:24 [Preview] No.37612 del
>endocrine disruptor
I should have written "endocrine disruptor" because thats a whole different topic on that. lets just say "receptors" is a bag of lies

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 03:45:45 [Preview] No.37613 del
ive whisped up some egg yolks as shampoo and that worked well. after a few weeks your hair will adjust if you dont use shampoo.

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 04:05:51 [Preview] No.37616 del
But you did write "endocrine disruptor"?

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 04:18:48 [Preview] No.37619 del
well I think that energy and structure are interdependent at every level.

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 04:26:50 [Preview] No.37620 del
Well yes, that could be true. What's your full view on the cell theory?

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 04:43:04 [Preview] No.37621 del
The current view is fake and gay, people like gilbert ling and hillman thought it was about making money. But it seems its more about keeping people sick and making them die earlier.

Im currently reading arthur firstenbergs book the invisible rainbow, he writes about the effects from electricity and later on radio and microwaves and how it affects the population.

Qigong has some interesting takes on it too. This whole idea about isolating things instead of looking at the broader picture just smells like typical jewish distortion. fuck modern medicine.

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 04:56:50 [Preview] No.37622 del
Plant cells are real as they can be analysed, but animal cells could be fake altogether.

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 15:02:50 [Preview] No.37634 del
One last thing on Miles Mathis:
Hawking is a fraud, but Miles' paper on him seems to be a massive op of sorts, especially since the Daily Mail admitted everything he said aside from mentioning Miles:
If he were really legitimate, why would a mainstream newspaper report on his works and even legitimise it?

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 18:07:02 [Preview] No.37636 del
Does any of that make any sense to you? To me it doesnt.

Why would the daily mail, a british tabloid read his papers? Perhaps some alt right figure in usa would do it, but a british one?!

The website big lies (british) has also talked alot about miles.

Just more evidence that he is british imo. If he is american as he says, why would he take an interest in european affairs? Wouldnt canada and south and central america be more of interest? And the caribeans?

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 19:48:28 [Preview] No.37645 del
It's more-so France that he has a link to, not just the UK. There are several French conspiracy websites that draw from his works or translate them, Miles' "biographer" was a French Canadian girl, and as a bonus, he's linked in Hexane's blog, he's supposedly French. Is there some sort of unholy trinity between the British, French, and Texan spooks?

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 21:39:23 [Preview] No.37647 del
Yes why would an american, living in spook taos be read by people in france? Frenchies are known for not wanna talk in english. Frenchies in general arent that friendly to anglos (or americans!).

I think, its just a centralized system, but they have agents everywhere, that link to eachother, talk about eachother and promote eachother. Take for example his articles about hitler or the invasion of france.

He doesnt actually list any actual proof of his statements.

What makes me upset is the utter mindfuck this whole thing is. What is true and what is not true, has everything of his truth bombs been just complete nonsense?

Weisbecker seems like he really can smell spooks from far away.

Bernd 06/10/2020 (Wed) 21:39:49 [Preview] No.37648 del
When did you notice that miles is all fake?

Bernd 06/11/2020 (Thu) 03:48:46 [Preview] No.37670 del
It's the fact that Miles Mathis keeps injecting his genealogical nonsense into everything! He's attacked a certain supporter of him, Michael Huttner (who may be a spook, or may be just a dumb "fascist") simply for not being a liberal, and has baselessly accused him of being some jewish nobleman. He has the excuse to paint anyone with names like "Stewart" a jewish nobleman, simply because they share that with the House of Stuart; he completely tries to redefine reality and suck you up with the promise of "truth", which he admits he isn't into, as all papers start with "This is just my opinion". Of course, shootings are fake, but Miles injects false genealogical ramblings into everything. Apparently, everyone, from ancient Phoenicians to 3rd century Pictish kings to American presidents today are part of some secret meeting like this is some hollywood movie, according to Miles. In-short, him injecting historical illiteracy into many truths.
Him stating that he's okay with the jews in his "Where did the Phoenicians go?" paper is just the icing on the cake of his falsity.

Bernd 06/11/2020 (Thu) 03:54:57 [Preview] No.37671 del
It's also that he is instant ammunition against any legitimate movement. He'll just accuse them of being a psy-op, and everybody will believe him and not trust any actual dissent. Miles believes that it's useless to resist the JWO, instead, painting yourself to death in Taos, New Mexico while appearing to be a lifeless "truth-seeker" who believes in moral relativism and isn't going to utilise the truth anyways.

Bernd 06/12/2020 (Fri) 02:52:43 [Preview] No.37699 del
>It's the fact that Miles Mathis keeps injecting his genealogical nonsense into everything
It may be a way to confuse his followers, or to just misdirect them. He always writes "more on this later", or "lets save this find at the end" to throw the readers off. In the kennedy paper he used pictures that was a recreation (!) of the event and said it was live ones, and then later on saying it was a recreation. Its all a mindfuck.

He claims, in an essence that everything is faked and only he can discern reality. It makes people question their own judgement which is probably the goal of it all.

>It's also that he is instant ammunition against any legitimate movement. He'll just accuse them of being a psy-op, and everybody will believe him and not trust any actual dissent. Miles believes that it's useless to resist the JWO, instead, painting yourself to death in Taos, New Mexico while appearing to be a lifeless "truth-seeker" who believes in moral relativism and isn't going to utilise the truth anyways.

This technocratic tyranny/technological slavery requires peoples data/output to function. So just stop feeding the beast. Grow your own food. Dont use technology. Its that simple really.

Bernd 06/12/2020 (Fri) 03:01:40 [Preview] No.37700 del
His paper on uncle ted always annoyed me because it was filled with so many conflating stories. His summary was that it was a way to blackwash enviromentalists and lefties. How does that make any sense at all? Ted hated enviromentalists and people who "worshiped" the earth.

There is alot of things that doesnt make sense with teds story either though.

Bernd 06/12/2020 (Fri) 03:40:16 [Preview] No.37701 del
>He claims, in an essence that everything is faked and only he can discern reality. It makes people question their own judgement which is probably the goal of it all.
Other way around: It's to make people believe in moral relativism. Just ask yourself, why do all of these "truth-seekers" say that all of their drivel is "only their opinion"? Because they don't give a flying french fry about the truth, they're only trying to laugh at the people gullible enough to buy it while injecting enough facts, that people who reject him will question them.
>This technocratic tyranny/technological slavery requires peoples data/output to function. So just stop feeding the beast. Grow your own food. Dont use technology. Its that simple really.
I'm talking about founding a tribe dedicated to this. What will all of these "truthers" like Miles and Hexane think about it? They'll immediately claim it's a psy-op and that EVERYTHING is either a government op or will be infiltrated and become on. Prime-tier demoralisation. Say he doesn't go with that, Miles believes in moral relativism, so to him there's no purpose to found a tribe, instead literally writing papers 24/7 and eating a bunch of junk food is the way to go. Say he doesn't go with that, he'll probably reject it as a psy-op because Miles is a liberal, and tribalism needs to be hierarchical to function properly; he'll claim we're Phoenicians or something for doing so; and he'd forbid any racialist or anti-homosexual beliefs! In-fact, so much so that on the forum Cutting through the fog, there are literal crossdressers that admit to being longtime Miles readers:
CTRL+F to "Lloyd Kinder"'s post.
>The trans community is pretty small, so it’s easy not to know anyone in it if they don’t happen to inform anyone locally. But I feel like part of that community loosely. At times I’ve enjoyed crossdressing. Only about 2% of men are said to be crossdressers. There’s a good forum for them at Crossdressers dot com. That’s where I learned quite a bit about them/us. They have discussed the bathroom issue after the last election, but I haven’t checked out the forum much since then. They all have different views, but they seem mostly rather tolerant. The forum has a section for people transitioning too, which is private. This is just to let folks know that the community isn’t completely fake. Many of them dislike the word tranny, because it’s used in porn, which most of them dislike. The word is okay with me. I’m not offended.
And who knows all the other sodomites that lurk his website and believe his drivel!
So what I meant is that there's no way to starve the beast with Miles' beliefs, only to feed it while being artificially "aware" of the truth.

Bernd 06/13/2020 (Sat) 09:37:52 [Preview] No.37737 del
What are you, Muslim?

Bernd 06/13/2020 (Sat) 10:23:38 [Preview] No.37738 del
Mitsubishi, Yamaha, Samsung, Tetrapak?

Bernd 06/13/2020 (Sat) 10:40:42 [Preview] No.37740 del
It's the Amish that believe in that, there's a ton of art in Islam. By the way, I was obviously exaggerating what I was saying, my main point was that industrialism and all its components are utter fecal matter.

Bernd 06/13/2020 (Sat) 10:44:36 [Preview] No.37742 del
rausing family are jews i think

Bernd 06/13/2020 (Sat) 10:55:29 [Preview] No.37743 del
>industrialism and all its components are utter fecal matter
Wholeheartly agree and I would go a step further and say that the renaissance was a complete disaster for the earth.

>Other way around: It's to make people believe in moral relativism. Just ask yourself, why do all of these "truth-seekers" say that all of their drivel is "only their opinion"? Because they don't give a flying french fry about the truth, they're only trying to laugh at the people gullible enough to buy it while injecting enough facts, that people who reject him will question them.
I get the feeling he wants to impose nihilism unto his followers, not necessarily meaning that he is one.
>I'm talking about founding a tribe dedicated to this. What will all of these "truthers" like Miles and Hexane think about it? They'll immediately claim it's a psy-op and that EVERYTHING is either a government op or will be infiltrated and become on. Prime-tier demoralisation. Say he doesn't go with that, Miles believes in moral relativism, so to him there's no purpose to found a tribe, instead literally writing papers 24/7 and eating a bunch of junk food is the way to go. Say he doesn't go with that, he'll probably reject it as a psy-op because Miles is a liberal, and tribalism needs to be hierarchical to function properly; he'll claim we're Phoenicians or something for doing so; and he'd forbid any racialist or anti-homosexual beliefs! In-fact, so much so that on the forum Cutting through the fog, there are literal crossdressers that admit to being longtime Miles readers:
Liberalism is a funny word because it can mean so many different things to different people. Same with anarchism. Its really a war of words, or with memes to understand the meanings of things. I just read the other day that the term "smart" has over 90 meanings!
>So what I meant is that there's no way to starve the beast with Miles' beliefs, only to feed it while being artificially "aware" of the truth.
Miles papers are like poison to the soul because its just his "opinions" at the end of the day. There is no facts backing it up, no positive message, no solutions what so ever. Im completely comvinced that all alt media is controlled because they all follow the same template. Have you heard anyone telling people to not use technology? To make their own food? Its all just depressing stories about oligarchs getting richer whilst the poor suffer, without any end to it.

Bernd 06/13/2020 (Sat) 11:09:17 [Preview] No.37746 del
I've stated that all the bad ideas coming during the renaissance and ancient periods were unable to be fully applied in a non-industrial world, which is why some semblance of sanity remained during those times.
>Liberalism is a funny word because it can mean so many different things to different people. Same with anarchism. Its really a war of words, or with memes to understand the meanings of things. I just read the other day that the term "smart" has over 90 meanings!
And Gerry admits this in his papers, yet Miles goes scotch-free while advocating for liberalism. It's just emperor's new clothes, everybody just assumes that Miles is right without ever questioning his liberalism. If they do, they'll be considered a fascist and thus a jew and thus a spook, and be expelled. It's ironic Miles complains about Karl Marx in his paper, and how he complains about how mainstream conspiracies are just about people dying in agony, but he promotes class struggle more than anyone else! It's just that it's only two-sided, the "common people" vs. the "spooks" with no solution. In 2014 there's a "What can I do" paper and 6 years later, "I'm okay with the jews ruling, they should just do a better job".

Bernd 06/13/2020 (Sat) 11:12:58 [Preview] No.37747 del
And the proper term for his die-hard transsexual followers should be "lemmings" or "yes-men". They will agree with all of Miles opinions and treat it as infallible truth, everyone who doesn't is a spook.
The fact that some of his followers are crossdressers and many are pro-transsexual and that Miles is basically a cult-leader should ring a bell, by the way.

Bernd 06/13/2020 (Sat) 11:15:02 [Preview] No.37748 del
*nevermind him taking a 7 year old girl as his "muse" and making a blog where his adult self-insert fucks a 13 year old, while NEVER calling out pedophiles in any of his works. This swarthy, hook-nosed pedophiliac liberast is supposed to be the guy accusing others of being "gay jewish actors". YEAH RIGHT.

Bernd 06/13/2020 (Sat) 11:28:10 [Preview] No.37749 del
(24.79 KB 347x401 David_koresh.jpg)
(32.19 KB 545x400 backlit.jpg)
Now that I think about their similarities, I wouldn't be surprised if David Koresh and Miles Mathis are the SAME GUY:
>Miles Mathis - born on 17th September 1963, Amarillo Texas
>David Koresh - born on 17th August 1959, Houston Texas
>both are cult-leaders with a god-complex
>look extremely similar; if David shaved they'd look identical
>both are pedophiles who either fucked little kids or wanted to fuck little kids

Bernd 06/14/2020 (Sun) 00:32:46 [Preview] No.37782 del
>And Gerry admits this in his papers, yet Miles goes scotch-free while advocating for liberalism. It's just emperor's new clothes, everybody just assumes that Miles is right without ever questioning his liberalism. If they do, they'll be considered a fascist and thus a jew and thus a spook, and be expelled. It's ironic Miles complains about Karl Marx in his paper, and how he complains about how mainstream conspiracies are just about people dying in agony, but he promotes class struggle more than anyone else! It's just that it's only two-sided, the "common people" vs. the "spooks" with no solution. In 2014 there's a "What can I do" paper and 6 years later, "I'm okay with the jews ruling, they should just do a better job".

Which is a total mindfuck because both josh and miles are jews (!). Communism and capitalism is the same thing and they are both heading towards the same goals.

>And the proper term for his die-hard transsexual followers should be "lemmings" or "yes-men". They will agree with all of Miles opinions and treat it as infallible truth, everyone who doesn't is a spook.
>The fact that some of his followers are crossdressers and many are pro-transsexual and that Miles is basically a cult-leader should ring a bell, by the way.

Which fits into your david koresh theory. All cults work this way though. Communitarianism especially.

>Now that I think about their similarities, I wouldn't be surprised if David Koresh and Miles Mathis are the SAME GUY:

Could be. We dont know though if miles exist, or if he is just a committee.

Bernd 06/17/2020 (Wed) 10:09:28 [Preview] No.37899 del
danebernd did you read any jacques ellul or lewis mumford. I can also recommend uncle teds anti technology book its the green one.

do you have a mail so we can keep in contact

Bernd 06/17/2020 (Wed) 10:58:26 [Preview] No.37901 del
>danebernd did you read any jacques ellul or lewis mumford
I actually haven't, most of my anti-technocrat views comes from both my personal experience with technology and Ted's works.
I've made a throwaway one just now, you can respond to it, I'll respond with my real email after that (anonymity matters):
[email protected]

Bernd 06/17/2020 (Wed) 14:11:11 [Preview] No.37906 del
spirituality, or religion or call it what you like, fits together with technology. I think it was rudolf steiner who said it was harder and harder to be a human with all this electricity. it seems, that when people put their faith in technology more and more, they become less religious, and the faith in technology replaces it.

propaganda is essential for people to actually buy into the technological society. because technology creates more problems instead of solving the existing one.

I first looked at it from a biological perspective, since the advent of electricity, and radiowaves/microwaves everything went way downhill. cancer and diabetes was virtually nonexisting 200 years. now 2/3 men and 1/2 of women get cancer. things like dementia was unheard of in the past.

I get your point about the ancient world having the same approach, since so much was standardized then. women got arthritis in their 30's because they were grinding wheat all the time. now as you pointed out, with industrialization everything just got more perfected.

what do you think about stoicism?

Bernd 06/17/2020 (Wed) 15:02:55 [Preview] No.37912 del
I've sent my response email.

Bernd 06/17/2020 (Wed) 18:02:24 [Preview] No.37916 del
Did you receive it?

Bernd 06/17/2020 (Wed) 19:01:50 [Preview] No.37918 del
I have not. You saw mine?

Bernd 06/17/2020 (Wed) 19:05:45 [Preview] No.37919 del
>You saw mine?
I have, and I've responded to it. Weird. I guess cock.li mails don't work anymore. I'll go make a new account on a different site and send it again, be sure to check it.

Bernd 06/17/2020 (Wed) 19:12:14 [Preview] No.37920 del
I've sent my new reply from my new email.

Bernd 06/18/2020 (Thu) 23:34:40 [Preview] No.37935 del
From what you guys have been talking about, is it fair to assume that religion is simply done away with by the presence of non-religious explanations?
Because most agnostic or atheist people don't understand the Big Bang, and neither do I, but they still see it as more valid than the Christian creation theory.
So I'm not sure if scientific explanation is the only reason.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 05:35:13 [Preview] No.37937 del
Hey didn't that Mathis guy wrote about how the Swedish kings are Jews?
So what's the consensus of yours, can he be taken seriously? I don't do that.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 05:37:58 [Preview] No.37938 del
>Stephen Hawking died and was replaced by an impostor years before his reported death.[19]
Wow. I have to read about that.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 09:16:43 [Preview] No.37939 del
Miles might be aware of this thread:
>Also, there’s an entire thread at another forum where people are bashing you and your disclosures. Especially the connections to peerage and Phoenicians. Won’t post a link here though. Just wanted to share this here. Some of us have more time on our hands. If anybody is interested in going to that forum to help set the record straight, I’ll email the link to Josh and he can then share it with you privately.
Connections to peerage and Phoenicinas = my entire statement on how assuming every "Stewart" is some blueblooded spook from the House of Stuart is ridiculous.
>Thanks, Echo, I got your e-mail with the link. Spook nest confirmed.
So Josh, the Californian jew with no bio is now accusing someone (be it me or someone else if it's some other forum0 of being a spook apparently.
>They are trying desperately to get me to sue them for defamation, since that is all they have left. They figure that will make me waste a lot of time and energy, and maybe cost me money I don’t have. But everyone already knows those people are paid liars, so I don’t really need to prove it in court.
Red-flaggish, could be referring to someone else. Nothing's pointing to me trying to sue them for defamation.
>But as I have said before, if anyone wants to take the case pro bono, I recommend it as a slamdunk. They have also called me a pedophile, so there is some money to won there. I will give a very large percentage of any money recovered to the attorney.
So he's sending a bit of a spook brigade against whatever the forum may be. Some Canadian popped out of nowhere, and that's really suspicious isn't it? And nobody "accused" him of being a pedophile, he outed himself as one, by self-inserting as a nude artist fucking a 13 year old girl in a blog, or having a 7 year old girl as his muse. I don't know how I could sue him for this however, considering only the act itself is punishable. Either way, having pedo tendencies as a whole is a massive red flag, especially when he's denying jewish correlation with pedophilia.
Whatever the case may be, I don't give a damn about trying to sue anyone. Only one person brought the narrative in, and that's Miles. Another pointer indicating that this could be some other forum however is that "Chris Ryska" says this:
>One guy was really coming against him, saying he researched his school history in Austin and found him wanting. He was accusing Miles of everything in the book so he was pretty much outing himself.
Nobody here saw his school history in Austin, so it may refer to some other spook hellhole. However, that spook hellhole is pushing rhetoric otherwise suspiciously similar to what's going on here, and around the same time. Odd, whatever the case may be.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 10:14:44 [Preview] No.37940 del
I dont think they are refering to endchan. And frankly, who cares. Why waste energy on a spook? I would go for weisbeckers theory that "miles" is a writing committee.


Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 10:17:06 [Preview] No.37941 del
Science is a religion in and of itself

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 11:12:30 [Preview] No.37942 del
Neither do I, but it's a possibility, things are close. However, they said that they were talking a lot, and there aren't many people here trying to defend him. In that case, it's that they're possibly false-flagging in-order to increase their reputation. Anyways, aside from that, there should be enough talk on Miles already. He's already been outed as a spook (assuming he's an entity with a real name) trying to bait in gullible people, as with the vast-majority of the "truth movement", whether they identify as such or not. Unless there are people from the forum trying to shill for Miles here, that shouldn't be a problem to actually write about anymore.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 12:09:01 [Preview] No.37943 del
Only place ive seen miles being promoted is on 4chan and old kc which is pretty telling

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 16:05:02 [Preview] No.37945 del
I wouldn't think anyone knows about this thread. Just by searching "Miles Mathis" on DDG gives no result for this place, I had to specifically search his name with End, to find it.

So the conspiracy theorist dude is a conspiracy himself. Would be fitting.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 16:05:36 [Preview] No.37946 del
Huh, I didn't wanna säge.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 16:10:55 [Preview] No.37947 del
It's pretty basic logic. To stop anyone from actually rising against you, just create disinfo rabbitholes for people to hop in instead, That's why everybody talks about "going down the rabbithole" but never about leaving it and rising up. It's a trap.
So-far, the entire alt-media is basically just a massive psy=op dedicated for this purpose. Redirect from and/or twist real information.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 16:26:35 [Preview] No.37948 del
I partially agree. Lies from the players are made in a way that the direct opposite of that won't be true either. But I don't think they create the opposition, it organizes itself on the basis of the false assumption that the 180 degree direction will be the truth, it's very easy to think there's only two options.
Meanwhile what's really contrary comes from a 90 degree angle.
This is why I can't find noone to support in Hungarian politics for example. I'd rather form my own opinion, and at least I'm aware that noone represents me.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 16:28:21 [Preview] No.37949 del
>So the conspiracy theorist dude is a conspiracy himself. Would be fitting.
It is about controlling the discourse, and language. The alt media is way more controlled than regular media I think.

We dont have to buy into the dialectic.

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 16:28:47 [Preview] No.37950 del
Check your mail

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 16:33:11 [Preview] No.37951 del
I'm on

Bernd 06/19/2020 (Fri) 16:38:29 [Preview] No.37952 del
I watched a documentary about mennonites. They seem nice.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=ntcjaFbyfbU [Embed]

Bernd 08/01/2020 (Sat) 19:19:52 [Preview] No.38915 del
i live next to iran embassy and they have nicest walls in entire city

even tho its nothing special just abstract mosaic (some blue rhomboids on a yellow background)

Dutch bernd Bernd 12/20/2021 (Mon) 18:50:06 [Preview] No.45897 del
>i live next to iran embassy and they have nicest walls in entire city

Show pictures pls

Bernd 01/30/2022 (Sun) 05:18:27 [Preview] No.46250 del
I haven't seen proofs about them being against niggers or anything like that, on the contrary, they uphold christianity's universalistic core, it's just that they select people based on whether they'll fit in, which is described as basically speaking the language and wanting to live that kind of life. No mention of race. I'll read the thread and hope to be proven wrong. I know mennonites have non-whites, but they're evangelists unlike the amish.

Bernd 01/30/2022 (Sun) 06:35:42 [Preview] No.46252 del
> I'll read the thread and hope to be proven wrong.
You are in for a real treat.

Bernd 01/30/2022 (Sun) 07:55:10 [Preview] No.46253 del
>be proven wrong
Not sure if it's proven ITT. I heard at least some of them don't lick where pupu comes out for sure.

Bernd 01/30/2022 (Sun) 09:09:20 [Preview] No.46256 del
Yes, it does seem to derail itself rather quickly.

Bernd 01/30/2022 (Sun) 15:51:18 [Preview] No.46260 del
But do they fit in?

Bernd 01/30/2022 (Sun) 18:15:02 [Preview] No.46264 del
> the Lithuanian language was heavily edited by the CIA to fit that of English, and that most of Lithuania's population was replaced with Turkic and Caucasian
>Also, there was apparently an MKUltra program in Europe that's completely glossed over and "forgotten", not even documented like the American one.
Where can I find more about this?

Bernd 01/30/2022 (Sun) 18:21:55 [Preview] No.46265 del
>Unix (developed in BELL labs) are the Eunuchs, which is why there are so many trannies into Linux and programming.
That's a new take.

Bernd 02/02/2022 (Wed) 08:42:30 [Preview] No.46303 del
Well, you only need to find that one one Lithuanian poster on Liveleak called "Crapcakes".

Many OCs.

Dutch bernd Bernd 10/10/2023 (Tue) 17:13 [Preview] No.51116 del
(50.06 KB 1000x871 Apu desconcertado.jpg)
Did Danebernd ever discover what wasn't degenerate and was pure though? We and the rest of the world may never know

Bernd 10/10/2023 (Tue) 17:46 [Preview] No.51119 del
(157.09 KB 375x375 behindthedoor.png)
>HTTPS isn't enabled on the website

Ack bernd. That's a basic security hazard for users

Bernd 10/11/2023 (Wed) 11:25 [Preview] No.51135 del
We'll never know sadly. Oh well.

Which site? Using Tor could alleviate the problem perhaps.
According to some https is:
- burden, both programmatically, and philosophically/politically (centralization, creating regulations, and authorities)
- gives false sense of security, serious actors can break it.

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