Bernd 06/28/2020 (Sun) 20:53:11 No.38130 del
(249.38 KB 1005x1059 Figuras 22 e 23.png)
>Interesting structure.
It's a WWII American tank division, but incomplete, much like the rest of the army. Military doctrine was mostly French until WWII, then mostly American. Cavalry was still organized on French lines. Its formal structure was:
Tactical Group Command x3
Mechanized Recon Regiment
Tank Battalion x3
Heavy Tank Battalion (Missing)
Armored Infantry Battalion x3 (1 was missing)
Communications Company (no data)
Divisional Artillery (Entirely missing)
---Armored 105 mm Howitzer Group x3 (All 3 missing)
---Armored 155 mm Howitzer Group (Missing)
---Self-Propelled AA Group (Missing)
Armored Combat Engineering Battalion (Missing)
Army Police Company [i.e. provosts, but the state gendarmeries call themselves "Military Police"] (no data)
Intendancy Company (no data)
Maintenance Battalion

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