Bernd 06/06/2021 (Sun) 07:14:45 No.43872 del
After I secured the raw resources, and had two towns producing food, I bought another engine to swap the produced food in the two towns. For some reason residents aren't local patriotic and only consume stuff which is produced elsewhere. No problem it's good for my company that hauls shit all over.
So now I transport two cattle into a factory, which does a 1:1 conversion, 1 cattle to 1 food. This I do twice, so I can attach two food cars in one town and return two food cars back. While generating bit of money. Genius.
Here's the annual report. I'm doing so good they raised my salary. Nice. Main earning however is done by stock. Will return to that later.
Time to times a request pops up to connect a city to my existing lines. Wenzhou is just too far away, and pays very little considering. If my line was in the next city, for 300 K sure, it could work, at least partially covering the cost, always better than nothing.