Bernd 08/19/2021 (Thu) 13:29:04 No.44793 del
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>Pretty nice composition with that traditional painting in the back, they look similar
They do understand theatrics.
>recent opium boom happened during the occupation
Some say opium trade was in the Taliban's hand. Even Al Jazeera article here >>44677 says they get the funding - partially - from "narcotics industry".
>Maybe they will burn them all again as they once did.
I also did hear they did that, or against the opium trade. It would be nice to see clear in this question as well. Since you mentioned their lack of central control, and high self-sufficiency of local leaders could be some profits from it, while others taking measures against it.

>There's no unifying Afghan nationalism
Afghanistan is also a very "diverse" country with many ethnicities and languages. But the intermarriages are extensive, the individuals have other ties than their ethnicity, and Islam is Universalist. So while nationalism can't join people, Islam could (liek everyone there is Muslim), state and country is just a unit of government, and not an expression of the nation's sovereignty.
>How much development will they pursue, given that it can threaten the permanence of the social order they prize?
>It'll be interesting to watch
I concur.

Thant needs a closer look on my part.

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