Bernd 08/21/2021 (Sat) 20:13:49 No.44815 del
I suggest checking the recent "chartbooks", this also gives couple of good insights:
I suspect as Ghani and Ahmady were planted they trusted Afghanistan true ally with the safekeeping of the gold.
Also in previous chartbooks Tooze says that the Afghans got a taste for phones which singlehandedly raised the import of electricity. So their import consists chiefly of phones and electricity. I bet there are other consumer products of modern societies are imported, which essentially are just junk, but sucked up large portion of the foreign aid. So imports can be safely lowered since most of that are non-essentials.
They're still gonna have problems with covering food to prevent mass starvation (due to the mentioned droughts), but the problems of the Talibans economically aren't that serious. Unless Afghans can't live without their phones.