Bernd 09/11/2021 (Sat) 18:39:15 No.44980 del
>>Nobody ever calls him that.
>I just did :^)
They even named a political ideology after him: lulismo. (It's fun to see such stuff rising in abundance from South Am as Peronism, Chavism - and I'm sure there are other special snowflake ideologies. Ok it happens elsewhere too, like Thatcherism or Stalinism, and sometimes here some say Hitlerism too.)

>Computerised Voting System
What a useless thing. It did not made last year's US election simpler, quicker, cleaner. But I guess it's a good way for some to milk the state's cash cow to set them up.

>One problem with Latin American leftists
They always sound bigger hacks than conservatives/right-wing militarists and such.
>Nobody finds him feminine
Him definitely. I think I mentioned what his name makes me think of every time I read it.

Here in 1989-90 the taxi drivers were similar, one of the biggest opposition party used them as leverage against the first "democratically elected" government to make them do some stuff.