Bernd 12/19/2021 (Sun) 15:49:58 No.45885 del
>In CK2 and in any other Paradox game there are on-map armies and you decide which provinces they invade and where they get to fight.
This is what I wrote. They have this system with figurines on the map and the player has to awkwardly maneuver them around. It's an awful system (e.g. Army1 needs 30 days to march from one province to another, enemy Army2 enters the province on day 29, they'll engage in battle as if Army1 has marched 29 days just around the battlefield and isn't just one day away from the arrival to the other province's battlefield, this doesn't make any sense).
In CK2 the player can manage armies by sorting battalions between the flank: the two wings and the center; all flanks can have their own general influencing the events on the front of that particular flank, and one general has an overall influence on the performance of the army. From the picture here >>45876 I can deduce something similar. When they engage the enemy the player only gets updates on what's going on, but no way of intervening, this is how it went in CK2 too.
Just because now the deployment of the battalions/units is done via some different interface, and not via that token figurines on the map, it doesn't mean things changed much. From the sound of it, scrapping that system seems to be an improvement.

I remember spending much time on checking an enemy unit by baiting it to attack an empty province, then initiating an attack on them with nearby army in next province so they have to stop the invasion, but baiting them again attacking that same province, so the AI won't march them somewhere else instead where they could cause problems. While I was waiting for another army to arrive so I could actually conduct warfare against them.
Such a shitty strategy game.