Bernd 12/21/2021 (Tue) 02:42:41 No.45910 del
I actually don't have a problem with the EUIV system and I think it's meant to be that way, they certainly could have done things to modify it like making it so that an army halfway out of a province cannot be attacked by one entering the province but instead not only do they not do that but the only amplify it by making it so that an army halfway into a province is locked and has to keep going no matter what. In a way it adds a kind of pseudo turn based nature to it and if you removed it you would end up micro managing armies much more as it would be much harder to get into combat with another army, they would just run to the next province then come back and then run off again when you get close and they would keep doing that forever You would never be able to fight a weaker army.