Bernd 02/26/2022 (Sat) 11:05:49 No.46686 del
(593.97 KB 1229x789 zoos.jpg)
According to openstreemap there are two zoos in Kiev, to the north in the outskirts at the Dniepr and to the south of central Kiev. I assume what you described must be in the north, it's near Vyshigorod, where a hydro-power plant stands. That is a strategic location so more fighting is expected there sadly.

>What neigbor will we all get?
Now I'm thinking a Belarus type of Ukraine would suit Russia the best. Putin would gain a safe border and a buffer zone, which everyone consider more or less sovereign state, which western powers don't violate, but he could still station or send troops via that country.
>Is this the start of the rest of a full blown EU invasion? Who evens knows at this point
One thing also worth to consider: after WWII the lands Hungary got back were taken again, but instead giving Kárpátalja back to Czechoslovakia the Soviet Union decided to keep it to herself. Why? Because in the fights the fortification lines manned by Germans (6th army) and Hungarians (1st army) in Carpathians proved to be to hard nut to crack and these were never broken through, they could only get into the Carpathians with the help of the Romanians who switched sides. For this reason the Soviet leadership thought to be prudent to keep a foot inside the Carpathian basin, a gate open, just in case.
If Russia subdues Ukraine, again they'll have a foot in here, and while the Carpathians could be a strong bastion, they will mean no obstacle if the worse comes. Western leaders don't care ofc (and Western people aren't aware), they'll be fine if an enemy arriving from the east can only be stopped in the hills/mountains of Austria and Czechia.