Bernd 05/21/2023 (Sun) 15:28 No.50269 del
(99.89 KB 1280x720 Zelensky-AFP.jpg)
I tried to gather all the ways how Hungary not helping the Ukraine. The list below is true as of 2022. December 31:
- over 1 million refugees let in/through the country;
- 80 million dollars were sent;
- supporting Ukraine's EU membership;
- voting Yes on EU sanctions against Russia;
- voting Yes on EU monetary help to Ukraine;
- Hungary offered her €18 billion share of EU gibsmedats;
- ensuring Ukraine can export her grain, allowing transit;
- financed rebuilding of a kindergarten;
- Hungarian caritative organizations constantly sending aid;
Hungary might have done, but no real info besides some gossip:
- training Ukrainian soldiers
What Hungary actually did not do:
- send weapons directly to Ukraine
- occupy Kárpátalja

After all these misdeeds no wonder Ukies are so battxepted.

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