Bernd 05/04/2024 (Sat) 19:03 No.51951 del
I saw some on WillyOAM's channel, in some of the relatively recent videos, ofc.
It's not on board footage, but from the ground. I think from both sides, but from Ukraine for sure.

As for your second point, it could take a while I reply. Surely I won't in full today, but I'll start here with something:
In case you aren't familiar with Realpolitik, here are the tenets:
- in international relations the primary actors are sovereign states
- states do two things: increase security and increase power; they use security to gain power, and use power to increase security (in case you didn't get the memo i wrote about this on this board, its a part what I call the Theory of Power: power is the ability to make decisions, for you and for others, if you can make your own decisions you have power over yourself, if others can decide what you do, they have power over you, if you can decide what others do, you have power over them)
- the international scene is anarchic (no regulative power over the sovereign states)
- states act in their own interests
- impossible to gain complete information, can't be sure about what other states actually doing
- nothing last forever, not peace, treaties, or alliances.
- everything is just business, no place for ideological bias, or morals, or principles
- while war is undesirable, it's natural
- if it comes to war, it is better choose when it starts (act first), then wait until it comes to us
There is one shortcoming of Realpolitik, which is called "security dilemma":

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