Bernd 05/31/2024 (Fri) 06:10 No.52023 del
So Macron's sabre rattling is dialed down to the levels of "just instructors".
>"I am pleased to welcome France's initiative to send instructors to Ukraine to train Ukrainian servicemen,"
>"I have already signed the documents that will enable the first French instructors to visit our training centres shortly and familiarize themselves with their infrastructure and personnel,"
>Oleksandr Syrskyi said
I believe Sirsky retracted this when they told him he announced it a bit soon. But next article seems to confirm this, and frankly Macron threw this in back in February.
>Ukraine's Defence Ministry, in a "clarification", said Kyiv had been expressing interest in a project involving receiving foreign instructors since February.

My question is: did Ukraine run out of American instructors that was already in the country since 2014 and before? Are they all dead?
Also at this point Ukraine could teach westerners about modern warfare, so they might be sent to gain XP in that since all France and the West knows is how to fight dudes in sandals and bathrobes.
Plus. Perhaps Ukrainian manpower shortage forces Ukraine to send their own instructors to the front, and they want to replace them with westerners. If they don't shoot at the Russians they don't participate in the war, innit.