Bernd 07/03/2024 (Wed) 09:06 No.52149 del
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Sudden and weird news.
The article linked below tells three things. Orbán (personally him) ordered these three. One is a change in the budget, seems unrelated (kinda its about the spending of the Hungarian embassies, they get more money), the other two is related to the Hungarian Defense Forces. The one from these two that I find curious - especially after Orbán's visit to Ukraine - is about the care of disabled soldiers, about those who is eligible to receive disability support. From now on only those get the money who had 15 years of service behind them, and their "level of health" doesn't reach 30%. So who are +70% disabled. That is one seriously maimed soldier.
And it is important because if a war breaks out, a war like the one ongoing in Ukraine, there will be lots of new soldiers with various amount of injuries, wounds. All with all kinds of missing body parts, from ears, through fingers/toes to whole limbs, and more. But first, even they get to the front, the standing army will be engaged, and will suffer extremely high casualties - most of which also all kinds of injuries.
So what I see is the Hungarian government want to minimize the spending on these soldiers. Even those who are currently serving, most of them rarely has 10+ years of service. I think they have 5 years of contracts (at first perhaps), I'm not sure at all. But I doubt many are in for 15+ years. And even the most veteran ones (who were all over the globe in various places now, Balkans, Afghanistan, Africa) only the super maimed will get any support, those who can only vegetate.
How this decision came to be?
Did Orbán get information about the losses in Ukraine? About the real situation that does not reaches the media?