Bernd 07/19/2024 (Fri) 18:39 No.52222 del
(101.94 KB 800x461 belgium-vs-israel.jpg)
Surprising news.
The upcoming UEFA Nations League Belgium vs Israel match will be hold... not in Brussels but on the Hungary.
Because of
>hightened risks and serious security concerns
They can't guarantee the safety of the Israeli team and fans.
>The city officials said they did not want to take risks, amid the ongoing Gaza conflict and strong pro-Palestinian sentiment within the Brussels’ migrant population.
>Some observers argued Hungary’s choice was ironic, after the country received criticism for not opening its borders to migrants from majority-Muslim countries. Now, they say, Hungary appeared to offer Europe’s only safe location to organise a football game against Israel, without threat of terror or attacks.
>“Outside of a war situation, this is the first time, to my knowledge, that a European country has officially recognised that it is no longer master of its territory, due to an overly pressing Arab-Muslim presence,” said French political activist Damien Rieu.

This article also mentions other matches, specifically in Poland, that cannot be held.
I know that sometimes they organize matches for Israeli teams on the Hungary, but they aren't too publicized.

Interesting tidbit, from BBC:

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