Bernd 08/29/2024 (Thu) 11:13 No.52370 del
SandRhoman History
From the titles he covers interesting topics. I don't know about the actual content. His accent is almost insufferable for me.

I watched this about the Chinese siege of the Russian held Albazin and it was okay. He compares Chinese and European fortification - he seemed do well -, and tried to explain why Chinese siege practices different, why they evolved differently - here he failed, he did not make it clear the insertion of the sponsored content was also unfortunate. [Embed]

This one here he compares the longbow with the crossbow. [Embed]
At not one point he mentions that longbow was used by folks in a limited geographical area: the dudes on the Small Island, and even there it was a Welsh weapon, who levied longbow troops to the English kings as their liege lord. It wasn't like:
>I'm Henry the XXIInd
>I have Londonum
>and now I'll raise 2000 longbowmen here

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