Bernd 09/07/2024 (Sat) 16:14 No.52391 del
Latest scandal: Hungary is causing a spying crisis with the so called National Cards

Recently our govt. added the Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus to the list of countries whomster citizens can apply for "National Card"s. This, according to a Hungarian "security expert" and some of the members of the European Parliament and the European Commission (which is the council of the head of states), is a huge security issue, which endangers the Schengen area countries, by letting in Russian spies running free. Or at least that it offers a legal loophole for people whomster on the list of sanctioned individuals due to the Russian war on the Ukraine.

I can't recall hearing this National Card before that - I probably had just did not pay much mind to it - and from the news it's not easy to solve that is that actually. So I tried to dive in.
The law that regulates this thing is the 2023/XC government statute, and is about the "entry and residence of the citizens of third countries".
>third countries
This is all the countries which aren't: Hungary and European Economic Area countries. The statute is also relevant to stateless, fugitive persons.
Now this is all the regulations about the topic, and the National Cards is only a part of it, called: "residence of specified third countries". Originally this part was only relevant for Serbian and Ukrainian nationals, but recently it was extended to a number of countries: Bosnia Horsevagina, North Monkeydonia, Moldova, Monteneger, along with Belarus and Russia - the latter two sparking the controversy.
Only those can get National Cards who come to do prearranged work, has contracts, or do some other business that constitute as work. The length of stay is at least 90 days but not more than 2 years. It can be extended by 3 years (any amount of times).
- valid passport;
- documents that prove employment and place of stay;
- money that cover the cost of moving to another country or returning to home country;
- proof of health insurance;
- document that verifies the purpose of the entry;
Also have to pay some amount of fee.

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