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Proletics Serious Discussion - Nothing Changes Edition Bernd 07/18/2024 (Thu) 14:12 [Preview] No. 52219
Previous thread: >>36217

Found fun informational. It's dated, I think from 2019 but things seems to be the same. Not sure about that Paris Climate Agreement tho.

As in last post in prev thread stated today EU Parliament voted back Ursula von der Leyen as the president of the EU Commission (EU govt. basically).
719 deputy
707 votes
401 yes
284 no
15 abstained
7 invalid votes
She's so dumb, and the dumbest statements she makes. She's also a bit dated, she was first elected in 2019. But it shows how strong the leftlib is, they stay in power as expected, despite all the bleeting in the leftlib press about far-right danger.

Bernd 07/19/2024 (Fri) 18:50 [Preview] No.52223 del
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Fun facts about the election of Frau von der Leyen:
1. she was the only candidate to chose from, so if she had been rejected then, I dunno.
2. She's also implicated in covid vaccince scandal, where she signed sketchy deals with manufacturers. Basically a corruption case.
3. And she was also investigated in 2019 for a domestic corruption case where she handed out contracts to her cronies as a German defense minister.
The EU is in good hands.

Okay I haven't read the details of these articles, this is a quick post and I'm tired.

Bernd 07/20/2024 (Sat) 05:44 [Preview] No.52224 del
Have to add, that this system where they have only one candidate for the presidency is called Spitzenkandidat in beautiful German. The party or party coalition which gained the majority nominates a candidate and the EU parliament votes on this person.
What I dunno if they don't accept (slim chance since that person is the majority candidate, but still there is a chance).

Bernd 07/20/2024 (Sat) 08:26 [Preview] No.52226 del
It looks like she keeps her old job and it's business as usual then.

She was also the minister of Defence during the G36 affair which led to the rifle being replaced by the HK416(though that happened after she left).

Bernd 07/21/2024 (Sun) 06:56 [Preview] No.52229 del
>that happened after she left
She picked the people she wanted to get the dough, she had her own share, she could left the job of actually doing the thing to others.

Bernd 07/23/2024 (Tue) 19:01 [Preview] No.52232 del
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They announced Biden caught covid.
They confined him.
Then suddenly he announced in a tweet he withdraws from the presidential race - despite he was adamant to do it.
Now CumAllah Harris is the nominee, leftlib media behaves like nothing happened.
Did they coup the old man?
Will we see Biden ever again?

Some questioned the authenticity of his signature of the "resign" paper. Here's a cool investigation by Wyatt of DPA:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=N5-RtKQir1Y [Embed]
Interesting comment:
>Wyatt : I examined this in detail last night Apparently, all of the signatures on his executive orders (with PDFs visible on the Federal Register website) going back to 2021 are exactly identical probably being copied and pasted If the signature on the Executive Orders is something copied from three or four years ago, it is plausible that his most recent signature (on the resignation document) is both different and genuine, because of the passage of time (and of course his mental deterioriation)
Does this mean he never actually signed any executive orders?

Bernd 07/24/2024 (Wed) 06:44 [Preview] No.52233 del
Well it was to be expected. After all, if Biden were elected for a second term he would just get worse as he continues to age.

I don't know that she is much of a better candidate really. I heard that people actually wanted somebody else entirely but due to how campaign funding works that would be difficult because all donations are to the Biden-Harris Campaign so there would be complications transferring it to a new candidate. Plus replacing her would be a bad look when she is Vice President, particularly as she is half black, half Indian and a woman, so dropping her would offend those demographics.

So it looks like Trump will be president.

Bernd 07/24/2024 (Wed) 06:45 [Preview] No.52234 del
Trump has already been a president before, so I mean it looks like Trump will be president again.

Bernd 07/24/2024 (Wed) 08:11 [Preview] No.52235 del
Oh now that he stepped down turns out he has no covid and can return to the White House.
They detained and threatened him. Infa 100%.

One thing I heard. Here's this:
>The Democratic National Committee is committed to electing Democrats everywhere – from the school board to the Oval Office.
They have a set of rules how these officials can be nominated.
There are four documents on the second link that:
>govern the Party’s Delegate Selection process and National Convention.
Including the President of the US.
What I heard, that for a new nominate they should have kept at least some part of the procedure, "at least a hearing", but they just switched Biden - whom the delegates legally pledged to - with Harris and the delegates declared they all supporting her.
Really shows that it is not a democratic process, there is a clique that can just say:
>today you support X
>tomorrow you support Y

Bernd 07/27/2024 (Sat) 15:48 [Preview] No.52242 del
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Listening what Orbán is talking about at Tusványfürdő, like last year >>50735, this is the 33rd occasion for him.
Hilarious, he started with:
>now i'm gonna redpill you
Literally citing Matrix, explaining the blue pill, red pill metaphor. He says for us the Russo-Ukrainian war is the red pill.
I won't write stuff like last year, I don't think I have time to listen the whole thing anyway. Perhaps tomorrow or next week.
I want to note one thing he said, it's fairly at the start. He say Europe's engine was the Paris-Berlin axis, now this got irrelevant, and there is a new one: London-Warsaw-Kiev-Balitcs-Scandinavia. If we remember what Szálasi said about how the Anglos fight against Europe: they build clients on the shores and periphery of Europe and they use those to defeat the stronger states on the continent. If I put together the two thought, I can make sense of it.

Bernd 09/07/2024 (Sat) 16:14 [Preview] No.52391 del
Latest scandal: Hungary is causing a spying crisis with the so called National Cards

Recently our govt. added the Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus to the list of countries whomster citizens can apply for "National Card"s. This, according to a Hungarian "security expert" and some of the members of the European Parliament and the European Commission (which is the council of the head of states), is a huge security issue, which endangers the Schengen area countries, by letting in Russian spies running free. Or at least that it offers a legal loophole for people whomster on the list of sanctioned individuals due to the Russian war on the Ukraine.

I can't recall hearing this National Card before that - I probably had just did not pay much mind to it - and from the news it's not easy to solve that is that actually. So I tried to dive in.
The law that regulates this thing is the 2023/XC government statute, and is about the "entry and residence of the citizens of third countries".
>third countries
This is all the countries which aren't: Hungary and European Economic Area countries. The statute is also relevant to stateless, fugitive persons.
Now this is all the regulations about the topic, and the National Cards is only a part of it, called: "residence of specified third countries". Originally this part was only relevant for Serbian and Ukrainian nationals, but recently it was extended to a number of countries: Bosnia Horsevagina, North Monkeydonia, Moldova, Monteneger, along with Belarus and Russia - the latter two sparking the controversy.
Only those can get National Cards who come to do prearranged work, has contracts, or do some other business that constitute as work. The length of stay is at least 90 days but not more than 2 years. It can be extended by 3 years (any amount of times).
- valid passport;
- documents that prove employment and place of stay;
- money that cover the cost of moving to another country or returning to home country;
- proof of health insurance;
- document that verifies the purpose of the entry;
Also have to pay some amount of fee.
So basically not everyone can get it, and there is some screening.
How is it differ from regular entry and residence? Not by much.
1. the aforementioned extension, for "regular third country citizens" who can also only apply for work can extend their time by 1 year;
2. "regulars" can't apply for entry and residence for different reasons (such as studies) while at Hungary (I assume they have to return and apply at the embassy or something), the National Card can only requested in the country;
3. the National Card allows them to bring their family.
That's it.
So if Russia or Belarus want to send spies they can do however they want. National Cards won't make them James Bond.

Bernd 09/07/2024 (Sat) 16:21 [Preview] No.52392 del
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Some of our politicians in the EU Parliament gave a press conference, talking about the issue.
They told, among other things, that at the moment 720K Russians, and 85K Belorussians live in the EU legally.
They stated that in the first month (august) of the National Card extension to the two countries, 14 people applied for it.
Despite they were asked they did not specify what work that 14 people are doing.

Bernd 09/10/2024 (Tue) 10:15 [Preview] No.52396 del
Couple of things to post.
First let's talk about the Draghi-report.
Mario Draghi was PM of Italy briefly (for over a year, Meloni replaced him) and was the prez of the European Central Bank. Our dear Ursula asked him to write something that supports the current school of thought that collapses Europe plans to increase Europe's competitiveness.
His report is 400 pages, not that long, but frankly, there are many better things to read, including Adam Smith's wealth of nations. However news sources are inadequate, I found.

Shittiest one:
>here are 5 points, all about investing more

This one crowns the previous turdcake:
Actual quote:
>Mr. Draghi’s report was short on details about the source of the enormous investment required to reverse Europe’s economic decline.
>“Where is the money going to come from?” Ms. van Rij said.
Good question.
Good snippet:
>Cheap Russian gas is no longer available, and energy prices have soared. Those prices have come off their peak, but European companies still pay two to three times more for electricity than U.S. companies do
>the report found
Literally what Orbán is saying for years now, Jesus fucking Christ. Situation sucks in Europe because no source of cheap energy.
But this article actually lists some suggestions from the Report:
- shared energy grid
- joint military procurement
- advanced training programs for workers
All right. It also notes that:
>the bloc depends on a handful of suppliers like China for critical raw materials
so have to make:
>preferential trade agreements and investment in countries that could serve as alternate suppliers.
And he finds problems in "bureaucracy" but wants more centralization which means more bureaucracy...:
>European countries to be more coordinated
>barriers such as costly regulation can be burdensome
>Far-right parties that have been hostile to some of the European Union’s initiatives and wary of extending more power to Brussels
>Many of Mr. Draghi’s proposals would require unanimous consent from member states

This Hungarian article (of the opposition media) says the Fidesz reads the report, but they don't like it. Complements the NY Times article, makes the points above clearer.
Basically this article outright says have to close down the market in front of Chinese products see Chinese investments on the Hungary, battery factories. Say good bye to cheap Russian energy see Hungarian gas and oil imports. EU should give up unanimous voting to force through the decisions which some countries don't want to vote in see the muh Hungarian veto cries in past years.
Basically these are from the reports the rest of the article is various chime ins from unrelated people.

So all this bs boils down to this:
Europe has no energy and raw mats, so production is expensive, European products and companies are not competitive. With "AI industry" emerging energy demands grow exponentially. Go Green policies make everything more expensive. Can't allow China to profit because China is bad competitor of US. Can't allow Russia to profit because Russia is bad competitor of US. Expose tariff in Chinese products and sanction Russia. Africa could be a nice source except Europe (France) is getting kicked out by US, China, and Russia. This leaves US as supplier, and an insecure Middle East for energy. South America can serve raw resources, but that's basically buying from US (related topic: Monroe doctrine).
So basically Europe will turn into a market for the US, a colony, where they pump the wealth from.
What would actually help: cooperate with Russia. Russia means cheap energy and returning to Africa cheap resources, and investing there would open up markets.
What will most definitely not help: anything Draghi proposes whatever he actually wrote.

Bernd 09/10/2024 (Tue) 11:13 [Preview] No.52397 del
Private investors won't invest in Europe if Europe is in decline.
Europe won't be be able to invest massive amounts through public means either, given that most of those nations are in too much debt as it is, though Germany is more financially responsible than most of the others and so they have some room to move in that regard.

Energy in Europe is a huge issue and nobody in Europe seems to have a realistic long term plan to address it.

The west as a whole is worried about China's dominance in rare earths and solar panels. Australia benefits from that to a degree as we have rare earths we just aren't a major miner or processor of many of them, but that's going to change.

European industry is being strangled by China so tariffs are probably necessary anyway Electric cars are a good example of this. But the issue there is that the US is also a huge industrial power and also competes with Europe(and might introduce tariffs on Europe as well).
But tariffs are a quadruple edged sword, yes they make Chinese goods less competitive but it will raise the price of imported inputs for European manufacturing(such as Chinese rare earths), it cuts off a huge Market to Europe(China) and it will cause inflation in some goods in the EU as the price of goods that are tariffed goes up.

Africa has a lot of potential of course but it's also Africa. Rare earths won't do Europe much good if they are in a jungle with no infrastructure in an area held by separatist warlords or a corrupt government(well it's Africa, all governments there are corrupt). It would still need money to set up such operations as well.

Bernd 09/10/2024 (Tue) 15:41 [Preview] No.52398 del
Second topic of the day.
Hungary makes strategic partnership deal with Chad.

Back in 2023 November the Hungarian Parliament decided to send 200 troops (with 400 in rotation) to Chad, to do various tasks, advisory, support, battlefield monitoring, protecting Hungarian citizens and local Hungarian interest, supporting fight against terrorism. Main goal is to "reduce the pressure of illegal migration on Europe".
Since the US and Western Europe destabilized all the Muslim countries of the Mediterranean with the Arab Spring, most of those still can't plug the holes. Basically making the Sahel stable reduces the migration. For the same reason went our dear Ursula went to Egypt to talk to their dictator el-Sisi this year.
Here's article about it:
And another one from 2024 April, using a French paper as a source:
This also mentions that:
>Hungary has signed military, educational, health, agricultural, and energy memoranda of understanding with Chad.
And that in Chad Hungary substitutes Russia which is busy elsewhere, and this cooperation is very anti-EU.

News from yesterday: Chadian Prez Mahmat Déby visiting the country (I think it was mentioned last week this event will happen). Sunday evening Orbán hosted a dinner for him and had a nice chat. Our foreign minister Szíjjártó told stuff about the parternship:
So the parties signed:
- strategic cooperation,
- defence,
- animal husbandry
... agreements. And has some type of education component. Such as:
>university scholarships to 25 Chadian students each year
>150-200 million euro tied aid programme to support agriculture, the food industry, and the development of water supply, education and digitalisation
>humanitarian scheme is launching a one million US dollar aid programme to prevent the spread of infections and improve health care
>transfer of a 14 million euro contribution from the European Peace Facility to support the development of Chad's defence capacities
I dunno how much of those sums in this context.
We also establish embassy in Chad, so basically open real relationships.

There are some other info here. Franc don't want to lose Chad, while Russia also tries to court them.

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 04:14 [Preview] No.52399 del
I just watched the US debate. All I can say is, bleh...

It was not really a debate, they would often ignore the questions that they were asked and instead they had their own talking points that they would try to shoehorn into their answers even when it was not relevant to the topic. These talking points are the same we have heard before, Trump talks about Immigration, Harris brings up project 2025. Neither of them had anything interesting to say and neither had any real policies.

The only thing of interest in this entire debate was that apparently Harris owns guns or at least a gun(she brought that up in response to Trump saying she wanted to ban them).

But still, I don't think either candidate did well but I don't think they did terribly either, there were no Biden moments this time. So I don't think this debate well affect the election much.

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 06:27 [Preview] No.52400 del
Heh: >>>/qrbunker/145100
It's not like they didn't read everything from a teleprompter in the debate with Biden...
I bet the debate was just a marketing event for these earpieces.
Finally one instance played one video:
Randomly clicked into the middle
>Viktor Orbán said
I'm sure some of his voterbase likes to hear about Orbán and what he says about Trump, but I'm not sure if can win voters from the middle, those who aren't committed to either side. For voters on the other end, Orbán is literal Hitler.

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 15:07 [Preview] No.52402 del
I think most Americans probably don't actually know what a Victor Orban is.

Bernd 09/11/2024 (Wed) 15:11 [Preview] No.52403 del
I dunno, he was shilled by Tucker Carlson quite a few times.
But I bet much more Americans have 0 idea than who has.

Bernd 09/30/2024 (Mon) 13:42 [Preview] No.52436 del
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Let's take a short look at the Orbán-government's tax policies.
In 2022 a government decree introduced a new type of tax which they call extra profit tax. They were saying that the due to the these years of crises actually resulted in profit for certain sectors of the economy, a profit that they not calculated with, so they'll take some of that.
Couple of days ago came to my attention that they are talking about this again, that the banks and insurance companies pocketed extra dough this year, so they'll have to pay the extra profit tax.
I don't know about the banks, but last year, 2023 February, our govt. issued another decree regulating insurances, giving an extra window for people to switch companies and make other insurance contracts, starting with 2024, in March-April.
So starting this year in the Fidesz-media for sure (perhaps on the other side too), there was a campaign of ads, infomertials, interviews with professionals about this opportunity - driving up attention, and demand for insurance and signing new contracts. With demand the price also got higher, and lo, insurance companies pocketed "extra profit".
And now our government, donning a Robin Hood cap, swoops in and takes the moneybags from the rich - seriously their communication very much paints this picture. Hilarious.

Bernd 09/30/2024 (Mon) 16:33 [Preview] No.52438 del
I don't think profits should ever be punished unless there is some kind of unfair reason for them that is damaging the country. Like if a bank had a monopoly and that was why it's making more money then yes, maybe something should be done but even then it should not be taxed more, it should be broken up instead.

The problem with taxing profits is that you scare business and disincentivise investment.

Bernd 09/30/2024 (Mon) 16:48 [Preview] No.52439 del
Their reasoning is something liek: the profit wasn't made by smart planning, but the crises, covid, war, whatnot, and it isn't in the calculation of those companies.
The opposition and "independent" opposition experts put forward criticism, but that's expected.
My problem in this particular case is that the unexpected "extra" profit is the result of the acts of the Fidesz government and Fidesz media. So they do tax the people essentially by making them spend on the service. It's like if they were made those companies collect the tax and then take a share from it.

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