Bernd 09/10/2024 (Tue) 10:15 No.52396 del
Couple of things to post.
First let's talk about the Draghi-report.
Mario Draghi was PM of Italy briefly (for over a year, Meloni replaced him) and was the prez of the European Central Bank. Our dear Ursula asked him to write something that supports the current school of thought that collapses Europe plans to increase Europe's competitiveness.
His report is 400 pages, not that long, but frankly, there are many better things to read, including Adam Smith's wealth of nations. However news sources are inadequate, I found.

Shittiest one:
>here are 5 points, all about investing more

This one crowns the previous turdcake:
Actual quote:
>Mr. Draghi’s report was short on details about the source of the enormous investment required to reverse Europe’s economic decline.
>“Where is the money going to come from?” Ms. van Rij said.
Good question.
Good snippet:
>Cheap Russian gas is no longer available, and energy prices have soared. Those prices have come off their peak, but European companies still pay two to three times more for electricity than U.S. companies do

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